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Uaeso Eitan

Uaeso1) Eitan is a GM Character played by Andrew.

Uaeso Eitan
Paerolia air paeraesolaer shia si maelyl eil o'vi solol ail os2)
Date of Birth: YE 14
Species Norian (Norian-Minasan Human Mix)
Gender Male
Height 175 cm
Weight 67kg
Faction United Norian Imperium
Occupation United Norian Navy
Rank Kryso/Admiral
Current Placement U.N.N. Narsho

Physical Description

Uaeso is generally accused of being a younger version of his father, Tetsuya Eitan (Airwin Caeyara). He is 175cm tall and weighs 67kg and has a notable pale complexion with dark blue hair and honey-gold eyes. While he may appear like his father, his body language is more closely comparable to his mothers bearing a much less military posture and a more casual yet thoughtful expression of his emotions.

Height: 175cm
Mass: 67kg
Build and Skin Color: Athletic, Pale White
Eye Color: Honey Gold
Hair Color: Dark Blue


Uaeso is an ESFJ3) personality type. The Crowned Prince has a strong sense of duty to others, mainly the people of United Norian Imperium and to the Eitan Ysi (Caeyara and Eitan Ysi in Tsenlan). He takes after his mother in that he is very caring and generous to others around him. He has a very strong ethical foundation and has taken up several causes, for example leading the effort to gain sentience rights for Sylphs. His sense of duty carried him up the ranks of the MERN very quickly, notably making the rank of Captain within only four years of service. He is currently married to Naika Eitan, who he trusts completely with the finite details of his inner thoughts. Although permitted, Uaeso tends to stick to the monogamy of his relationship much as his mother did with his father.


Uaeso is the only non-tank-born child of Tetsuya Eitan (Airwin Caeyara) and Sinith Caeyara. He was born in YE 14 on Minatu Prime, the core world of the Minatu Empire. His childhood was spent only within the boundaries of his mother's Empire until YE 32 when he attended the Norian Defense Education School on Lorenz. During his training and while spending time in the presence of his father is when he met Naika Eitan. The couple quickly hit things off even though Uaeso was just starting his military career.

With the Void Wars in full motion, Uaeso was able to quickly demonstrate his ability to act under pressure. He quickly climbed the ranks of the Continuum Star Navy and made the rank of Captain in YE 40. That same year he would marry Naika Eitan. Their marriage was deeply refuted by the Church of the Builders, who ridiculed and shunned Uaeso due to his mother not being Norian. It was one of the reasons the Caeyara and Eitan Ysi put so much pressure on the Church, as to force the reforms that finally came in YE 44 which made them abandon their xenophobic ways.

Uaeso has been a staunch enforcer of the reforms to the Church of the Builders, as well as the continued effort to gain citizenship and sentience rights for Sylphs4). During the Arrival of the Norians in the Kikyo Sector, Uaeso was in command of the MERN Aiathogu where he assisted Admiral Aphelion in handling situations within the survivor fleet and coordinating with the Star Army of Yamatai. Impressed with the actions of the Star Army of Yamatai, he intends to join the service once his duties allow him to do so.

In the first month of YE 45, after the events of the Arrival of the Norians had settled he accompanied his wife Naika to the ISS Aiathogu. Their purpose was to hault the demilitarization of the vessel, however, things took an unexpected turn. After a brief stop to check on their beloved slyphs he was summoned to the bridge by Aphelion. There both he and Naika were informed of VIP signatures detected from a signal transmitted from MERN Keigonyo. Subsequent to a short strategic discussion on how the matter should be handled, it was decide that he and Naika would go over to further assess the situation. Several hours after the decision had been made he was knocked unconscious and kidnapped by Rivaen Eitan.

Upon coming to he realized that they had been imprisoned in pens and were no longer in the orbit of Akina. At first Uaeso, like his wife, suspected that Rivaen had been the source of his head injury. This was due to the brief transmission before being knocked out that identified Rivaen as taking over control. Momentary debilitation due to the wound made him rely on Naika to spring them from the makeshift holding cells. Despite this he maintained a rather calm demeanor compared to his partner when communications between the two parties started. After some convincing he was able to get her to agree to going along with this meeting their kidnapper had planned.

