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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45

Monique Velaquez

Monique Velaquez is an NPC controlled by yoerik in the itc_volume_i plot.

Monique Velaquez
Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Female
Age: 24 years (YE 36)
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Organization: intergalactic_transport_corporation
Occupation: Division Manager of IMD
Rank: Division Manager
Current Placement: Ushobrakflug System

Character Description

  • Height: 176 cm (5'7โ€œ)
  • Weight: 53 kg(116 lbs)
  • Measurements: 36-25-35.
  • Bra Size 34C

Build and Skin Colour: Taller than normal Nepleslian, with thick, muscular thighs and arms as a result of military service. While from a distance she doesn't seem though as she is rather slender, from close you can see she is capable of defending herself. She has a suntanned, almost darkish skin colour as a result of stationing in hot summers on Nepleslia Prime.

Eyes and Facial Features: Large, round green eyes. Elegant tip-tilted nose and a very sharp cheek bones. Her jaws differ from each other as a prosthesis is on her left jaw.

Hair colour and style: long red curly hair, hanging over her shoulders and over the eyes just baove her bust. A few ties to keep the hair out of her eyes.

Voice:Monique has an contralto sounding voice. She has an Nepleslian accent.

Distinguishing Features:a small prosthesis on the side of her right jaw, as a result of a repairing accident which cut a small piece of it off. It happened due to a malfunction in the cables on the ship she was repairing. The prosthesis can be seen from outside as a small metal plate on her cheek. From far it isn't very noticeable, as it is only a small prosthesis on her jaw. The prosthesis is mostly for keeping her mandible in place, since the bone that's supposed to do that has been accidentally removed.

History and Relationship Notes

She only recently got out of Nepleslia, and is the first non-Yamatai person in an leading position at ITC. She was first in the Imperium's navy corps as a Engineer and achieved the rank of , but decided to leave for a more civilian job. Only after two weeks of unemployment and touring around the galaxy in search for work, she was contacted by the ITC to lead the IMD division of the company, and she was chosen for her experience in repairing Nepleslian ships and for showing leading skills. Her repairing skills have been proven useful, as she is often seen alongside her co-workers in the IMD.

Family Relations

Jonathan Velaquez(father) and Erica Velaquez(mother), Matthew Velaquez(younger brother), John Velaquez(uncle, deceased).


Her father is a mining worker on the Abwehran Star Empire planet of Himmel Der Bergleute. Her mother is a former Sergeant First Class in the Nepleslian Space Marine Corps before she left the corps and turned to raise her daughter and later Monique her only brother and sibling Matthew. Monique inherited her red hair from her father, and the curly style from her mother. In contrast, her brother Matthew has black, sleek hair which seems to be inherited visa-versa as her father has sleek hair and her mother black colour.

At a young age of only 8, she lost her uncle in a maintenance accident. She was very fond of him and his dead struck both her and her parents. From him, she learned most technique about construction. In memory, she always carries a photo of him with her and shows it alongside her family portrait.


She was hired by the ITC to lead the maintenance section of that company for her expertise and experience with previous construction & repair work. She is currently in charge of repairing the damaged danketsu_station, which was struck by an asteroid in the early of June.


Monique can be rather reckless, as was shown multiple times in the past, most notably when she lost her left jaw. She dislikes abstraction and can be rather factual, which was useful when she was applying for the DM job. She values social order over the chaotic methods, and this can be seen with a very disciplined teaching she gives to her personnel. She also harsh judges herself sometimes, and is eager to prove herself. Her lifestyle is both flexible and hard working, and she dislikes inefficiency above all else. Socially, she dislikes being alone and is often found working alongside her staff. She is likeable and has great people skills, according to her personnel. Regarding honesty, she is courteous and selfless, and puts the company's good above her own mostly and can be very protective of her co-workers to other people. Emotionally, she is described as warm and generous by her crew and the other leading staff.

Skill Areas


Fluent in Nepleslian, Yamataian and Abwehran. She learned Abwehran from her father, who works as a miner on Himmel Der Bergleute after meeting her mother on Nepleslia Prime. Her father often visits her to learn new Abwehran words and grammar, so she can profess in the language. Her mother taught her Nepleslian words and military ranks from a young age.She learned Yamataian when she was allowed into the ITC, however she speaks Nepleslian with the staff and personnel rather than Yamataian.

Maintenance and Repair

She learned the skills before becoming a Nepleslian engineer. For her experience with the Nepleslian Military repairing, she was chosen as division manager of the IMD section of the company. It has so far been proven useful. She also sometimes has to repair her prosthetic, and she needs this skills to use the right techniques.


Very important in the ITC, for it is after all an infrastructure company. While she is leader of IMD as doesn't have do build anything, she is quite capable of repairing ships. She often is seen alongside kinzo_odaka when they are repairing ships.

Survival and Military

Which she learned in the Nepleslian navy corps. At one time, she was given survival training and she was proven very good in it. She needed it at a point when she stranded on a deserted island, but she was able too hold out alone for nearly forty days.


Not her first job but very useful in her line of work. As an engineer and mechanic, she knows how to repair vehicles. She was chosen for her experience in this field too. She sometimes instructs skeggason_bjarkmar, for he is quite inexperienced with this skill and he needs the technique for project_dokuritsu-sei


While she is leader of the maintenance division, she learned how to build at a young age. She learned it mostly from her uncle, who was a construction worker. While the construction is mostly done by the ICD section of the ITC, She and kinzo_odaka are often seen alongside each other when they are constructing something. This can also be because Odaka is quite inexperienced with constructing, while Monique has seen buildings rise and be torn down all of her live when she was with her uncle.


Which she also learned as a soldier. In fact, she shortly led a team of demolition soldiers although she left it after three months because she felt inexperienced with her line of work. It is not very important in the ITC, so she has somewhat neglected the skill for quite some time. It might however prove useful at some point in the future.


OOC Discussion

Improvement will come. While I wanted some player characters, nobody has contacted me yet so I've got do it with NPC characters.

character/npc/monique_velaquez.1561145584.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 18:25 (external edit)