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Starships are an integral part of the Star Army setting.

List of Starships

This table lists starships found in the Star Army setting. Note that some ships might not appear if their wiki pages do not have structured data entered on them.

#PrefixShip's NameRegistry NumberShip's ClassShip StatusPage
51ISSHikari OneCYP-C03-0227StarlyteactiveISS Hikari One
52ISSMitsuPYX-C5X-0002Misha-Class ExploreractiveISS Mitsu
53ISSShioriPYX-C5-0001Misha-Class ExploreractiveISS Shiori
54ISSSobekactiveISS Sobek
55The Synth-Class Corvette Night StarThe Synth-Class Corvette Night StaractiveThe Synth-Class Corvette Night Star
56NSSCanaryNS-LFS-1CIV Red Hill Class REVISEDactiveNSS Canary
57NSSSurpriseLongsword Class FrigateactiveNSS Surprise
58ISSInquestAY-02Assayer Class StarshipactiveOIF Inquest
59ISSShip-Faced NutcrackerICS-X1-000activeShip-faced Nutcracker
60SSSmuggler's PrideGe-F6-1A - Light FreighteractiveSS Smuggler's Pride
61YCSBastion of WinterCYE-CYU-0036YΕ«gure-class Merchant DestroyeractiveYCS Bastion of Winter
62YCSMidnight ExpressCYL-C69-2021Hauler-class Logistics ShipactiveYCS Midnight Express
63YSSYukikaNS-X5-12Nozomi-class ScoutYSS Yukika

OOC Notes

Wes created this article on 2021/08/13 21:14.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

wip_2023_or_older/starships.txt Β· Last modified: 2023/12/27 14:00 by wes