In light of truths revealed at the meeting he left Tsenlan to be with the United Norian Imperium. Thus changing his name back to Eitan and taking up rank of Kryso with the United Norian Navy. He met with Arkan who would take him to the ship he would come to command, U.N.N. Narsho. His first mission would be a difficult one as he would not have much time to complete it before missing an important event. He was to leave behind a very pregnant Naika to complete a mission in the Kagami Galaxy. After the meeting with Arkan wrapped up he would go to meet with Ujin Eitan, who outlined deeper meaning behind the task at hand. There was to be one last night with his wife before departure.

The morning of departure was made somewhat easier knowing that two of his officers were daughters of Asua and Lurel Lunari. With Aenu serving as First Officer and Ernal as his Operation Specialist things seemed to be off to a smooth start. That is however, until he encountered the Mishhuvurthyar right after entering into the Kikyo Sector.

Learned Skills

Uaeso has learned the following skills:

  • Communication - Uaeso can communicate in Nira'las, Trade (language) and Yamataigo (邪馬台語).
  • Starship Operations - Uaeso can effectively operate Starships, but has mastered the use of Leviathan Technology and mindhive symbiosis.
  • Slyph Combat - Uaeso can remotely operate in symbiosis link with a bonded Slyph for use in combat operations.
  • Politics - Uaeso has been mentored under the guidance of his father, Tetsuya Eitan (Airwin Caeyara) for his future in Tsenlan politics.
  • Vesper Expression - Uaeso's Vesper Links to those he cares about are known to be intense and he's mastered the ability to use images or projected thought spaces to participate in communication with others.
  • Culinary - Uaeso loves food and loves to cook. He enjoys making Norian dishes but also is known for presenting his guests with ethnic foods from Ayenee and other places he has traveled. He especially enjoys cooking for Naika Eitan.
  • Hiking - Uaeso enjoys hiking with his wife, it is a hobby that she introduced him to while they were married.

Social Connections

Uaeso Caeyara is connected to:

  • Sinith Caeyara - His deceased mother.
  • Naika Eitan - His wife.
  • Aiura Caeyara - His sister.
  • Jun Caeyara - His brother.
  • Dawn Caeyara - His sister-in-law married to Jun.
  • Saeyojun Caeyara - His deceased brother.
  • Rin Caeyara - His Aunt.
  • Fallion Caeyara - His Uncle. 5)
  • Aphelion Caeyara - Aunt.
  • Arina Caeyara - His Aunt.
  • Aelya Eitan - His Aunt.
  • Sorin Caeyara - His Great Uncle.6)))
  • Enandra Lunari - His friend, and fellow victim of the Church.
  • Aurelia Eitan - Great Aunt.
  • Aerum Eitan - Sister.
  • Arkan Eitan - Deputy Director of the United Norian Navy.
  • Rivaen Eitan - Half-Brother.
  • Ujin Eitan - Head of State.
  • Aenu Lunari - U.N.N. Narsho First Officer.
  • Ernal Lunari - U.N.N. Operations Specialist.

Inventory & Finance

Uaeso is a little unsure of his finances, or personal effects at this time due to the refugee crisis. Check back later!

OOC Information

This article was created on 2022/11/07 14:06 using the namespace template.

  • Art for Uaeso done in Stable Diffusion by Wes.
  • Chibi Art done by Andrew by Midjourney bot.

In the case Andrew becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? NO
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? NO
  • See will for more details.

Old Art

Character Data
Character NameUaeso Caeyara
Character OwnerAndrew
Character StatusNPC In Use By GM or FM
Approval Thread…
Government & Politics of the Yamatai Star Empire
DistrictAkina System
Political PartyIndepdendent

characters/yamatai/uaeso_eitan.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/25 22:27 by