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Rikugun Expeditionary Warfare Course

The Expeditionary Command Course, part of the Rikugun University's Rikugun War College, is a specialized 2-month program designed to equip Rikugun centurions and select senior Jôtô Heisho with the necessary skills and knowledge for effective command in planetary and expeditionary operations. The curriculum focuses on operational leadership, tactical proficiency, and strategic planning for diverse and dynamic environments.

Expeditionary Command School Requirements

To attend the Rikugun Undergraduate Program, individuals must have the following:

  • Must not be Chui (Promotable) without a waiver.


The curriculum is structured to provide a comprehensive understanding of expeditionary warfare, combining theoretical knowledge with practical application. It is divided into four main phases, each focusing on different aspects of expeditionary operations:

Week 1-2: Introduction and Core Concepts

RWAR 2101 - Expeditionary Warfare: This foundational course sets the stage for understanding expeditionary warfare within the Star Army's overarching framework. It covers the historical evolution of expeditionary operations, key concepts, and current practices. The course delves into the unique challenges and strategic significance of these operations, highlighting the critical aspects such as rapid deployment, sustainment in hostile environments, and the integration of various military capabilities. Through a combination of lectures, case studies, and discussions, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the scope and complexities involved in expeditionary warfare.

MSCI 2102 - Leadership in Expeditionary Contexts: Focusing on the leadership aspect, this course emphasizes the importance of adaptable leadership styles in expeditionary environments. Given the rapid pace and unpredictability of such operations, the course explores how leaders can effectively motivate, manage, and guide their units under varying conditions. Topics include decision-making in high-pressure situations, maintaining troop morale in challenging scenarios, and the nuances of leading teams in complex, often fluid, operational contexts. Interactive sessions, leadership simulations, and analyses of historical expeditionary leaders form the core of this course, providing students with practical insights into effective leadership.

MSCI 2103 - Cross-Cultural Competence: Recognizing the increasingly interstellar nature of military operations, this course addresses the essential skill of working effectively across different species and cultures. It underscores the importance of cultural awareness and in coalition forces and joint operations, which are common in expeditionary settings. Students are trained in communication skills and conflict resolution techniques that are vital for navigating the intricacies of interspecies interactions. Role-playing exercises, guest speakers from various species, and case studies of successful interspecies collaborations enrich this course, preparing students for the realities of a modern military environments.

Week 3-4: Tactical and Operational Planning

RWAR 2201 - Expeditionary Tactics and Strategies: This course offers an in-depth exploration of the tactics and strategies that have proven successful in various expeditionary operations. It begins with a study of historical campaigns, analyzing what led to their success or failure. The course then shifts to contemporary tactics, considering the evolving nature of warfare, including asymmetric warfare and the use of advanced technologies. Students engage in detailed case studies, dissecting key operations to understand the strategic planning, tactical execution, and adaptation to on-ground realities. Interactive discussions, simulation exercises, and guest lectures from experienced expeditionary commanders are integral to this course, providing students with both theoretical knowledge and practical insights.

LSCM 2202 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Essential for any military operation, this course focuses on the unique challenges of logistics in expeditionary warfare. Students learn about the complexities of deploying and sustaining forces in remote or hostile environments, encompassing aspects such as supply chain management, resource allocation, and the establishment of secure and efficient supply lines. The course covers a range of topics, from the basics of logistics planning to the use of cutting-edge technology in supply chain management. Practical exercises include logistical problem-solving scenarios and case studies of logistics operations in recent military campaigns, emphasizing the critical role of logistics in the success of expeditionary operations.

MSCI 2203 - Military Intelligence Operations and Reconnaissance: Military Intelligence gathering and analysis are crucial components of expeditionary warfare planning and execution. This course delves into the methods and tools used in military intelligence operations, including reconnaissance techniques, surveillance technology, information analysis, and liasion techniques for working with Star Army Intelligence. Students learn how to effectively gather, interpret, and apply intelligence data to operational planning and decision-making. The course includes practical exercises in intelligence analysis, as well as workshops on the latest intelligence technologies and methods. Case studies of successful military intelligence operations provide real-world examples of how intelligence can significantly impact the outcome of military missions.

Week 5-7: Command and Control in Expeditionary Operations

MSCI 2301 - Command Post Operations: This course provides practical training in the establishment and management of a forward command post, a critical component in any expeditionary operation. The curriculum covers the selection of strategic locations, setting up communications and command systems, and ensuring operational security and efficiency in diverse environments. Through a combination of field exercises and simulations, students learn to adapt command post operations to various terrains, from dense forests to urban settings. Emphasis is placed on rapid deployment, resource management, and maintaining effective command and control under challenging conditions.

MSCI 2302 - Communication and Coordination: Effective communication and coordination are paramount in expeditionary operations, especially when involving joint forces and non-Rikugun assets. This course focuses on developing robust communication strategies that ensure clear, concise, and timely information flow between different units and branches. Topics include the use of advanced communication technology, overcoming barriers in interspecies communication, and coordinating joint operations with aerospace and ground units. Interactive workshops and scenario-based exercises allow students to practice these skills in realistic settings, emphasizing the importance of cohesive action and unity of effort among diverse military elements.

