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YSS Sakishima

The YSS Sakishima, ND-S10-577, was a Chiaki-class (1A) Escort Destroyer created and assigned in early YE 35 to the Tenth Fleet of the Star Army of Yamatai and served most in the turbulent yugumo_cluster. In YE 41 she and her other sister ships of DESRON 2 were refit to the new Chiaki-class (1B) Escort Destroyer standard at leo.

The megami of the Sakishima is named Jeeves, and appears as a busty, blonde, elf-eared female clad in a traditional black butler's suit.

It also has several customizations that were preserved in the refit, namely a small traditional onsen and a still that draws heat off engineering. Please see Modifications and Interiors for more details.

This article is about the ship. For plot information, see yss_sakishima.

stararmy/starships/yss_sakishima.1572758870.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:32 (external edit)