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Ayana-Class Escort

The Ayana-class Escort was an escort warship used by the United Outer Colonies Peacekeeping Forces. It was designed and built starting in YE 30. Some remaining models are held by the Star Army of Yamatai and the Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia.

About the Ship

The Ayana-Class is named in honor of the Prime Minister Tange-Katsura Ayana.

Key Features

The Ayana-Class has the latest Motoyoshi Fleet Yards components; but it also utilizes technologies engineered as a result of continued research on the captured Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Xhrafuklurp (SMX) ships at Chie Research Base.

Mission Specialization

The Ayana was designed for:

  • Escorting larger starships
  • Patrol missions

History and Background

In YE 30 the United Outer Colonies approached the design team at Motoyoshi Fleet Yards with the need for a design that was desperately required; a defensive escort capable of providing support and defense for their larger capital ships such as the Ascendancy-class Flagship as well as fill the need for a capable patrol ship.

Statistics and Performance



Crew: 5 operators are recommended, 1 is required.

Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 10 people.


  • Length: 200 meters (656 feet)
  • Width: 180 meters (wing-span) (591 feet)
  • Height: 70 meters (aft cargo section to top of first deck) (230 feet)
  • Decks: 3

Propulsion and Range

  • Continuum Distortion Drive: 16,500c
  • Hyperspace Fold Drive: Maximum of 0.5 LY/min
  • Sublight Engines: 0.30c
  • Range: Unknown
  • Lifespan: Unknown
  • Refit Cycle: Unknown

Damage Capacity

Damage Rating (Version 3):

  • Tier: 10

Damage Rating (Version 3):

  • Hull: SP6
  • Shields: SP10 (Threshold 1)

Inside the Ship

External A

External 2

  1. Forward Command Pod (Bridge)
  2. Main Cannon
  3. Forward Sensor and Ordinance Mount (Port)
  4. Forward Sensor an Ordinance Mount (Starboard)
  5. Gravimetric Engine and Wing Ordinance Mount (Starboard)
  6. Gravimetric Engine and Wing Ordinance Mount (Port)
  7. CDD Nacelle and Wing Ordinance Mount (Starboard)
  8. CDD Nacelle and Wing Ordinance Mount (Port)
  9. Commander's Cabin
  10. Armor Bay
  11. Engineering Section
  12. Emergency Beacon
  13. Armor Bay Entrance
  14. Aft Graviton Emitter Array
  15. Cargo Bay
Deck Layouts
Deck #Internal Features
Deck 1Bridge, Bridge Armory, Commander's Cabin
Deck 2Armor Bay, Infirmary, Systems, Main Cannon Systems
Deck 3Engineering, Systems, Ward Room, Crew Cabins, Crew Lounge, Laundry
C Cargo and Storage

Deck 1


A simple, yet functional bridge design that can accommodate up to three bridge dedicated personnel. Technically all ships systems can be run from the command position in the center of the bridge, or anywhere else on the ship for that matter utilizing the SQUID interface to MIKO. When fully staffed the bridge stations are dedicated as follows:


The central position, usually occupied by the commanding officer of the ship. Utilizes SQUID and interactive volumetric windows to preform various tasks.

Operations Station

Port Forward Station

The operations officer is dedicated to handling the following:

  • Offensive and Defensive Systems
  • Navigation and Piloting
  • On-board Systems monitoring and Link to Engineering
  • Sensors
Logistics Station

Starboard Forward Station

The logistics officer is dedicated to handling the following:

  • Communications
  • Ordering, Inventory, Unloading and Loading of Cargo
  • Internal Scanning Systems
  • Co-ordination of mission objectives

Central Corridor (Deck 1)

Flat ceiling and carpeted floor with outwards curving paneled walls the central corridor leads from the bridge all the way back to the Commander's Cabin. All sections can be sealed off utilizing Forcefield-Nested Isolation Doors. Sections are are designated as follows:

  • Bridge
  • Section 1:Security Alcoves (Port and Starboard)
  • Section 2:Head (Port), Damage Control Station (Starboard)
  • Section 3:Escape Pod Alcoves (Port and Starboard)
  • Section 4:Lift Access (Port) and Maintenance Tunnel Access (Starboard)
  • Commander's Cabin

Behind the panels in the corridor is storage for:

  • Portable generators
  • Tool kits
  • Medical kits and rations

Section 1: Security Alcoves

Flanking either side of the doors are alcoves devoted to security, their main function is to ensure the bridge remains a secure area of the vessel. Each of these two stations are generally manned by a Custodian War Android.

