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Oum IV

Oum IV (Previously known as UX-25 IV) is a Yamatai Star Empire world in the Oum System located just outside ketsurui_military_sector. It has low gravity and a thin atmosphere that is generally cool but capable of deadly heat near the equator. Originally there were no trees, only moss and algae growth, but Yamatai has started to put more complex plant life on the planet in an effort to make it more suitable for colonization.

OOC: The Oum star system is named in honor of legendary worldbuilder and animator Monty Oum.


Planetary Data

This section contains statistical information about the planet.


  • Type Small iron/silicate
  • Radius 2680.87 km (0.42 x earth)
  • Surface Area 9.03 x 107 km2
  • Land Area 6.05 x 107 km2 (0.41 x earth)
  • Mass 4.84 x 1023 kg (0.08 x earth)
  • Density 5.99 g/cm3 (1.09 x earth)
  • Composition 36.1% iron, 21.5% oxygen, 16.2% silicon, 15.7% magnesium, 10.5% other metals, trace other elements


  • Gravity 4.47 m/s2 (0.46 x earth)
  • Escape Velocity 4.90 km/s


  • Period 19.40 hours
  • Axis Tilt 41.55 °


Overall the planet is fairly dry.

  • Water 34 %
  • Ice 20 %


  • Type Thin breathable
  • Pressure 61.84 kPa (0.61 x earth)
  • Composition 81.1% nitrogen, 18.9% oxygen, trace other gases


  • Type Cool
  • Min Temp 268 K (-4 °C, 24.8 °F)
  • Avg Temp 287 K (14 °C, 57.2 °F)
  • Max Temp 343 K (70 °C, 158 °F)


  • Chemistry Carbon
  • Lifeforms Prokaryotic microbes

Special Features

  • Wreckage of a crashed starship

planet/oum_iv.1611156423.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:26 (external edit)