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Jaek Ashton

Jaek Ashton is a NPC controlled by Damaske, who appears in the ISS Sobek plot.

Jaek Ashton
Species & Gender: Male Nepleslian
Organization: Yugumo Corporation
Occupation: Technical Specialist
Rank: Nitō Shain
Current Placement: ISS Sobek

Character Description

  • Jaek Ashton is a Nepleslian human cyborg who appears to be in his late twenties/early thirties. Coming from Hanyadi stock, Jaek is naturally tall and heavyset. He stands at 198cm (6ft 6in) tall and weighs 102kg (225 lbs). His skin, even the synthetic portions, is a dark, charcoal brown. Jaek has dark blue eyes and wiry hair that is dyed into multiple colours and usually styled into short spikey dreadlocks.
  • Possessing a large number of cybernetic implants, Jaek has largely chosen to honour his Hanyadi roots by selecting understated, natural looking options where available. His right arm and a portion of his shoulder and chest are fully cybernetic and obviously synthetic to the touch. Due to the supporting musculature having to be replaced, the arm is capable of enhanced strength and the hand conceals a blade, stored within it and designed for quick release. Jaek's spine was replaced with a cybernetic version, as was the lower portion of the rear of his skull. This allows for some enhancement to his short-term memory and provides Jaek a full digital interface between his brain and external devices, be they wired or wireless. His right eye is also cybernetic, although matched to appear just like his left, and permits Jaek to see in the thermal and ultraviolet range alongside the regular spectrum as well as acting like a display connected to the digital interface in his brain.
  • Regardless of anything else, Jaek is a Yamataian patriot and he deeply believes in the constitution and freedoms espoused by the Yamatai Star Empire. This extends to a deep respect and commitment to the aims and goals of the Yugumo Corporation. Jaek is a hard-working technician who believes in improving both himself alongside his technical knowledge and experience. He enjoys travelling and meeting new people. Due to his background, Jaek struggles to deal fairly with those who oppose or betray the Yamatai Star Empire. He considers his team to be his family and watches out for them accordingly.
  • When distracted, Jaek is known to idly rub along his chest where his cybernetics meet his natural flesh.

History and Relationship Notes

  • Born on 13日 6月 YE 15, Jaek grew up with the family in Ayhan, the largest city on the western-most continent of planet Nepleslia, Hanya. In YE28, the family uprooted and moved to Taiie, to work in a grand hotel operated by a Nepleslian hospitality corporation in Seijin no Umi. In YE29, when the NMX invaded, the family were amongst those refugees evacuated to the Tamashii no Jiyuu colony on Jiyuu III.
  • Jaek's parents would soon became heavily involved in the independence movement that led to the creation of the United Outer Colonies in YE 30. Jaek, being a teenager, still largely blamed his parents for uprooting him from his friends back on Nepleslia, so automatically refused anything his parents associated with as a matter of principle. Two years later, when the UOC fell, Jaek's family were once again fortunate to survive and be evacuated. Unfortunately, during the evacuation, Jaek was crushed by a falling crate, resulting in massive damage to his right arm, upper right torso, upper spine and neck. As compensation, Jaek was equipped with cybernetic replacements, that were functional but somewhat crude.
  • In YE 36, Jaek's parents left the Refugee Camp on Virginia, returning to Nepleslia to reunite with other Jiyuuian's. Jaek, having befriended several members of the Yamatai military in the previous years, decided to strike out for himself and enlisted with the Star Army. Fortunately, with several endorsements to the nature of his character and non-Jiyuuian politics, Jaek was accepted in spite of his background and served until YE 43 as a SAoY Technician. Upon receiving an honourable discharge, Jaek applied for a position with Yugumo Corporation.
  • By the start of YE 45, Jaek had become a Nitō Shain within the Advanced Materials Development Group, a part out of the Yugumo Corporation Materials Research Laboratory working out of Adlich A, Nemesis Bastion. Due to the highly confidential nature of his work, when out in the field he is publicly employed by Yugumo Fleetworks, operating out of Port Jiyuu. Jaek often acts as the advance member of the team, being inserted into positions that allow him to assess an object of interest. Most recently, this has been to assess the unusual hull material of the ISS Sobek.


  • Dr. Saito Shinji - Jaek respects the mind of Shinji, no matter that he usually gets lost within seconds of the man starting to explain things. An exaggeration, sure, but Jaek has always been more interested in the practical application than the theoretical.
  • Freja Eirsdottir - Jaek might have a bit of a crush on the ever-happy neko who always has a kind word or a smile for anyone. Freja has a habit of making even the most tedious assignment enjoyable. She also has a pretty impressive brain yet remains approachable.
  • Madry Oshker - Jaek is impressed by Madry's outlook on life and her constant growth. He sometimes envies her advanced abilities, but doesn't believe such would be worth giving up his body for. Although not an issue any more now he has gotten to know her, he was initially a little envious/jealous of Madry and the way Freja devoted so much attention to her.


OOC Notes

Roleplay Notes

  • Jaek is a part-cyborg who has had to claw his way up, fighting against prejudice or unfortunate circumstance for a significant portion of his life. He is confident, personable and likes to travel, meet new people and discover new technology. He is loyal to his team and the Yugumo Corporation and almost fanatically loyal to the Yamatai Star Empire.
Character Data
Character NameJaek Ashton
Character OwnerDamaske
Character StatusNPC In Use By GM or FM
Current LocationISS Sobek
PlotsISS Sobek plot
Harm Limitinjuries only

characters/independent/jaek_ashton.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/20 12:57 by damaske