Bridge Dedicated Armory

A small armory that can be opened at the discretion of the commanding officer. The standard Ayana-Class Escort Armory carries:

Section 2: Head and Damage Control Station

The Head

On the port side of the corridor is the head, dedicated to those few personal moments needed to adjust one's makeup in front of the mirror or a chance to freshen up before a meeting with the commander. Decor varies, the standard utilizes granite counter tops, with marble crucible sinks, and self-cleaning toilets.

Damage Control

The Damage Control station for Deck One is located across the corridor from the head. The station can be utilized to display sensor data and manual interface with the computer to analyze damage to all sections of the deck. Storage lockers include things such as portable power generators, tool kits, hull repair kits, flashlights and other gear necessary for repairing the ship.

Section 3: Escape Pod Alcoves

In the event that the order is given to abandon ship, two escape pods serve the upper deck. Access to each is gained via the alcoves in section three.

Section 4: Lift Access and Maintenance Tunnel

Lift Access

On the port side of the hallway is the access to the ship's lift system. Lifts utilize low powered anti-gravity units to propel the lift through the ship utilizing the internal lift shaft system. Lifts can also be utilized for short-ranged transport between closely oriented ships in fleet formations;they have basic life support systems and battery units that can power them for up to twenty minutes of independent use. All Motoyoshi Fleet Yards ships utilize lifts of the same design and gage.

Maintenance Tunnel

In the event that the lift system is disabled, or access to not in the open systems is required; maintenance tunnels provide access to the rest of the ship, and its systems. The tubes are 0.92m high and 0.88m wide. Personnel generally crawl through the tunnels. Vertical shafts have ladders and battery powered anti-gravity platforms that can operate for 8 hrs before needing recharging. Tube junctions generally house storage for emergency supplies and damage control gear.

Commander's Cabin

The living space dedicated to the Commander of the vessel. Decor and layout varies as that it can be customized to suit the needs of the officer. Comes standard with a bed, desk, armoire; a bathroom suite which includes a shower, toilet and sink. The highlight and focus of the room is the large viewport that looks out over the aft section of the ship.

Other customization can include:

  • expanded bathroom with jacuzzi tub.
  • extra storage; chest of drawers.
  • room divider with extra bed for small families.

Deck 2

Armor Bay

The aft-most section of Deck two is the Armor Bay. The main corridor splits into two corridors which enter the armor bay via Forcefield-Nested Isolation Doors in the forward-most area of the bay on either side of two interconnected rooms. The first room is a small locker and changing area with showers and a head. The other room is the small fabrication area that is cramped with robotic arms and other machinery.

The floor of the bay is polished dark purple, the walls are light gray panels with polished black control panels. There is a direct cargo lift down to the cargo bay, racks storing armor accessories and spare parts line the other walls. There are six alcoves, three on either side of the bay which can each hold a power armor.

The outer doors are solid Yamataium and can be closed and opened quickly to help shelter the bay during combat. Forcefields are used to keep the bay pressurized while allowing armors to enter and exit the bay.

Fabrication Area Production

The fabrication area can be utilized to build one Tenshi no Yoru 'Tenshi' Light Mechanized Power Armor every two days. The room can also be utilized to build probes, power armor accessories and other mission specific tools.

Cargo Lift

A heavy-duty cargo lift runs between the Armor Bay, Engineering and the Cargo Bay.

Central Corridor(Deck 2)

Flat ceiling and carpeted floor with outwards curving paneled walls the central corridor leads from the split offs to the Armor Bay in the aft most section all the way forwards to the Main Cannon Control Room. All sections can be sealed off utilizing Forcefield-Nested Isolation Doors. Sections are are designated as follows:

  • Armor Bay
  • Section 1:Infirmary (Port), Surgery Bay (Starboard)
  • Section 2:Lift Access (Port) and Maintenance Tunnel Access (Starboard)
  • Section 3:MIKO Core Room (Port), Systems Bay (Starboard)
  • Section 4:Food Storage (Port), Kitchen (Starboard)
  • Main Cannon Control Room

Behind the panels in the corridor is storage for:

  • Portable generators
  • Tool kits
  • Medical kits and rations
Section 1:Infirmary and Surgery Bay


Located close to the Armor Bay and nearest to the lifts on the port side of the central corridor, the infirmary is strategically located. The Infirmary is utilized for examinations and minor medical procedures. Overhead lights and scanning equipment provide doctors a window into the bodies of their patients.

