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Nesha System

The Nesha system is the home system for the Kingdom of Neshaten, their homeworld is Nesha Prime, and it is located in the Kuirenasova Cluster. The Nesha System is comprised of eight planets, three of which are gas giants, with a large asteroid belt located between Levia and Nesha Five, Levia is considered the last planet in the Nesha Star System.

The Flag

The Flag of the Nesha System is below.

Center of it All

Nesha Prime has been in the spotlight throughout Neshaten history. They had to deal with the restoration of their kingdom when they arrived in the Kikyo Sector after losing so many people. They had to deal with terrorism most of their lifespan as the conflict between Shukaren Daur (Sub-Species) and Shukaren Laibe (Sub-Species) continued to develop friction from one time period to another. The kingdom is dealing with another new issue where their main power source is tainted and growing slowly throughout the planet and taking lives. It has taken a chokehold of the kingdom from society and political standpoint, but secretcy has been the highest priority to avoid any panic.


More facts about the Nesha System are listed below.

  • The system was first discovered, mapped, and colonized by the Kingdom of Neshaten in ER 000.
  • The Kingdom of Neshaten discovered FTL in ER 623.
  • In ER 629 the Neshaten tried the first initial FTL jump. The experiment failed originally and it delayed the FTL program for a few years.
  • In ER 633 the Neshaten tried again with the Pilot succeeding the initiated jump. It was proven that the Nesha system has a dead FTL zone that they don't have the equipment to fix.
  • A terrorist group going by the name of Netrunu'marol was involved in the New Grandparents Day Massacre in ER 747 that cost the lives of many Neshaten.
  • In EE 004-V (YE 41) the kingdom's Neshaten Division 5 was able to prevent a terrorism attack from a different group Kingdom Fall that wanted to remove the current royality.

The Heart of a Kingdom

About the Nesha System Star, Planets, and other features.

The Nesha Star

The heart of the Nesha System:

The Nesha Star
System Registry Nesha-M-4
Star Names Nesha
Type M4 V Blue Dwarf
Distance Central Star
Radius 2.35 x 105 km
Surface Temperature 2700 K
Average Mass 3.59 x 1029 kg
Luminosity 8.83 x 1024 W
Number of Planets 8

The parent star of the Nesha Star System, the sun's bluish color casts an eerie glow upon most of the system's planets during the daylight hours.

Nesha I

Nesha I is the first planet in the Nesha star system, it is used as a research and development world where high-value projects are researched within close proximity of the sun via orbital labs. The planet has also used a source of hydrogen fuel production. Notable of Nesha I is that there are four small moons in orbit of it that are used by the Engineering Division and known mining corporations to refine the minerals.

Asteroid Belt

The first asteroid belt within the Nesha star system is used by the Kingdom for two separate reasons. The first is that a number of solar monitoring stations have been built on the surface of a number of asteroids that are designed to monitor the system's primary star, due to increasing solar activity, it has become a point of concern for the Kingdom.

The second reason stems from the field's plentiful sources of minerals which are mined through the use of automated platforms.

Nesha Prime

Nesha Prime is the capital world of the Neshaten; it is a planet that is rot with problems brought on by its systems peculiar issues. There is a thunderstorm that is constantly active, always moving across the planet, this storm results in an island always having some form of weather at least once a month. Nesha Prime has planetary rings and a jump gate is located in orbit of the planet to make travel to the edge of the star system possible and faster.

The capital of the Kingdom of Neshaten is located on Nesha Prime. The city of Netoshen is designed like a fortress, taking nearly eight hundred years to get to the state it is in today. The city is separated into five sectors; each sector is separated by a high defensive wall.

For more detailed information can be found at: Nesha Prime (Planet).

Nesha III

A rock planet found near Nesha Prime, the planet doesn't serve much purpose other than a stopping point before merchant's vessels head to Nesha Prime. Although it does have a military training base on the surface named Xui’varan Training Center.

Asteriod Belt

Sometimes referred to as 'Nesha IV' due to the presence of asteroid colonies, the belt serves as a central mining location and starfighter training base.

Nesha V

The fifth planet in the system, Nesha V serves as another hydrogen fuel gathering point. However, it also serves as a Jumpgate location for ships needed deeper into the system. Its moons are used for a variety of different purposes like mining operations, colonization, or experimental.

Nesha VI

Another gas giant in the Nesha Star System, Nesha VI served its purpose as a booster colony for when the Neshaten were spreading throughout their system. They colonized two of the four largest moons and used them to boost their advance toward the edge of the system. Nowadays, however, all four moons are used as places of training for the Navy but also as surface mining locations for Trade Families who are involved in that sort of business. However, this is also the location for some private research facilities.

Nesha VII

Nesha VII is considered an important planet in the Nesha star system because it is the only ice-planet that exists, it is used exclusively in ice-mining to provide water for nearby stations.


Levia (Planet) is the last planet in the system and serves as an edge-system colony and military stronghold. Levia is home to most of the Navy's military assets and is also home to their vast sensor network control centers. It serves as the primary training facility for the Neshaten.

The Kingdom Acivities

This system is being patrolled actively by the 1st Fleet of the Shukara Volunteer Navy positioned in the Nesha System.

Export and Trades

The Nesha System exports and trades the following goods.

Primary Industries
farming, travel and tourism, mining, textiles


The population of the Nesha System is consistent of Shukaren Daur (Sub-Species), Shukaren Laibe (Sub-Species) and My'leke (Species) in the Kingdom of Neshaten. Other species of other factions are not allowed to settle down on the homeworld. The people of Nesha are known to be workers, they rely on their mining-driven economy that provides power sources throughout the kingdom. They have not received any outsiders from different factions due to their isolation behavior.



Transportation throughout the system can be done by either the Jumpgate that is present at Levia or by travel at normal speed as FTL won't work in this system.

RP Opportunities

Great roleplay opportunities.

  • Explore the great walls of Netoshen.
  • Get involved with the Engineer division at one of their research labs.
  • Get in trouble with your ship at one of the system anomalies.

Local Rumors

Maybe true, maybe not.

  • It is rumored that Kingdom Fall is located in the system somewhere.

OOC Notes

kalshion created this article on 2012/01/20 16:31. The page got an update by Rawolfe.

This update was approved by Andrew in this thread.

  • Art was created in Artbreeder and the Flag was created by Rawolfe.
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system/nesha.txt Β· Last modified: 2023/12/20 18:22 by