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YSS Aeon II - February 2021

The current Roleplay Review consists of 10 questions; 10 bonus points are also available.

RP Plot Name: YSS Aeon II - Rating 10 (100) A

  1. [x] Update the wiki page for the plot (this should be in the plot: namespace). Plot pages need to say who the GM(s) are.
  2. [x] Update the list of all the current players and characters players in the plot (e.g. crew roster/personnel).
  3. [x] Update information for players thinking about joining the plot (wanted positions, etc) on the new Characters Wanted page.
  4. [x] Update the plot's entry on the Plots page.
  5. [x] The number of active players in my plot is: 2
  6. [x] Update the history sections of other articles the plot has interacted with.
  7. [x] Update the plot's history on the wiki.
  8. [x] Update the timeline with events of importance that happened in your plot.
  9. [x] Post/update the plot's plan thread in the GM Planning Forum forum.
  10. [x] Update the bio pages of all the plot's NPCs as necessary.
  11. [-] Ask the plot's players for feedback and ideas for the RP (surveys are good for this).

Note: On the forum, the plot should have a custom thread prefix (ask Wes for one if needed).

Grading: 10 points each.

BONUSES (1 point each):

  1. Currently accepting new players
  2. Made a GM post in your plot this week

GM's Oath of Honor

I verify that the above information is true. I understand that my responses may be verified by the Star Army administration and that any falsification of the above responses could lead to loss of my status as a Game Master.

stararmy/starships/aeon_ii/plot_reviews/feb_21.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 05:26 by