Surgery Bay

For more serious conditions the Surgery Bay provides more advanced surgical equipment for internal medicine practices. The room also contains a hemosynthetic tank; while most hemosynthetic systems were downgraded significantly after the split from the Yamatai Star Empire the tanks are still common for more advanced healing procedures. It did not take long for Jiyuuian scientists to create their own hemosynthetics science; after all it being in their blood. The Surgery Bay can only accommodate one patient, so for more serious scenarios other ships or bases must be contacted to provide service.

Section 2: Lift Access and Maintenance Tunnel

Section 3: MIKO Core Room and Systems Bay

MIKO Core Room

The ship's MIKO Core and Patrol Module are the center focus of the room. Forcefield-Nested Isolation Doors are locked at all times and are only accessible by the commanding officer of the vessel or qualified technicians.

Manual Ejection Procedure

To be utilized if system is compromised or severely damaged:

  • Authorized Genetic Lock Access to Emergency Ejection System Controls.
  • In the event that the vessel's power systems are available, external portable generators or battery power systems can be tied into the conduit.
  • Open Hatch Doors.
  • Eject core.
  • Remotely activate the self destruct package destroying the core.

Systems Bay

A tightly cramped compartment dedicated to the emergency power system, sensor calibration instrumentation, defensive and offensive system diagnostic instrumentation. Environmental control, artificial gravity control and lift system diagnostic instrumentation is also located in this systems bay.

Damage Control

The Damage Control station for Deck Two is located in the Systems Bay. The station can be utilized to display sensor data and manual interface with the computer to analyze damage to all sections of the deck. Storage lockers include things such as portable power generators, tool kits, hull repair kits, flashlights and other gear necessary for repairing the ship.

Section 4: Food Storage and Kitchen Facilities

Food Storage

Goods generally for short-term use are transported up the cargo lift in the armor bay and brought to the food storage room. The room is divided into three compartments; a refrigerator section,a freezer, and dry goods storage. Items are transported across the hall to the kitchen for usage.


A relatively small kitchen as that meals for a maximum of ten are prepared there; the kitchen includes several preparation counters, two dishwashers, the 'Kitchen Pal' version of the Emfratec Stove. The Ward Room on the deck below is reachable by a staircase and dumbwaiter.

Main Cannon Control Room

The Energy Conversion Method is used to create Anti-Neutrons from the ship's primary power systems. Anti-neutrons are then stored in large internally shielded tanks located on the outer edges of the control room. The room also has a diagnostic station, the subspace-encasement system and the capacitors that feed into it. The entire room can be jettisoned from the forward section of the vessel in the event of a containment breech or serious damage. The cannon can also be fired from this room, as an alternative to the bridge.

Deck 3

Main Engineering

Located in the aft portion of the ship on deck three. The central fixture in the room is the condensed Kaminari Quantum Foam Generator and Yumeoibito Hyperspace Fold Drive. The combined unit saves space in with the limited style of the design. The consoles along the back wall are utilized to manage power allocation and monitor power systems. Link Siphon Assemblies with fusion reactors sit on top of Compressed Helium Containers flank either side of the main console. The console forwards and to the left of the central unit control the systems of the CDD and gravimetric drives. The console forward and to the right of the central unit is a operations console, it can be used to control and monitor any system on the ship and can be utilized in the event that the bridge is destroyed or disabled.

Maintenance Tunnels

Maintenance tunnels on either side of engineering provide access to the capacitor system, nacelles, and ordinance systems in the wings. The tubes are 0.92m high and 0.88m wide. Personnel generally crawl through the tunnels.

Central Corridor (Deck 3)

Flat ceiling and carpeted floor with outwards curving paneled walls the central corridor leads from Main Engineering all the way forwards to the Private Room. All sections can be sealed off utilizing Forcefield-Nested Isolation Doors. Sections are are designated as follows:

  • Engineering
  • Section 1:Crew Bunks
  • Section 2: Lift Access and Maintenance Tunnel
  • Section 3: Crew Lounge and Ward Room
  • Section 4:Laundry and Private Room

Behind the panels in the corridor is storage for:

  • Portable generators
  • Tool kits
  • Medical kits and rations

Section 1:Crew Bunks (2)

Crew Bunkrooms are designed to accommodate 4 crew, both officers and enlisted have to share due to the ship size they come standard with:

  • Built in Armoire
  • Two sets of bunk beds
  • Two storage trunks
  • Table with four padded chairs
  • Short table with drawers
  • Two small lamps

Section 2: Lift Access and Maintenance Tunnel

Section 3: Crew Lounge and Ward Room

Crew Lounge

A comfortable place to kick back when off duty with your comrades. The crew lounge has a comfortable sofa, multimedia center, billiards, a fully stocked bar and a jukebox.

