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Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45
:!: HEY! luca's doing some much needed work on this system, and making it more interesting.

Majestic (P1-1)

The Majestic system is a star system in Nepleslian Colonial Expanse, used for its two resource rich planets, and a large quantity of spiders on another, less resourceful planet. The closest system in the expanse is Hope (P1-3).

The main star of the system is a G0 yellow supergiant, burning brightly and at a pleasantly habitable rate. The system has four planets, and an asteroid belt in it.

System Description

Sun Type G0 Yellow Supergiant
Celestial Bodies 1 asteroid belt, 3 planets, 1 gas giant
Current Occupants Nepleslians, Geshrin, Spiders
Orbiting Order Sun > Planet: Showdown > Planet: Gun > Planet: Bowie > Asteroid Belt > Gas Giant: Windbag

The Majestic system has

Spaceborne Structures

  • 1 Spacestation orbiting Showdown
  • 1 Spacestation orbiting Gun
  • 1 Spacestation orbiting Bowie
  • 2 Asteroid Mining Facilities
  • 1 Gas mining facility near Windbag

Planet: Showdown

The planet Showdown is smack in the Goldilocks band of the Majestic system, making it an ideal living space, and agricultural planet after some minor terraforming efforts to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. If unintervened, the planet would've undergone a greenhouse effect and cooked itself. Nepleslians, naturally, wanted to be the cause of such phenomena instead of Mother Nature - and it was deemed a Showdown, thus naming the planet.

The planet's surface has 70% of its surface covered in water, with the remaining landmass composed mostly of greenery, plains, and some deserts within the interior of the continents.

Planetside Structures & Settlements

  • The Draw, Capitol City
    • 'Beat Four Aces at The Draw'
    • Primary Spaceport
    • The Draw is voted by many Nepleslian shooter's magazines as the most picturesque place in the Nepleslias to have a shootout. Indeed, the enormous Nepleslian action movie industry has moved in to The Draw, taking advantage of all the various establishments that have sprung up, and natural scenery to create breathtaking action scenes. The rest of Showdown's towns help supplement The Draw's film industry with varied environments.
  • Other towns and cities
    • Ten Paces Acres - An agricultural area, with large flat rolling green plains. Not very pleasing for the Nepleslian eye, but they grow food on it. Tasty food.
    • Pistol Shore - Shaped somewhat like a pistol when viewed from above, this landmass (which is actually a peninsula, starting at the bottom of the foregrip) hosts some lovely beachside living.
    • Gurner's Cliff - Because there's not much to do in this small town other than watch grass grow and shoot each other, people make a competition of gurning at each other. They give prizes to each other too. It is quite bizarre.
    • Sticksville - The only notable thing about this place is the tourist trap toothpick factory they have, making 'artisanal tooth picks out of Showdown Nightwood'. Some say they're taking the mickey out of Gunstar's artisan gunsmiths.
    • Camp Centre-Mass - A popular sniper's training course. The wide open plains are used for both training and competition of private and police snipers. Sometimes, units from the NSMC come here to beat each other's records.
    • Wetland - When film producers of The Draw thought they had all the best scenic locations for gunfights covered, Wetland, built in the middle of the large ocean came along and redefined aquatic combat with a sprawling water installation as big as a city. Whether it's in extensive rig malls above the ocean, leaping through the struts, or duking it out in domes at the bottom of the ocean.
    • Fulcrum Peak - An enormous machine built into Showdown's largest mountain, inhabited by Freespacers and sealed in a dome with its own simulated weather patterns. The moon is controlled from here, and it is voted the best place to film karate noir movies due to how gloomy the preferred weather is.


  • Film Reel - This moon has been heavily modified to preserve half of the moon's surface as is, and use the other half of the moon to project advertising billboards into space. The moon's normal face is not without blemish: Engraved onto the yellowy moon's surface is the logo of Orangefarm Films. The opposite face is mostly engine with the exterior layer festooned in billboards diverse as the polysentience, while a inside is a mighty series of jets, ensuring the moon's good face always faces the planet. An enclave of Freespacers who control the planet's advertising live there too.


Type Garden Planet
Radius Kilometres
Surface Area km2
Land Area km2
Mass x1024 kg
Density g/cm3
Composition Ocean/Crust, Outer Mantle, Inner Mantle, Liquid Core


Climate Types Temperate Supercontinent
Flora Density Optimal
Fauna Density Optimal
Length of Day 26.450 Hours
Average Temperature 32.5C


Demographics tbd

Planet: Gun

The planet Gun is a rocky looking planet with water reserves under the dry crust. Only 40% of the planet has water visible from space and a hot ocean which evaporates quickly and creates tropical conditions near the planet's equator, and provides icy caps to either end of the planet.

