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Detritus Station

Detritus is a small rundown Independent space station located in the HX-17 star system. It is operated by Kegguar Krathoigot, a Kuvexian retired salvage runner.


In YE 40, during the Kuvexian War, several small-time business owners from the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia migrated to the Kikyo Sector. Unlike the richer patron Lords and Barons of the Kuvexian Military these poorer entrepreneurs came to seek a more profitable life than they had in their own region of space. They settled in the outskirts of areas annexed by the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia in hopes to gain the business of independents and anyone who would purchase goods and services from them.

Kegguar Krathoigot paid a rather large sum for Baron Gello Kordoon to tow his dilapidated space station to the Kikyo Sector, along with the junk and wares he called his inventory. He set up shop in the HX-17 system where he could go about his business with whoever he wanted. He purchased bulk salvage from the Kuvexian War battlefields and offered what limited services he could in hopes of turning a profit.

In YE 43 during the Battle Of Glimmergold he set out message buoys at the edge of the system which clarified his intention as a neutral party, which was taken by some as his betrayal of the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia.


Detritus is hard to describe, as the space station and the inventory at times are hard to distinguish. It is made up of various starship hulls, space station fragments, and old defense platforms all mashed together. Its safety is questionable and the defenses include whatever armed junk is handy at the time. Recently some SSC-Huge Cargo Containers were added to the setup, but are marked for sale as well. The station's layout changes frequently.

A tavern-style pub and defacto casino are run out of the new containers.


The only way to reach Detritus Station is by spacecraft.


Other than the owner, the station doesn't really have any regular inhabitants. Rooms are rented by the hour for activities the rest of the sector would rather not know about, but no one lives there for any length of time. It is a place to stop over, swap stories, hire on a new crew, and pick up whatever junk the owner has on hand. It tends to be used most by independents operators and outlaws.

Bothuturtha Pirates frequent this station.


Characters that are present here. (Struct table will show when characters are actually listed here)

Nothing found

RP Opportunities

This is a great place to:

  • Plan a heist or criminal operation
  • Conduct shady business deals
  • Lose some KS at the casino.
  • Have an affair or strange encounter
  • Buy junk and scrap, maybe even something illegal and restricted

Local Rumors

There are a lot of rumors about Detritus Station like:

  • The casino's slot machines are rigged to make people lose their money.
  • That Kegguar Krathoigot runs a sketchy brothel out of the station, which he does.
  • That Kegguar Krathoigot is a traitor of the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia who has cooperated with Star Army Intelligence.
  • That Kegguar Krathoigot stole a rather large sum of money from Baron Gello Kordoon.
  • The mogul Koga Akemi invited Kegguar Krathoigot to bring his business to Akemi's own station, but after a bad batch of Lorath wine and an incident with an airlock, the two are tense enemies.


A list of salvage will soon be updated.

OOC Notes

andrew created this article on 2021/01/18 10:48.

Places of the SARPiverse
Opened/Settled (YE)YE 40
Place Categoriesspace station

places/detritus_station.1674616083.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:15 (external edit)