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Ke-M3-W3001 “Kalamari” Manipulator Arm System

Designer: Miles Gunn Manufacturer: Kessaku Systems, Ketsurui Fleet Yards. (Suggested) Price: 750KS Individual Component Costs: Main Module: 300 Ks Individual manipulator arm: 100 Ks Individual manipulator arm electrical components: 300 ks Storage Tanks: 50 Ks

Nomenclature and Size Information

Name: Ke-M3-W3001 “Kalamari” Type: Additional Power Armor Limb Module Role: Melee combat, obstacle removal. Length: Main Module 3 ft, Manipulator Arms 1ft Collapsed, 22 Meters Extended. Width: Main Module 2 ft, Manipulator Arms 2 in. Mass: Main Module 12 kg, Manipulator Arms 2kg (x6)

Projection/ammo type: Extendable and collapsible manipulator arm.

Materials used: The main module of the device is constructed of a thin Zesuaium shell over a titanium frame. Each manipulator arm is made from a ribbed Yarvex. Inside of the Yarvex is a coating of synthetic latex, used to hold the hemosynthetic fluid while it forms into muscle tissues.

Mechanism: A small hemosynthetic tank is located inside of the main module; this tank is connected to the six manipulator arms. When activated, the hemosynthetic fluids stored in the tank then go about decompressing into the arms, thus causing the arms to extend. When the hemosynthetic fluid is in place inside of the arms, it then reforms itself into the equivalent to a Nekovalkyrja’s muscle tissue. When the tissues are formed inside of the manipulator arm, the tissues are then stimulated and controlled by electrical impulses transmitted from the main module. Commands are given to the module through the power armor that the module is attached to. At the end of each manipulator arm, there are four small finger like projections, intended to be used as “fingers” for the manipulator arm.

When the use of the arm is complete, the main module ejects a chemical compound into the arms which acts upon the hemosynthetic fluid and converts it back to its original un-shaped format. The chemical compound used to reclaim the hemosynthetic fluids has been specifically engineered not to act upon Nekovalkyrja DNA, thus posing no risk to a Nekovalkyrja who may come into contact with leaking reclamation fluids. Once the hemosynthetic muscles are returned to a fluid form, they are then compressed back into the storage tank and the reclamation fluid is separated from the hemosynthetic fluid, and also placed back into a storage tank.

Effective Range 3ft – 20 Meters Maximum Range: 22 Meters Minimum Range: 2ft Movement Speed: The manipulator arms have been shown to move at an equivalent to the movement speed of a typical NH-27 unit’s hemosynthetic projections.

Weapon Mechanisms

Safety: Power Armor controlled.

Manipulation Arm selector: Yes

Weapon Sight: The target identifier of the weapon is built into the software of the module, and is able to be accessed as soon as the module is connected to the power armor. From that point, the pilot would then designate targets as simply as the pilot would point at an object.

Attachment Hard points: Yes, this device has an attachment hard point to be attached to the Mindy or Kylie armor.

Nodal Support Bits: In the situation of a breach of a manipulator arm, or other components of the device, nodal support bits have been included to repair damages to the equipment. Due to the small number of nodal devices included, repairs to the equipment would take around one minute for a cracked component. Large rips in the manipulator arm would take 30 minutes to an hour to repair.

Maintenance Information

Field Maintenance Procedure: Allow the nodal support bits to repair minor damages. If a manipulator arm is severely damaged, replace it with a new one. If the hemosynthetic tank is severely damaged, replace it with a new one by opening the central panel of the main module and removing the old tank, and replacing it with a new one. Similar procedure would be used in the replacement of other components inside of the module.

Replaceable Parts and components: The module’s storage tanks, pumps, valves, and electronic systems are easily replaced in the field. Storage tanks are simply screwed in. Pumps and hoses connected to the pumps are intended to be easily plugged in, and self sealing. Valves can easily be removed by the use of a strong pair of fingers, or a wrench. The electronic systems are easily able to be unsecured by the removal of several screws, and can be replaced as simple as replacing a light bulb.

Visual Description: When separate from power armor, the weapon would look like a tortoise shell with six stubby projections coming out from the shell.


During Miles Gunn’s combat experience aboard the YSS Sakura, he has found that two arms and two legs is often not enough to defeat some of the enemies of the Empire in melee combat. The solution to this problem was quite simple; give a pilot a few more arms and legs.

During his write up of this device, Miles chose to give the device a rather amusing name, considering that it would need some comedy added to allow Nekovalkyrja whom have had traumatic experiences with tentacles to warm up to using the module.

Note: The word tentacle has not been used to describe the manipulator arms for tactful reasons.

OOC Notes

Approved by Wes on August 17, 2006 1)

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriestools
Product Name“Kalamari” Manipulator Arm System
ManufacturerKessaku Systems, Ketsurui Fleet Yards
Price (KS)750.00 KS

stararmy/equipment/ke-m3-w3001_kalamari_manipulator_arm_system.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:01 by