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NDC Fleets And Postings

This page lists and details the composition of each of the NDC's fleets, as well as basic details regarding their operations and postings.

Garrison Fleets

The majority of the NDC's fleets are garrison fleets, assigned to defend a star system against foreign incursion. Each garrison fleet features a powerful core of capital vessels, as well as escorts. Each garrison fleet is split into five equally sized squadrons, three of which remain on standby above the system's capital, and the other two of which are on patrol.


Home system of the New Dusk Conclave, and their capital world of Sirris VI, where their seat of government is. The majority of their military and naval power, lays here, in defense of the home world.

Fleet Composition
TypeShip Qty.Models Included
Dreadnought 1 omega_dreadnought
Capital/Carrier 30 Albion-class Battle Carrier
Cruiser 50 BW-SS2 Scythe Cruiser
Frigate 165 Erebus Class Missile Frigate


This is one of the two systems that were scouted and later claimed in YE 41, previously known as SX-02 “Nephis”, but renamed as Nephis on the NDC star charts.

Fleet Composition
TypeShip Qty.Models Included
Dreadnought 0 N/A
Capital/Carrier 30 Albion-class Battle Carrier
Cruiser 60 BW-SS2 Scythe Cruiser
Frigate 100 Erebus Class Missile Frigate


This is one of the two systems that were scouted and later claimed in YE 41, previously known as SX-01 “Vale”, but renamed as Vale on the NDC star charts.An abandoned Yamatai Star Empire base, known as Amit Base was found and repurposed as hub outpost on the outer reaches of NDC territory for immigration and boarder traffic. It also serves as a major base for NDC forces, and was renamed as Amit Base.

Fleet Composition
TypeShip Qty.Models Included
Dreadnought 0 N/A
Capital/Carrier 30 Albion-class Battle Carrier
Cruiser 60 BW-SS2 Scythe Cruiser
Frigate 100 Erebus Class Missile Frigate

Draco Eridanus

This System was scouted by the Mining Guild, and later chartered and claimed in YE 41 this system became known as draco_eridanus on the NDC star charts. It serves as a source for the New Dusk Conclave's metal and gem requirements. There is also a Station used as a hub for Miners and visitors to rest.

Fleet Composition
TypeShip Qty.Models Included
Dreadnought 0 N/A
Capital/Carrier 30 Albion-class Battle Carrier
Cruiser 60 BW-SS2 Scythe Cruiser
Frigate 100 Erebus Class Missile Frigate

Patrol Fleets

In addition to the garrison fleets that the NDC maintains, it also maintains a number of patrol fleets that patrol its territory, though one always stands guard at the edge of the Sanctum system

Patrol Fleet 1

This is the first of the patrol fleets that the NDC maintains to patrol its borders and provide rapid responses to invasions and attacks.

Fleet Composition
TypeShip Qty.Models Included
Dreadnought 0 N/A
Capital/Carrier 50 Albion-class Battle Carrier
Cruiser 100 Spectre-class Stealth Cruiser
Frigate 150 Erebus Class Missile Frigate

Patrol Fleet 2

This is the second of the patrol fleets that the NDC maintains to patrol its borders and provide rapid responses to invasions and attacks.

Fleet Composition
TypeShip Qty.Models Included
Dreadnought 0 N/A
Capital/Carrier 50 Albion-class Battle Carrier
Cruiser 100 Spectre-class Stealth Cruiser
Frigate 150 Erebus Class Missile Frigate

Not every starship is assigned to a fleet immediately. Some vessels are instead placed in the Naval Reserve, which stores them and maintains them in preparation for when they are assigned to a fleet. The Naval Reserve is located in the Sanctum system.

Reserve Composition
TypeShip Qty.Models Included
Dreadnought 0 N/A
Capital/Carrier 0 Albion-class Battle Carrier
Cruiser 132 BW-SS2 Scythe Cruiser
Frigate 266 NDC-SS1

OOC Notes

jack_pine created this article on 2019/09/07 16:28.

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faction/ndc/fleet/fleets_and_postings.1660699747.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:50 (external edit)