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Type 35 Armored Combat Vehicle "Jinsoku Musha"

An evolution of the type_34_infantry_combat_vehicle, the Type 35 “Jinsoku Musha” (迅速 武者 - Swift Warrior) was introduced into service in ye_35 for use by the star_army_of_yamatai.

About and History

The Type 35 Armored Combat Vehicle was designed primarily to provide a sufficiently speedy escort to fast moving logistics and supply vehicles as well as provide medium fire support to power armor assets in the area it operates with. As a result, it has respectable armor and armaments to fulfill its purpose.

It was developed from the type_34_infantry_combat_vehicle, a provisional, temporary stopgap and field testing platform which proved relatively successful. Due to this turnout, further development was done between origin_industries and ketsurui_zaibatsu, resulting in the Type 35 ACV. The vehicle used as many Star Army components and software as possible in its construction, and ended up entirely produced by Ketsurui Zaibatsu to ensure a steady logistical chain that would not be cut off.

The vehicle entered general service, phasing out several older designs where applicable, in the middle of ye_35.


Statistical Information

Class: Armored Combat Vehicle
Type: Ke-K8-2A
Designers: origin_industries, ketsurui_zaibatsu
Manufacturer: ketsurui_zaibatsu
Length: 7.5 Meters
Width: 2.8 Meters
Height: 2.5 Meters 1)
Speed: 180 KPH, 112 MPH
Crew: Driver, Gunner, Commander 2)
Passengers: 8 Small PA, 10 Personnel

Damage Capacity

Hull: 20 ADR
Shields: 20 (Threshold 3)

(See Damage Rating (Version 2) for an explanation of the damage system)

Interior Description

The main compartment of the Type 35 GPC stretches from the vehicle's rear ramp to just behind the commander's station and is primarily used as a passenger or cargo area. It is of modular layout, and as such, can have seats removed to allow the vehicle to be adopted for a variety of roles besides carrying personnel or Power Armored infantry. However, it has a reduced carrying capacity due to the additional weapons and ammunition on the vehicle, as its main job is more combat and combat support orientated.

Though spacious for typical Star Army of Yamatai personnel, it is described as 'closely fitted' or 'cozy' for individuals inside typical Yamataian power armor.

Beyond the main compartment is the crew compartment. This consists of the commander's station, forward of the main compartment and to the left - it consists of a comfortable crash seat with quick release harness and a volumetric command and control system. To the right of the commander is the gunner's station which includes a highly compact turret basket, complete with a belt of ammunition that links to an ammo box underneath the crash seat. This ammunition belt runs out of the ammo box and up along the gunner's right side into the remote controlled gun directly overhead. Unlike the commander and gunner, the driver receives his or her own compartment forward of the two. It has a reclined crash seat and volumetric view system.

A 360 degree volumetric view system is used to provide the entire crew with high visibility and situational awareness. Should this system become fully nonoperational, several pairs of goggles are available that will provide a backup visual feed.

Weapon Systems

Primary Weapon Systems

25mm Automatic Gauss Cannon (2)

A robust and easy to maintain weapon, the 25mm AGC provides reasonable firepower for the Type 35, capable of demolishing buildings, wrecking havoc on infantry and damaging power armors. It comes with two mounted together on a remote controlled turret.

OI-M3-W3302 25mm Automatic Gauss Cannon

Location: Remote Control Turret
Purpose: Anti-Armor, Anti-Personnel
Damage: ADR 3, Munition Dependent
Range: 10 KM/6.2 Miles, Atmosphere
Rate of Fire: 6 Rounds Per Second

PMML Platform (2)

A heavily modified version of the Origin Industries weapon, the Portable Mini-Missile Launcher Platform has been made to have ammunition commonality with Star Army OAP launchers used with the Mindy and Daisy. This ensures ammunition commonality, and logistical simplicity. In addition to these changes, the case is lined with yarvex to help contain the explosion in the case of ammunition cook-off - the explosion will be vented out from the front and back should the missiles prematurely detonate.


Location: Remote Control Turret
Purpose: Anti-Armor, Anti-Personnel
Damage: ADR 2
Range: 80 KM/50 Miles, Atmosphere
Rate of Fire: Individual, Salvo
Ammunition: 80 Mini-Missiles (Each)

Secondary Weapon Systems

Countermeasure Augmentation Pods (4)

Heavily modified, the preexisting mini-missile launchers in the Star Army of Yamatai's inventory have been remade to be more boxlike and with a larger ammunition capacity than its normal version. The usage of the same munitions remains, ensuring simplified logistics, and the launchers themselves retain a 60% parts commonality with standard calf mounted models, mainly electronics.

