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YSS Hiro

YSS Hiro is a Midori-Class Scout Ship in the Star Army of Yamatai that is captained by Taii Scott Kaine (played by jimmy) and serving as part of Task Force Lantern.

Known Crew

Captain: Taii Scott Kaine Executive Officer: Shoi Azusa Rio Ships Avatar: Yontô Hei Harumi

Scott Kaine

Species: male
Gender: Male
Rank: Taii
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army Starship Captain
Physical Characteristics
Height: cm (5' 8“)
Mass: 76kg (lbs)
Build and Skin Color:
Facial Features and Eye Color: A slim, handsome face with with tanned skin and dark eyes.
Hair Color and Style: Blonde, long hair that seems hang casually.
Distinguishing Features:
Psychological Characteristics
Personality: Kaine is a calm, joking and relaxed officer who is very hands-off in his management of his miniscule crew, letting them do their jobs professionally.
Likes: Naps, easy details, handgun practice.
Dislikes: Shouty people
Goals: To make it to retirement…again.

Azusa Rio

Gender: Female
Rank: Shoi
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army First Officer
Physical Characteristics
Height: cm (' ”)
Mass: kg (lbs)
Build and Skin Color:
Facial Features and Eye Color:
Hair Color and Style:
Distinguishing Features:
Psychological Characteristics


Gender: Female
Rank: Yontô Hei
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: starship_operations
Physical Characteristics
Height: cm (' “)
Mass: kg (lbs)
Build and Skin Color:
Facial Features and Eye Color:
Hair Color and Style:
Distinguishing Features:
Psychological Characteristics

Nito-Heisho Sato Hitoshi

Species: Minkan
Gender: Male
Rank: Nitô Heisho
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army Cargo and Supply
Physical Characteristics
Height: 5'10
Mass: 180lbs
Build and Skin Color: Tall, pale skin, and defined limbs
Facial Features and Eye Color: Blue eyes, with wide cheeks and a sharp jaw
Hair Color and Style: Blonde, short military cut
Distinguishing Features: Genetic tatoo of the Yamatai-go for “Vapor” on his left temple
Psychological Characteristics
Personality: Hitoshi is well known for his eternally cool head– and his stunning intuition. Some of his fellow Star Army soldiers have occasionally called him 'Lucky', though he prefers to go by his surname
Likes: Soup, a clean cargo bay, napping whenever possible
Dislikes: Bad Soup, a cluttered cargo bay, being awoken for any reason
Goals: To become a famous cook-book writer without ever learning to cook


* Starboard Lower Sensor Arm severely damaged. * Possible hull damage from rock collisions.


* First appeared in A Sound In The Dark prelude thread in Task Force Lantern

* Engaged in battle over planet Asura at the start of the battle with three captured Yuuko-class gunships. It was damaged by fire from the planets surface after briefly pulsing electronic warfare.

stararmy/starships/yss_hiro.1561145843.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:30 (external edit)