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Wambui Adaeze Babatunde

Wambui Adaeze Babatunde is an NPC created by GM Wes (See Wes's NPCs).

Wambui Adaeze Babatunde
Species & Gender Minkan Female
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army Soldier
Rank: Ittô Heisho
Current Placement: Spirit City

Character Description

Wambui has red-brown skin, dark reddish brown hair, and brown eyes. She has a curvy body and wears a B-cup bra. She is friendly, social, outgoing, group-oriented and has excellent people skills. She dislikes being alone and feels most at home in a crowd. She is very open about her feelings and doesn't have many secrets. She loves to be the center of attention and loves to be praised but also very self-confident. Wambui is good at getting other people to have fun.

She is action-oriented, decisive, and adaptable to any situation, focusing on getting results immediately and on finishing what she starts. She lives for the present and leads a fast-paced lifestyle. She likes to take command and get things done. She is good at public speaking and giving presentations and tends to dominate conversations and doesn't like to wait for people who take too long explaining things. She likes sports. She is extremely loyal to her peers but can sometimes cut corners on Star Army Regulations and the law to get things done faster. She is satisfied with her life and emotionally stable. She jokes and lot and enjoys crude jokes. Wambui is a fearless risk-taker and is difficult to discourage and and take strong criticism. Wambui's bedroom is disorganized and messy.

History & Relationships

Wambui turned 20 in YE 40.

In YE 41, she was transferred to Spirit City to serve as the primary contact secretary. With the transfer came a promotion to Nitô Hei.

In 3月 YE 42, she was promoted to Ittô Hei.

In YE 42, Wambui donated a Viking-style longboat that she had acquired in a salvage swap meet to the city of Malifar.

In 4月 YE 43 she was promoted to Jôtô Hei. In YE 44.1 she was promoted to Nitô Heisho. In YE 45.1, she was promoted to Ittô Heisho.


  • General Service Pistol, Type 28 (received in YE 41 giveaway)
  • 6 x Bed (30 gp)
  • Cougar T5 Tactical Aeroshuttle
  • Refined metal
  • NAM Universal Mass Driver shell, Green
  • Karaoke Machine with Microphone and songs
  • 10 Barrel of Oil, 150 lbs
  • 10 books
  • 10 Stylish Formalwear Outfit
  • 10 Fancy Outfits
  • 10 Large Cages
  • 10 Large Chests
  • 10 Large Iron Box (100 lb)
  • 10 Life Jackets
  • 10 Miner's Pick
  • 10 Noble's Outfits
  • 10 pairs of shears
  • 10 Rope Ladder, 50 foot
  • 10 sets of Manacles (2 lb)
  • 10 Spades
  • 10 Vials of Ink
  • 2 Cold Weather Outfits
  • 2 Telescopic rifle sight
  • 5 bottles of good wine
  • 5 Large Wooden Chest (50 lb)
  • 8 Tables, wooden
  • Amphora of Common Wine (80 lb)
  • Amphora of Vinegar (80 lb)
  • Andirons and Spit
  • Bag of Rare Spice
  • Barrel of Ale
  • Bath Towel, Cotton
  • Bed
  • Bottle of Olive Oil (4 lb)
  • Bow Saw
  • Cabinet
  • Can of Coffee beans
  • Cart, Wooden
  • Cauldron
  • Chandelier
  • Chariot
  • Computer, Laptop style
  • Computer/video game
  • Explorer's Outfit
  • Fishing net
  • 2x 20 KS Gift Card for Warm and Sweet
  • Large Bag of Plant Fertilizer
  • Large burlap bag full of peanuts
  • Large wheel of delicious cheese (20lb)
  • Loom
  • Marble Altar
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Pair of Snowshoes
  • Pairs of Oars
  • Pavilion Tent (300 lbs)
  • Pitchfork (5 lb)
  • Rake
  • Riding Saddle
  • Rope Net (10' x 10') (40 lb)
  • Round Table
  • Rug
  • Signet Ring
  • Sled
  • Small Cage
  • Small Carpet
  • Massive can of baked beans
  • Small Hunting Trap
  • Spinning Wheel
  • T-Shirt, 100% Cotton
  • Tent (20 lbs)
  • Throne
  • Vial of Exotic Ink
  • Weapon racks
  • Whiskey Flask
  • Wood Axe
  • Wooden Drum
  • Workbench
  • Yamataian-type Shrine
  • Armor plating (YE 42 Giveaway, TC: 73-10, IC: 714-4367-75)
  • Desktop telephones (YE 42 Giveaway, TC: 56-90, IC: 5097-38937-140)
  • Box of Nepleslian Cigarettes (YE 42 Giveaway, TC: 48-73, IC: 3561-31666-116)
  • Meat grinder and sausage making kit (YE 42 Giveaway, TC: 76-77, IC: 5909-33475-144)
  • Tape Measure (YE 42 Giveaway, TC: 59-46, IC: 2771-20067-98)

OOC Notes

This NPC was created by Wes on 2018/02/19 10:27.

Art by Wes using bases by Waitress purchased from Cozy Cat Studios.

Wambui means “zebra” in Kikuyu language1).

Character Data
Character NameWambui Adaeze Babatunde
Character OwnerWes
Character StatusNPC In Use By GM or FM
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankIttô Heisho
SAOY OccupationStar Army Soldier
SAOY AssignmentSpirit City
DOR YearYE 45
DOR Month3

characters/yamatai/wambui_adaeze_babatunde.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/28 16:00 by wes