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Special Investigation Into The Empress Ayame's Death

Proposal #70 Special Investigation Into the Empress Ayame's Death was submitted to the Senate of Yamatai by the senator of Gashmere in YE 28. The proposal passed 6 Yay / 1 Abstain / 2 Nay ,,despite intense opposition from the representative Hoshi no Iori on the grounds that is was a veiled attempt to overthrow the government by causing mistrust. This was later cancelled by Proposal # 71.

Hoshi no Iori's Opposition
Every family has dirty secrets. This is an excuse to drag out dark things from the past of the people we're supposed to be serving and parade them around for all to see so that certain people can try to install new leaders. You are intentionally dishonoring the Emperor and late Empress, and as such you are completely in the wrong. The population of Hoshi no Iori has always been strongly tied to the military and our surviving populace will make every effort to protect the leaders of our great empire from this wretched act of treachery.


  1. Do to the people involved, traditional investigation agencies many not be considered reliable. To ensure that traditional investigation agencies are trustworthy.
  2. To understand the high profile suicide of Empress Ketsurui Ayame.
  3. Talk of a conspiracy by an Ex Taisho and Star Army Intelligence member as well as betrayal within the government are hinting at much deeper problems within the structure of the military and government itself. These problems need to be exposed and corrected.
  4. To remedy flaws in the empire which have allowed the loss of key worlds such as Planet Nepleslia, Kennewes, Delsauria, Rok'Veru, Ralfaris, and Hoshi no Iori.


  1. A review board be established by the Senate to investigate the events surrounding Ketsurui Ayame's suicide and the actions which contributed to them as well as the structure of imperial life and the control that the clans have over the Imperial Family.
  2. This board is to be given access to Star Army Intelligence and military files they deem relevant to their investigation as well as any surveillance information that is relevant. This information will remain within the board until the final report to the senate so that classified information is not released to the public.
  3. The board will receive military support and compliance to acquire information from non-cooperative sources. Personnel obstructing the board's investigation can be detained for an amount of time deemed reasonable by the board.
  4. This board will compile a report of its findings for the senate to review so that proper changes in the government and military can be made to prevent this kind of situation from re-occurring
  5. If found necessary, the Senate of Yamatai will restructure the governmental structure according to the board's findings. Through a new proposal.

OOC Notes

Proposal #70 Special Investigation Into the Empress Ayame's Death was written by tyler on 1 Aug 2005. Kim created this article on 2018/01/08 14:49.

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