Countermeasure Augmentation Pods

Location: Strategic Hull Points
Purpose: Defensive Countermeasure Systems
Damage: None
Range: 80 KM/50 Miles, Atmosphere
Rate of Fire: Individual, Salvo
Ammunition: 25 Mini-Missiles (Each)

Optional Weapon(s)

Multi-Flare Launcher (1)

Optionally mounted on the rear top of the upper hull and facing up into the air, the modified CAP fires flares. These serve to provide either visible light or infrared illumination on the battlefield. In addition, they may also fire numerous signal flares as well, provided the rounds are loaded. The launcher is typically positioned on the left side of the hull roof. Its installation requires the removal of some of the upper deck bars.

Countermeasure Augmentation Pods

Location: Hull Roof, Rear Left
Purpose: Multi-Spectrum Illumination
Damage: None
Range: 80 KM/50 Miles, Atmosphere
Rate of Fire: Individual
Ammunition: 25 Mini-Missiles

Multi-Spectrum Smoke-Chaff Launchers (1)

Another optional piece of equipment, the MSSC Launchers serve to instantly generate smoke and chaff to break weapons locks. The missiles, typically located at the rear right of the hull roof, fire up into the air roughly two meters before detonating, instantly obscuring the vehicle in Smoke and Chaff. The smoke visually conceals the vehicle as the cloud rapidly billows out, and also prevents most sensors from getting a lock or detecting the tank itself. Its installation requires the removal of some of the upper deck bars.

Countermeasure Augmentation Pods

Location: Hull Roof, Rear Right
Purpose: Multi-Spectrum Illumination
Damage: None
Range: 80 KM/50 Miles, Atmosphere
Rate of Fire: Individual
Ammunition: 25 Mini-Missiles

Vehicle Systems

The Jinsoku Musha, like other Type 35 vehicles from the same basis, utilizes common components which streamlines logistics and improves ease of maintenance.

Armored Hull

As with its predecessor, the Type 35 makes use of the standardized Medium Vehicle Hull. This consists of interlocking pieces of ADNR encased within and reinforced with durandium to both save weight, and provide ample structural integrity. The armor plate of the vehicle itself however, is modified in its composition. Though still yama_dura in construction, it is thicker than those used on the other variants such as the original General Purpose Carrier. As a result of this heavier armoring, the vehicle itself is slower to move and accelerate in return for added protection. Despite this, the armor plates have the same cosmetic appearance as the standard sets, and may even be interchanged if needed, adding to the vehicle's flexibility.

Out of Character Information

This area is meant to hold information that is out of character in regards to the characters and setting.

Usage Guide

The Jinsoku Musha was made specifically to perform three primary roles; escorting ground vehicles, transporting powered infantry assault teams, and supporting its disembarked power armors.

As a direct result of this, it is far more combat orientated than the vehicle it is based off of. Though its top speed is lower than the ground transports it typically escorts, the vehicles do not commonly cruise at top speed, rendering this performance gap a non-issue. During general usage as escorts, they are typically assigned to the front and rear of convoys with a few in between to protect the more vulnerable haulers - when contact is made, the transports flee to safety while the Armored Combat Vehicles act as a screening force to protect their rear, or overwhelm and destroy the enemy with their superior firepower and disembarking troops. As Power Armors are faster and more mobile however, the Musha is not as useful during rapid, fast paced maneuver warfare.

Instead, the vehicle shines in extended ground campaigns where entrenched enemies must be rooted out. In these types of conflicts, the advantages of riding inside of and on the Musha become clear. It is typically used as a transport, bringing troops to the front-lines. Though this role is similar to its lighter and less heavily armed variant, the Jinsoku Ro, the Jinsoku Musha has more adequate armor, keeping them protected from ambushes. Besides serving as a mobile supply point to resupply powered infantry's ammunition hungry weapons such as the 50mm Shoulder Gauss Cannon and mini-missile launchers, the Armored Combat Vehicle takes a more active role in combat. In general use alongside powered infantry, it hangs back, remaining within line of sight of the Power Armor it accompanies and providing supporting fire with its heavier set of autocannons and mini-missile launchers.


  • This page was originally created on 2013/01/31 01:37 by cadetnewb
  • “Swift Warrior”
With Standard Hover Height of 30cm/12in
spine Compatible

stararmy/vehicles/type_35_armored_combat_vehicle_jinsoku_musha.1483763662.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:48 (external edit)