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Aether Gatling Rifle

Producer Information

Nomenclature Information

  • Name: Ke-M-W3000 “Aether Gatling Rifle”
  • Type: Aether Beam Gatling
  • Role: Anti armor.
  • Length: 1.2 Meters.
  • Mass: 40lbs.

Discharge Information

Firing Mechanism: When the trigger is pulled, the power cell of the Gatling is tapped, and power is sent to the aether channeling rods. aether energy is generated by an aether tapping and focusing rod located in one of the four barrels. After .05 seconds of focusing the aether energy, it is released from the barrel while the barrels rotate, thus reading the next barrel for firing. If multi-barrel firing is selected, the Gatling rifle’s power supply would be connected to multiple barrels at the same time (up to all four). When all four barrels are connected, they are then charged with power to channel aether energy and fire it from the weapon. The user then has the option of activating the barrel’s spin, thus causing a circular shape to be formed by the beams.

When set to NSP mode, a beam emitter located behind the aether channeling rod is activated, the energy beam is then sent down the barrel, and around the aether channeling rod.

  • Beam Diameter: 1 cm
  • Beam Arc: 0
  • Effective Range 185,000 Miles.
  • Maximum Range: 250,000 Miles.
  • Minimum Range: 0
  • Muzzle Velocity: Light speed.
  • Muzzle Blast: At each shot of aether energy, a soft pink burst of light is visible at the barrel, which lingers for a short while after the barrel has ceased fire. When the barrels spin, it produces the appearance of a pink circle.
  • Firing Mode(s): Single shot semi-auto, single shot stream, full auto, full auto multi- barrel, stream multi-barrel.
  • Recoil: No recoil.
  • Rate of Fire: 1200 Beams Per Minute.
  • Damage Description: On impact, the focused aether beam disintegrates the impact area. When used on Zesuaium targets, the beam manages to penetrate 1 cm deep per .05 second burst.

NSP Mode Information:

  • Range: 300+ meters
  • Firing Modes: Single/Auto, Heavy/Auto Stun/Heavy Stun
  • Capacity: Effectively unlimited.
  • Purpose: Anti-personnel
  • Damage: Lethal or stun, medium damage against most vehicles.

Ammo Description

Name: Ke-M-E3000 Power Cell.

  • Visual Description: The power cell is a one foot long, three inch wide six inch tall box magazine that fits onto the underside of the weapon. On the topside of the power cell are two large connection rods intended to slide into the weapon’s power intake ports. On the underside of the box magazine is a retractable cable that would be used to connect the weapon to the power armor’s power system, or the power system inside of a starship.
  • Charge: Five minutes of sustained aether beams, ten minutes of sustained NSP kill setting beams. Nearly unlimited charge when connected to a power armor.
  • Additional Note: The charge of the power cell can not be drained by the use of disruption fields, energy dampening fields, energy absorbing fields, or other power jamming devices. This power cell can also be used to power a Mindy or Kylie armor which has a damaged or malfunctioning aether generator.

Weapon Mechanisms

Safety: Yes, a firing selection switch located near the trigger, and power armor firing control systems.

Fire mode selector: Yes, a firing selection switch located near the trigger.

Weapon Sight: A laser targeting system located between the four barrels.

Attachment Hard points: Underbarrel accessory rail.

Low power gravity manipulator: A small gravity manipulation device has been included inside of the weapon, to allow the weight of the weapon to be reduced at a pilot’s whim, and to make moving the weapon easier for armor servicing engineers.

Power Cell Converter: A power cell converter can be issued with the weapon to allow for power cells from other Star Army issue weapons to be used with the Aether Gatling.

Maintenance Information

Field Maintenance Procedure: Due to the bulk of the components being made of Zesuaium, the weapon is difficult to maintain in the field without the proper tools. With the use of a power ratchet, the barrel assembly can be removed by first removing the laser targeting system, then removing a long screw that runs down the length of the barrel, that then allows the barrel assembly to be removed, along with the aether channeling rods. Replacing these parts would be as easy as placing another barrel assembly into the body of the weapon, and placing the screw back in. While the barrel assembly is removed, this allows access to the NSP emitter, allowing for repairs or adjustments. On top rear of the weapon, a seam connects a pannel to the body of the weapon. The cover can be removed by the use of a .1mm edged tool to pry off the cover. When this cover is removed, it allows access to the barrel rotation system, power distribution system, internal electronics, and trigger assembly. Replaceable Parts and components: laser targeting laser emitter, handle grips, aether channeling rods, barrel assembly, NSP emitters, carry straps, top cover, bottom cover, internal electronic components, barrel rotation system.

Visual Description


Classified: During Miles’ service on the Sakura, a rogue NIWS unit assaulted the vessel, during this assault, the NIWS constructed an Aether Gatling weapon that she used against Jo Midori’s Mindy armor. The Aether Gatling quickly tore through the Mindy like a hot knife through melted butter, cleaving Jo Midori in two, and causing her to lose both of her legs. Miles reviewed the damage done to Jo, and her armor, finding that an aether gatling weapon would be a perfect anti-armor tool.

OOC Notes

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesweapons: power armor
Product NameAether Gatling Rifle
ManufacturerKetsurui Fleet Yards
Year ReleasedYE 30
Price (KS)15 ,000.00 KS
DR v3 maxTier 5
Mass (kg)18.14369 kg

stararmy/weapons/aether_gatling_rifle.1679853571.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:48 (external edit)