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Ge-L5-1A - Issoku-Class Cargo Runner

An upgraded version of the Ge-F7-1B - Jinsoku Cargo Runner, it became available in YE 34.

Geshrinari Shipyards Logo A TC Company

About the Ge-L5

The Type 33 Cargo Runner or Issoku-Class, has all of the appealing features of the Type 30, it is a small, easily customizable starship designed for small cargo and passenger runs. It is the next in the Ge-F7 line, but was redesignated the Ge-L5 due to changes in nomenclature. The interior layout is the same as the original, it is the systems that have been upgraded giving the Ge-L5 better performance. Issoku means fast runner in Yamataigo (้‚ช้ฆฌๅฐ่ชž).

Type 33 Cargo Runner


The Ge-L5 project came about as a result of the Tamahagane Corporation working to revitalize the product line. Following the example of the Ge-T1 series shuttle, the decided to create an updated version of the Cargo Runner, but give it a higher performance. This way the product could appeal to a wider customer base by having two versions on the market. While the design work was accomplished in YE 33, the models released in YE 34.


Class: Ge-L5-1A Type: Fast Freighter Designers: Tamahagane Corporation Manufacturer: Geshrinari Shipyards Production: Mass Production Price: 60,000 KS

Crew and Accommodations

Crew: 6 (Can be operated by a single person)


Length: 34 meters ( 111.5 feet) Width: 25.2 meters ( 50 feet) Height: 5.2 meters ( 17 feet) Decks: 1 (4 meters each)


The Issoku is a nimble vessel.

  • Atmospheric: Mach 4

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Hull: 8 SP Starship
  • Shields: 10 (Threshold 1)

Inside the Ge-L5-1A

Like its predecessor the Ge-F7-1B - Jinsoku Cargo Runner is a very compact ship. The living areas have only 6.5 feet of clearance. However, unlike the Jinsoku, the accommodations are more polished. Passageways and the common rooms have an almost hotel feel to the decor.



The Issoku bridge design has the same features as the Geshrinari Compact Bridge, but a different layout. The helm and nav stations are in the front located near the front, and the command station is located on the port side.


The Issoku is equipped with three Geshrinari Standard Crew Quarters. The owner can decide if they want the rooms configured for single or dual occupancy.


There is a small Geshrinari Lounge located at the end of the crew section.


Located forward of the staterooms is the Geshrinari Galley, although it lacks most of the amenities. It is designed to handle reheating prepackaged meals, and preparing simple meals. It has a small dishwasher under the counter for cleaning dishes, cutlery, and cookware

Cargo Area

The Issoku has two cargo areas. They are loaded from the exterior doors, but there is a Geshrinari Standard Door on the inside of each for the crew to access them from the interior.


The Issoku has a compact engineering section, it is a cramped space and not intended for personnel to stay in for any period of time. It houses the generators, life support, and fold systems.


The Issoku like its predecessor has essentially two airlocks. On the port side there is a ramp with a small airlock for surface use. Accessed from the center of the ship is a docking Geshrinari Airlock that is accessed through the top of the ship.


Located next to the loading ramp is the Issoku's amenities. This contains two showers, toilets and sinks. There is also a pair of washer/drier units for cleaning clothes.


Armored Hull


The Issoku features a Ge-Y2-E3300 - Hogosha Quantum Computer System for its computer requirements.


The Issoku is equipped with a Ge-Y1-E3103 - Intercom System for internal communications, and a Ge-Y2-E3302 - Communications Suite for external communications.

Emergency Systems

Blast Shutters

The Issoku is equipped with Geshrinari Blast Shutters to prevent explosive decompression. They are located at the cargo doors, the engineering space.

Fire Suppression

The Issoku is equipped with the Ge-Y1-E3104 - Automatic Fire Suppression System for controlling fires on board.

Escape Pod

The Issoku is equipped with a single Ge-X3300 - Type 33 Escape Pod located just aft of the bridge.


The Issoku is equipped with Ge-Y2-E3301 - Standard Starship Sensors.

Life Support

The Issoku is equipped with a Ge-Y1-V3100 - Life Support System capable of providing life support for 18 persons. The atmospheric systems, air and temperature systems are beneath the floor of the main hall. Located about in the center of the hall. Located closer to the generator is the water system. The gravity system is distributed about the ship in the floor and the outer walls.


The Issoku is fitted with a Geshrinari Aether Generator that supplies all its power requirements.


The Issoku is equipped with the following propulsion systems:

Turbo Plasma Drives

The Issoku is equipped with a cluster of these drives referred to as Ge-L5-P3300 Turbo Plasma Drives


The Issoku is equipped with a Ge-L5-P3301 Continuum Distortion Drive


The Issoku is capable of Hyperspace Travel by means of its Ge-L5-P3302 Hyperspace Drive


The Issoku performs attitude control, and station keeping by using 16 Ge-L5-P3303 Maneuvering Thrusters.

Landing Gear

The Issoku is equipped with three pneumatically controlled landing gear. When not used they retract into the lower hull space.


The Issoku is equipped with a Geshrinari Combined Field System for defense. They are housed in the section of the ship in the front to the starboard of the bridge.


The Issoku comes equipped with only two plasma cannons. But it has four weapon hard points that the owner can install weapons into. This gives the owner the flexibility to choose what weapons they desire.

  • Twin fore-mounted plasma cannons, 2 SDR
  • Empty hard point
  • Empty hard point
  • Empty hard point
  • Empty hard point

Available Weapons


Aft view

Starboard view

Bottom view

Top view

Standard Equipment

corp/geshrinari_shipyards/type_33_cargo_runner.1581218029.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 20:47 (external edit)