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Mileena Belmont

Mileena is a player character played by Charaa.

Species & Gender: Fox Anthro Female
Date of Birth: 17日 9月 YE 44
Organization: Independent/[plot:iss_sobek_plot]]
Occupation: First Gunner, Engineer, Small vehicle pilot
Rank: n/a
Current Placement: ISS Sobek

Physical Description

Mileena stands at 5’6 at her height without standing on her feet claws, Though she may generally be shorter than most Canine Anthro due to Red Foxes being much shorter in terms of height.

Canine ears, typical of the Red Fox species poked out beneath long red hair. Her hair is typically kept from her face, and carefully combed to be easily controlled, though given certain situations, such as a formal setting, she puts it in a pony tail, which causes it to look like her tail. There were times, when it is much shorter, almost like it had been burned a little. Like most Anthros, she has fur covering her body. All over her back is an orangish red hue, color, while from the bottom of her chin down to her genitals is a white hue of fur, like those of Red Foxes. On her arms and legs, a few inches above her elbow to her sometimes clawed hands, were a brown color fur, much in the same color as the ones on her feet. It almost looked like she was wearing a long length latex gloves, that certain party goers wore.

Her mouth had fangs, which could sometimes be seen when she spoke, or simply had her mouth open in either shock, or focused looking. Her eyes were multicolored in green and a lighter color, and in dark rooms, they could be seen, glowing. If looked closely, they did have some biomechanical look for them. Because of her fur, she doesn’t need to worry too much about the weather, so Mileena tends to wear clothing of a light material, also custom made, so that her tail could come out easily.

Around her eyes were dark marks, which were darker than her hands. She had a single two feet long tail behind her and in terms of jewelry her tail had a ring around it. When not soaking wet, her fur around her hands hide recesses, of metal and bolts. Seam lines which allow her claws to come out. The top of her tail was red

Because of how clean she makes herself, she generally smells nice, however, those with sensitive noses will know when she's.. In heat 1) Which could potentially overpower and cause problems.


Mileena is a clever girl, like foxes stereotypically were, with a sentience and self awareness of any kind of people. Having been exposed to a more mercantile life, outside of Mining Guild, or Military, she decided that that kind of life was for her. She didn’t want to be underground digging, or on an asteroid field, but on a ship being a part of a crew. Of course she knew that the Mining Guild had ships, but she didn’t want to be on those, she wanted to be independent. Because of this interest, she was very brave.

Mileena was also aware that out there in the universe had dangers, which is why she got cybernetic implants which allowed her some defense and a means to fight back. In terms of interactions with others if someone was polite to her, or respectful, she will be more likely to watch out for them. In addition to being polite back. If they were children, specifically civilian ones, she’ll be kinder to them, and make sure they stay safe.

However, there were times that she might not speak, when she probably should or when she should be adding to the conversation specifically, it was because of this, that she relies on her companions to get her to continue to talk.

Some of her habits include keeping her fur clean after every time she leaves the ship, making sure her weapons had what they needed (Ammo for the guns, including her Cybernetic Guns, and her Galactic Horizon Dual Concealed Melee) as well as anything she owned cleaned.


Milena was created late YE 44 in the city of DracoTown, Draco Eridanus System. This occurrence happened after the capital ship, Durandium Phoenix’s shakedown cruise. During this the ship fought pirates, which had Anthro as part of its crew, and some of whom were Foxes, samples were taken from the dead pirates, and some volunteered from prisoners and Mileena was soon decanted.

After a short orientation, she discovered by a misinformed aid that there were no spots on a freighter ship, that wasn’t a part of the Mining Guild, though grateful for her existence in the city, she didn’t want to join the Mining Guild, or the military, so she used money she was given, to enhance her body, and acquire a small single person ship that she used to get of the station, and out of Draco Eridanus.

During her journey, her ship which she began calling the Sky Fox, had taken her all the way to Yamatai Star Empire and to the planet Yamatai, in time for the Hanami festival. Here she met Nikicon, and Lenna, who overheard her interest in being in a cargo vessel, and invited her to join them on Sood Zadra. In addition, Mileena would encounter a member of the Belmont clan, another clan that the Mining Guild was familiar with, and invited her to join the clan due to her having no family.

This would be an invitation she’d accept as well. Her interactions with the others in the group continued, and after Hanami Festival she would have a bonding occasion with Nikicon part of which had given her new clothes. Mileena would join the ISS Sobek and the crew when she found her way to the planet it landed on, after a briefing which had Mileena show off one of her weapons and ended with the captain and first officer welcoming them to the ship. She sought out the quarter master for the ship to make sure her Sky Fox can get on board.

Skills Learned

  • Fighting
  • Piloting
  • Firearms
  • Domestic
  • Acrobatic
  • Gymnastic
  • Engineering/Mechanics
  • Stealth
  • Heart stopping2)

Social Connections

Mileena is connected to:

Group Connection

Personal Connection

Inventory & Finance


Mileena has the use of 1 ship

Mileena Body


  • Shipment of male/female Formal Attire, 10 outfits
  • 1 crate Constriction Bands
  • Manicure/Pedicure Kit (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 95-91, IC: 6137-268052-175)
  • 3 Type 29 Field Rations SC-Type (15 KS each) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 21-6, IC: 162-17733-25)
  • Encrypted Laser Transmitter (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 24-44, IC: 1113-129725-66)
  • Rolling chair, cushioned (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 91-60, IC: 5426-176937-141)
  • 3 Type 29 Field Rations SV-Type (10 KS each) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 21-7, IC: 183-20700-26)

OOC Information

This article was created on 2022/12/18 19:39 using the namespace template.

In the case charaa becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameMileena
Character OwnerCharaa
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationISS Sobek
PlotsISS Sobek plot
Animal, time for reproduction
Mileena can temporarily stop her heart

characters/independent/mileena.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/26 14:58 by charaa