Ward Room

A comfortable, generally luxuriously decorated with a large table surrounded with padded chairs. Decor is up to the commander of the vessel. There is a large stage at one end of the table for performances, a desert buffet, and a well stocked bar on the sides of the room. Stairs and a dumbwaiter provide access to the kitchen on the deck above.

The Wardroom includes:
  • Table with padded chairs
  • Dessert Buffet
  • Bar
  • Stage

Section 4:Laundry and Private Room


Not the most exciting room on any ship, but a good place to get the stains out of your favorite uniform. Average time per load is around ten minutes, and most of the process is automated. Grab a snack at the vending machine, or read catch up on the latest gossip.

Laundry Facilities include:
  • 4 – Heavy Duty Quad-Cycle Washers (Wash, Rise, Spin, Ultraviolet Sanitizing)
  • 4 – Heavy Duty Dryers
  • 2 – Automated Folding tables
  • 1 – Vending machine
  • AI controlled Laundry carts with gravity manipulator loading devices.

Private Suite

Used by guests, VIPs, or other special personnel being transported on the ship or for crew members who decide they need some intimate privacy.

Main Room
  • Built in Armoire
  • Desk, Chair and Bookcase
  • Two Floor Lamps
  • Bookcase
  • Queen-sized Bed
  • Toilet
  • Sink and vanity
  • Volumetric Fireplace
  • Oval Jacuzzi Bathtub


Ayana Spaceframe and Hull

Type 3b Construct Assembly
Primary SpaceFrameForcefield Reinforced Durandium Alloy Major Truss
Secondary SpaceFrameDurandium Alloy Secondary Truss and Rod Assembly
LiningYarvex Lining
Outer LayerDurandium Alloy Interlocking Plate
Overall Construct RatingSP 6
Stealth0.1cm Xiulurium coating

Hull Sections

Main Body:

  • Ventral Forward
  • Ventral Central
  • Ventral Aft
  • Dorsal Forward
  • Dorsal Central
  • Dorsal Aft
  • Starboard Lateral Forward
  • Starboard Lateral Aft
  • Port Lateral Forward
  • Port Lateral Aft

Integrated Hull Systems

Regenerative Shield System

Using a series of shield generators each with a redundant generator that provide alternate coverage on specific regions of the ship when integrity drops below a predetermined percentage. In practice, this allows the active shield generator to bear the brunt of incoming fire while the redundant generator remains on hot standby. As the primary generator drops in integrity, power is then increased to the redundant generator which seamlessly takes over the burden of shielding that portion of the ship, allowing the other generator to once again recharge on standby. As shield piercing/tunneling properties are generally only good to cleave through one layer of energy shielding, the Ayana can offer up to four layers as a counter.

Shields: 10SP (Threshold 1)

Regenerative Shield Generators

  • Dorsal
  • Ventral
  • Starboard
  • Port
  • Bow
  • Aft

Anti-FTL Projection System

Anti-FTL Field

  • Capable of projecting a Anti-FTL field 1 AU in diameter.

Graviton Projection Arrays (4)

Capable of producing graviton beams and fields which can be used to tow other spacecraft or shuttles. The projector is ineffective against ships using gravitic shielding.

Mounting Ports (1)

Umbilicals and airlock systems allowing the Ayana to dock with other ships.

Electronics Systems

MIKO Electronics Systems

MIKO is a Modular Quantum Computer System, or MQCS; It starts with rather simple quantum computer core that can be expanded by the addition of other modules. The core and its modules all run the SHRINE operating system (SHRINE-OS).

Non-Sentient Artificial Intelligence

AI Name: Takes on the name of the ship.

Although capable of designing a sentient system, the reminders of the incident on Taiie no Iori where a KAMI system went on a killing rampage, purposefully lead the Satori Ascendant Electronics designers to select a non-sentient AI. Although non-sentient, the SHRINE-OS, based roughly on data from the digital mind functions of the NH-22C Yamataian does a good job at emulating it. The AI can manifest itself as a volumetric image anywhere on the base, vessel, or other application it is applied to. Its personality matrix can be altered to cater to the needs of the application as well.

