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Star Army Mini-Missiles, Type 41

Designed in YE 41 as a replacement and supplement for older series of mini-missiles, the Type 41 Mini-missiles are designed for multi-mission functionality using interchangeable warheads. Because of this, the standard body is grey, although the stealth body is black, with the missile information printed on the side. It uses four fins that pop out after the missile is launched. Each type of warhead has a corresponding color and which type it is printed on it. The Type 41 mini-missiles are built by Ketsurui Fleet Yards for use in all compatible launchers.

Compatible launchers include but are not limited to:


  • Damage Rating: Munition Dependent
  • Damage Description: Munition Dependent
  • Size: 30cm length, 10cm diameter
  • Maximum Effective Range: 100 kilometers in space, 10 Kilometers in atmosphere.

Warhead Types

The Type 41 Mini-Missile comes with a wide variety of warheads, made to fit multiple tactical situations. They are very simple to change out in the field.

High Velocity Kinetic

The HVK Missiles are designed to simply ram straight into an enemy at their maximum velocity, doing damage through sheer kinetic impact. tier 6 damage is transferred though the impact to pilots and internal systems. The warhead color is grey.

Napalm Splash

The Napalm loaded missiles are loaded with a high temperature sticky gel like substance which keeps burning once lit. The Napalm Splash missiles do tier 5 damage over an area with a radius of 4 meters so long as the gel has fuel to burn. The warhead color is red.

Nodal Cloud

The Nodal Cloud warheads detonate to spread a sensor fogging Nodal Cloud over an area with a radius of about 4 meters. The warhead color is green.

Armor Piercing

Armor Piercing warheads are designed to be pierce armor more effectively then standard kinetic warheads. They deal tier 6 damage. The warhead color is yellow.

Shield Piercing

Armor Piercing warheads are designed to be pierce shields more effectively then standard kinetic warheads. They deal tier 6 damage. The warhead color is orange.


The Scalar warhead detonates to create a short-lived Scalar Field approximately 10 meters in radius around its point of detonation. The Scalar Field stuns living creatures, temporarily disables unshielded electronics, and cooks off unprotected munitions and ammunition. The warhead color is blue.

Subspace Detonator

The Subspace Detonator warhead functions along the same lines as the Ke-M2-W2703-SDMM Subspace Detonating Mini-Missiles, poking short-lived holes in various shield systems, disabling FTL, and closing wormholes on impact. The warhead color is Azure.

Multi-Function Missile Avoidance

The Multi-Function Missile Avoidance warhead functions along the same lines as the Ke-M2-W2703-MFMA Multi-Function Missile Avoidance Mini-Missiles, generating intense heat and electromagnetic noise to attract enemy missiles. The warhead color is lime.

Anti-Radar Missile Avoidance

The Anti-Radar Missile Avoidance warhead functions along the same lines as the Ke-M2-W2703-ARMA Anti-Radar Missile Avoidance Mini-Missiles, creating aetheric disruptions and shooting out radar decoys to throw off enemy radar guided and anti-radar missiles. The warhead color is chartreuse.

Synthetic Liquid Explosive

The SLEX warhead is used for ranged demolitions and all around no good chaos causing, detonating first in a small explosion to spread the liquid explosive over an area of 5 meters in radius before detonating again, causing the liquid explosive to go up, doing tier 4 to anything caught in the explosion. The warhead color is rose.

Space and Orbital Sensor Misdirection

The Space and Orbital Sensor Misdirection warhead has several sub warheads which provide sensor and volumetric duplicates of Mindys which move to confuse tracking systems. The warhead color is cyan.

Tracking Device

At times, one doesn’t want to destroy a target as much as merely track them. This simply consists of cloud of tiny Quantum and Radio tracking devices which can be activated, deactivated, or programmed by a Armor Integrated Electronics System (AIES). The warhead explodes and covers a area of about 5 meter radius with the microscopic tracking devices. The devices then work their way into every crack and crevice so that they can not be easily gotten rid of. The tracking device is simple, and it can be adjusted in transmission frequency and the rate at which it transmits data. It can also be set not to transmit its position for a set length of time, so as to allow an enemy to get back to their ship or installation before revealing the location of the target. It also can be set to only broad cast in bursts at set or random intervals determined by the user. The warhead color is brown.

Nodal Sensor

This warhead's purpose is to deliver a nodal drone to the objective to provide sensor information, communications, and targeting data to allied forces. The warhead color is white.

Electronic Warfare

This warhead is similar to the Nodal sensor, however instead it delivers a specialized electronic warfare drone to the target to conduct broader and more powerful sensor jamming and communications disruptions. The warhead color is violet.


This warhead trades power for additional stealth characteristics, making it difficult for enemy sensors to detect it before impact. They deal tier 5 damage. The warhead color is black.

OOC Notes

Soban created this article on 2019/03/01 07:13.

Approved Here by Ametheliana.

Star Army Logistics
First UsedYE 41
Last ReviewYE 46
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesweapons: missiles
Product NameStar Army Mini-Missiles, Type 41
ManufacturerKetsurui Fleet Yards
Year ReleasedYE 41
DR v3 maxTier 6

stararmy/weapons/mini-missiles_type_41.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/15 11:55 (external edit)