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Star Army Starships Under Construction

This page is used to keep track of star_army_of_yamatai starships that are under construction.

Building Times

Class Description Base SP Build Time
Very Light Small Escorts and Patrol Craft 10 4 days
Light Destroyers, Gunships 20 8 days
Medium Cruisers 30 12 days
Heavy Carriers, Heavy Cruisers 40 16 days
Very Heavy Battleships 50 20 days
Shipyards ~150 1 month
Star Fortresses ~300 2 months

List of Starships Under Construction

Ship Class Name and/or IRN Build Time Start End Shipyard Destination Unit Notes
3 sharie-class_battleship NB-4S-301 - 303 20 days 4/26/2012 5/15/2012 Taurus Star Fortress 4SF 4S-TF-O03
2 Heitan-class Carrier NA-4S-301 - 302 16 days 4/26/2012 5/11/2012 Taurus Star Fortress 4SF 4S-TF-O03
3 Super Eikan-class Heavy Cruiser NJ-4S-307 - 309 16 days 4/26/2012 5/11/2012 Taurus Star Fortress 4SF 4S-TF-O03
6 Chiaki-class (1A) Escort Destroyer NE-4S-319 - 325 8 days 4/26/2012 5/4/2012 Taurus Star Fortress 4SF 4S-TF-O03
1 Amatsuotome YSS Amatsuotome, NF-5S-03 20 days 3/09/2013 3/29/2012 pisces 5SF New flagship
2 Kisaki-class Starbase YK-C1-0005/06 30 days 5/26/2014 6/26/2014 KFY Scientific Studies Service (SSS) Expansion
50 sharie-class_battleship IRNs TBD 20 days X/24/2014 1/13/2015 Various Unassigned Reason withheld
500 Super Eikan-class Heavy Cruiser IRNs TBD 16 days X/24/2014 1/9/2015 Various Unassigned Reason withheld
Template Below (copy and paste it above this line)
x days X/X/2015 X/X/2015

stararmy/starships_under_construction.1512315161.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:52 (external edit)