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Daitenshi No Motoyoshi

When Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko retired from the Star Army of Yamatai, and she began her run for Premier of the Yamatai Star Empire; her call sign was updated to “Daitenshi” in communications regarding her transit and protection by the Motoyoshi Keibi in YE 43. This is her story. Daitenshi no Motoyoshi is the political sub-plot of hinomaru_sunrises.

Daitenshi means “Archangel” in Yamataigo (邪馬台語).

Campaign Sub-Plot

The Campaign Sub-Plot of hinomaru_sunrises.

Daitenshi no Motoyoshi
Logo Coming Soon
Forum Link Subforum Link
Faction Yamatai Star Empire
Game Master Andrew and rawolfe
Pacing Joint Posts and Single Posts 1-2 times a week/varies due to health of GM
Number of Players Varies due to many moving parts, lots of Cameos, Communications and News Posts
Accepting Players? No, but speak with Andrew
Joining Requirements Speak with Andrew 18+ Permissions
Cooperative Plots yss_wakaba, hinomaru_sunrises

News Threads


Plot History

Following her retirement1), Katsuko formally announced her candidacy for Imperial Premier and the beginning of her campaign in Kyoto, Yamatai. In her opening announcement, she stressed the importance of rebuilding areas hard affected by the Kuvexian War and that it was time for the Yamatai Star Empire to return to the diplomatic arena in the Kikyo Sector.2)

On her way back to the Jiyuu System she briefly met with her two sons, motoyoshi_kenpachi and motoyoshi_tetsuya where she emphasized the important role of them and others in the clan during her candidacy and election.3) During transit back to the Jiyuu System, she received an automated communication that had been forwarded to her for her daughter, Motoyoshi Naoko. The communication contained information regarding her daughter's lover and the father of her children, oetto_leupold_reiter who had been declared MIA. Seeing the communication was automated, Katsuko used her titles within the Yamatai Star Empire in hopes of garnering a response from the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia.4)

Katsuko returned to Jiyuu III, but no longer in the mood for celebration she opted out of attendance at the celebration for her candidacy that had been thrown by YTP Entertainment in Tokyo5). She instead returned to jiyuu_jo to meet with a freelance Shukaren Daur (Sub-Species) from the New Dusk Conclave, Aida La Rostislavovna. She interviewed Aida La Rostislavovna for a command position at the head of the Yugumo Keisatsu's Motoyoshi Keibi. Forgoing the usual professional crap she went directly for what her goals were and hired Aida La Rostislavovna on as part of her staff.6)

The Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia returned a response to Katsuko's previous message. She was contacted by Admiral (Nepleslia) Lysander Calloway who gave more information on the disappearance of oetto_leupold_reiter. Compelled by both ambition and sympathy for her daughter Motoyoshi Naoko, she requested further dialog with Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia in hopes of creating better communication especially on matters such as the death or missing status of those who had loved ones across the borders of those nations.7)

OOC Notes

andrew created this article on 2021/02/24 04:18.

plot/hinomaru_sunrises/daitenshi_no_motoyoshi.1661460506.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:00 (external edit)