MIKO Components(Sensor and Communications Included)

Power Systems

Quantum Foam Generator (2)

This generator is the most advanced power source NovaCorp/MFY has. It taps into the Quantum of Space-Time foam that makes up the universe, a sea of virtual particles snapping in and out of existence, and wormholes existing for fractions of a second, and takes some of the energy from this. Quantum foam is an amazingly potential source of energy, enough energy to boil all of a planets ocean every second, for every cubic centimeter. However the NovaCorp generator is not up to this level of efficiency, and can only take in a fraction of this energy. However this is offset as the generator does not tap only one centimeter cubed, but several generators each tapping five cubic meters.None of these run on full capacity, in order that if one generator or more is lost the ship can increase the capacity of the other Generators to compensate.

Capacitor Banks

The ship's Quantum foam generators are not constantly in usage during non-combat operational mode or stealth mode; they run for a period of time to recharge the capacitor system and then shut down. This is done to limit the amount of time the ship is visible on aetheric/quantum sensors. The ship has three major capacitor systems:

Wing Capacitors

Located in the crawl spaces off of engineering in the “wings” of the ship. These two large banks are the super-capacitors that hold enough energy for the ship to operate in non-combat mode for twenty four hours without utilizing either the the primary quantum foam generator or the link siphon/fusion reactor system. In combat mode the ship can operate for roughly twenty minutes at theoretical maximum offensive and defensive system outputs.

Emergency Capacitors

The Emergency Capacitors are located in the Systems Bay on Deck Two. They are recharged by the either the quantum foam or link siphon system and can power basic systems such as life support, the gravimetric engines (30% of usual power), imaging arrays, the lift system, and the communications array.

Yumeoibito Capacitors

The Type 30 Link Siphon (Retconned)s allow power to be drawn from a star and used by the ship, which also generates Compressed Helium to fill the Compressed Helium Containers for emergency fuel. It continues an ongoing fusion reaction without electromagnetic acceleration, using equidistant pressure instead. Because of this true star-grade fusion, much higher power is delivered when compared to normal artificial nuclear fusion.

Compressed Helium Containers (6)

The Compressed Helium Containers allow the storage of Compressed Helium from the Link Siphons into tanks for use by the fusion reactor when the main siphons cannot be used (i.e in an Anti-FTL field).

Environmental Systems

Atmospheric Control System

The Ayana utilizes a complex series of Atmospheric Generation and Revitalization Systems where oxygen and other atmospheric components are derived from inorganic matter through a series of chemical reactions and circulated through a ship-wide duct system which runs in conjunction with interior room modules and maintenance tunnels. Nanoscopic scrubbers, chemical filters and ultraviolet radiation sterilizers remove harmful materials such as bacteria and viral pathogens. Contaminants are transported to the recycling system.

Water Circulation System

Deionized, Distilled water is passed from storage tanks through nanoscopic scrubbers and is then is pumped throughout the ship through a controlled membrane piping system derived from technology found on Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Xhrafuklurp (SMX) ships through research done at the Chie Research Base. Wastewater is filtered and purified and sent back into the system. Contaminants pulled from the water are then transported to the recycling system.

Nanomechanized Cleaning System

Nanomachines are released into areas when there are no personnel present or at controlled times scheduled by the logistical staff or the AI. These simple nanomachines are designed to transport dirt, dead skin cells, hair and other waste products from surfaces of the ship into the MDRS.

Molecular Disruption Recycling System (MDRS)

Contaminants, waste and other products collected through the water, atmospheric and mechanized cleaning system are transported to the Molecular Disruption Recycling System, referred to as the MDRS. MDRS is a two-stage system that recycles as much material as possible for use in on board systems.

Stage 1: Molecular Sorting and First Stage Separation

Waste is separated into basic molecular forms, useful forms that can be utilized directly by the water circulation system or atmospheric generation and revitalization system are separated and put back into those systems.

Stage 2: Molecular Disruptor and Final Separation

A confined plasma beam is utilized in this stage. When waste is passed through the superheated plasma it is broken down on the molecular level; molecular bonds are broken and thus the waste is broken down into basic elemental components. Those elemental components are then either assembled or passed as is back into other ships systems for utilization.

Hazard Handling System

In the event that a compound is determined to be too dangerous to remain in the system; such as foreign nanomachinery, or other materials, it is immediately isolated in a subspace containment field and is jettisoned from the ship and into space.

Weapon Systems

Main Cannon

Anti-mecha Ordinance

Wing Ordinance (Outer)

Wing Ordinance (Inner)

Forward Ordinance Mounts

  • Reserved for future Ordinance/Probes.

OOC Notes

Authored by Andrew and approved by Wes on Apr 9, 2008 1)

Art by Andrew (modeled in DOGA)

corp/yugumo_corporation/motoyoshi_fleet_yards/ships/ayana-class_escort.1700312280.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:32 (external edit)