MSCI 2303 - Crisis and Conflict Resolution: Dealing with crises and internal conflicts is an inevitable part of military leadership, particularly in high-stress expeditionary environments. This course trains students in conflict resolution techniques, stress management, and maintaining high morale among troops. Students learn to identify and address the root causes of conflicts by implementing effective resolution strategies. Role-playing scenarios, case studies of conflict situations, and lectures on psychological aspects of leadership form key components of this course. The aim is to equip future commanders with the skills to handle crises efficiently, mitigate stress among their troops, and maintain operational effectiveness under adverse conditions.

Week 8-10: Capstone Field Exercise and Evaluation

MSCI 4401 - Field Training Exercise: This intensive component of the course represents the culmination of the practical training in expeditionary warfare. The Field Training Exercise (FTX) is a comprehensive and realistic simulation designed to test the students' ability to apply their learned skills in real-world scenarios. These exercises encompass various aspects of expeditionary operations, including tactical maneuvers, command post operations, and coordination with different units. Set in diverse environments that replicate potential operational areas, the FTX challenges students to adapt to changing conditions, make swift decisions, and effectively lead their units under simulated combat stress.

MSCI 4402 - Operational Planning Exercise: In this exercise, students are tasked with developing and presenting a detailed operational plan for a hypothetical expeditionary mission. This exercise tests their ability to integrate various elements of expeditionary warfare, including logistics, intelligence, tactical strategies, and command and control. The planning exercise requires students to consider multiple factors such as terrain, enemy capabilities, and potential logistical challenges. The process emphasizes the importance of thorough planning, resource allocation, and contingency planning in operational success.

MSCI 4403 - After-Action Reviews and Feedback: Following the Field Training Exercise and Operational Planning Exercise, students engage in after-action reviews (AARs). These sessions are critical for reflecting on the exercises and identifying both strengths and areas for improvement. AARs are facilitated by instructors and involve peer feedback, fostering an environment of open discussion and collaborative learning. The process helps students internalize lessons learned, understand the impact of their decisions, and refine their command and leadership skills. It also helps the instructors and the Rikugun War College gather information for improvements of the course.

Graudation Ceremony

Upon completion of all requirements of the course, a ceremony is held at Onoda Amphitheater. There diplomas certifying that the individuals had completed the course are handed out as well as a bronze morale pin. Consisting of two crossed katanas underneath a kikyo flower on a circle background, the pin signifies the first step by the officer becoming a Star Army Rikugun Commander.

Also while it is not a benefit of the course, many Shoi promotable are promoted at the ceremony to Chui before being assigned to their first command post.

Additional Elements of the Curriculum

The Rikugun Expeditionary Warfare Course is further enhanced by several key elements that supplement the core curriculum, providing a well-rounded and comprehensive educational experience:

Interactive Workshops

An integral part of the Rikugun Expeditionary Warfare Course is the series of interactive workshops designed to keep the students abreast of the latest advancements in modern warfare technologies. These workshops cover a wide range of topics including the nuances of electronic warfare, the tactical use of drones in reconnaissance and combat, and the innovative applications of teleportation in military operations. Through hands-on sessions, students get the opportunity to work with cutting-edge technology, understanding its capabilities, limitations, and best practices for integration into military strategies.

Guest Speakers and Veterans' Insights

The course regularly features guest lectures from a roster of experienced expeditionary commanders (such as those from the Legion 777 in recent conflicts) and military veterans of past conflicts. These sessions provide invaluable insights into the realities of command and combat, offering students perspectives that only come from real-life experiences. The guest speakers share lessons learned from their careers, discuss case studies of significant operations, and provide guidance on leadership, strategy, and operational execution.

Scenario-Based Simulations

Emphasizing the importance of practical, hands-on experience, the course extensively uses advanced virtual reality and volumetric simulation technologies. These scenario-based simulations allow students to immerse themselves in realistic tactical and operational environments. They can practice and refine their skills in a safe yet challenging setting, facing various simulated combat situations, crisis management scenarios, and strategic decision-making exercises.

A significant aspect of the curriculum is dedicated to the discussion of ethical and legal considerations in expeditionary warfare. This includes understanding the rules of engagement, navigating the complexities of military operations in foreign lands, and addressing humanitarian concerns. The course fosters a deep understanding of the moral responsibilities of military leadership and the importance of ethical decision-making in maintaining the integrity and honor of the Star Army of Yamatai. Through debates, case studies, and lectures on military law and ethics, students are encouraged to critically assess the impact of their actions and decisions in operational contexts.

Skills Learned

Characters that complete the course gain the following:


Graduates of the Rikugun Expeditionary Warfare Course are familiar with how to manage 100+ sized units effectively. They are capable of identifying needs of subordinates, but explictly expressed and needs observed by the leader.


Graduates of the Rikugun Expeditionary Warfare Course are capable of command and control, crisis management, and conflict resolution in high stress situations. They are capable maintaining decision-making, command structure recognition, and maintaining discipline and morale. They are also capable of strategic planning and tactical execution such as understanding ambush points, developing tactical maps, and implementing strategies in various operational scenarios.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2024/02/13 00:02.

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stararmy/training/rikugun_expeditionary_warfare_course.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/14 21:19 by demibear