Planetside Structures & Settlements

  • Gunstar, Capitol City
    • 'The Purest Nepleslian Experience'
    • Primary Spaceport and Mining Industry
    • Gunstar is home to an artisinal movement of gunsmiths, regarded as savants in their ability to make weaponry. Its a commonly held belief that the best gunsmiths migrated here in order to be close to the mining and refinery industry, as well as gunpowder production, so they were able to buy their materials at a low cost due to supply, and thus experiment with wanton abandon, soon morphing into artisan gunmaking.
  • Some other smaller backroads towns
    • Sally and Sue - Some say there isn't any difference between these two spires of rock, but all the same, a town has managed to emerge between them, and hosts monthly monster truck races and moon watching.
    • Green Pool - A sinkhole that turns into a large lake, bristling with misplaced vegetation nestled within the mountains. Unsurprisingly, a town was built nearby, feeding off of the water.
    • Wardenhead Penal Facility - A large prison-industrial complex in the middle of an arid desert, with no water for miles. Do not pick up hitchhikers if you're going past.
    • Erg Watch - A town suspended upon large metal stilts, standing in the middle of a large Erg desert. Unsurprisingly, a very dusty place.
    • Junkyard - A sprawling field of junk, and a favourite of scavengers, artists, and mechanics. Everything that crashes into Gunstar is dragged here and taken apart eventually.
    • Robb's End - An abandoned 'thought experiment' town. Formerly funded by merchant bankers, run by merchant bankers, and run into the ground by merchant bankers when they realised they couldn't eat their money.
    • Salty Pete - A series of sulphur vents and rock formations rich in saltpetre and nitre. Smells terrible, but Salty Pete is valued for producing gunpowder.
    • Hellfire - Situated near a volcanic area, this hotbed town is within driving distance of several large volcanoes. Residents deal with the possibility of volcanic eruption with complex machinery capable of creating a safe area, able to withstand volcanic gasses, acid rains, and the occasional blanket of soot.


  • Middle Sight and Front Sight - Together, these moons are called the Iron Sights, and have been observed to align together once every three years. The two spires of rock that frame the settlement of Sally and Sue is sometimes called the Back Sight, and people will take shots at the moons with small arms when one or both of these moons align neatly.


Type Rocky Planet
Radius Kilometres
Surface Area km2
Land Area km2
Mass x1024 kg
Density g/cm3


Climate Types
Flora Density
Fauna Density
Length of Day
Average Temperature


Capitol Rockhaven
Demographics 80% Nepleslian, 12% Geshrin, 4% Yamataian, 4% Other

Planet: Bowie

The planet Bowie appears to be an ice world at a visual glance, with large amounts of white covering the visible, red land mass. Upon closer inspection though, the white is actually large masses of spiderwebs, matting together across tree canopies, across plains, and everywhere. Apparently, they enjoy music according to observation probes which have been caught within webs.

Unsurprisingly, Nepleslians decided to stay the hell off of this planet, but a plan to torch the place and start anew has crossed many minds, but the planet's resources are pale compared to Gunstar or Showdown, making it currently impossible to justify. Several private attempts to use the planet to treat arachnophobia have been taken up, but they end in tears.

Planetside Structures & Settlements

  • There are no planetside settlements or structures made by Nepleslians, or anyone really.
    • The planet, unfortunately, seems to belong to the spiders.


Type Garden Planet, Red Soil
Radius Kilometres
Surface Area km2
Land Area km2
Mass x1024 kg
Density g/cm3
Composition Ocean/Crust, Outer Mantle, Inner Mantle, Liquid Core


Climate Types
Flora Density
Fauna Density
Length of Day
Average Temperature


Demographics Small Spiders 60%, Large Spiders 30%, Nepleslians1) 10%

Gas Giant: Windbag

Windbag is a gas giant planet, full of large storms and brightly coloured, thanks to its large amount of neon, soaking its moons in a bright pink light. Inside of it, storms rage as the various gas mixtures swirl and ebb within. Fortunately, even if a flaming wreck was to enter the planet, there's little to no oxygen to start a fire. Famously, someone did try to set Windbag on fire in YE 35 with an oxygen bomb - but it didn't succeed.

Currently, efforts to mine the gas are underway with space stations orbiting the planet, and its seven moons.


  • Gruber - A small, rocky moon, which may be breaking up slowly as it orbits Windbag.
  • Richter - An oxygen-starved, red boulder flittering through space.
  • Arjen - It's said that failed diplomats who've had their immunity revoked get stranded here on this grey rock and attempt to negotiate with the thin atmosphere as punishment.
  • Bodicker - A moon covered in space junk and robotics, and may be home to a bipedal robot army. An aftereffect of Dyson's experiments.
  • Dyson - A large enough moon that Freespacers, who have no need for oxygen, took over and established a small living enclave.
  • Drago - A pirate hideout known for its illegal cage fighting matches and frequent steroid abuse. Prize fighter ID-SOL end up looking like mutated gorillas.
  • Marcellus - A planet that spins counterclockwise to its peers and has rich oil reserves hiding in it. Its unknown if something lived there previously.


Type Gas Giant
Radius Kilometres
Surface Area km2
Mass x1024 kg
Density g/cm3
Composition Mostly methane, some nitrogen, some helium, some neon, and traces of tritium
Map Locations
Map to UseKikyo Sector
Map Display NameMajestic
Map Coordinates1163,1699
Map ImportanceMinor RP Location
Map Marker
Map Tooltip ContentP1-1
Show label?yes
Marker AnchorBottom Center
Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesstar system
In a station orbiting this big ball of nope.

system/majestic.1675007654.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 17:03 (external edit)