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Reactivated is a Plots run by GM Commissar Farzi, with a focus on ground combat, mercenary work, and the occasional foray into parts unknown.

Plot Details

Current RP RP Link
Faction Independent
Game Master Commissar Farzi
Pacing Single Posts Once A Week Minimum
Number of Players 5
Accepting Players? Yes, but speak with Commissar Farzi
Joining Requirements Post in Interest Check. Anyone can Join
RP Rating 3-2-3

Plot Overview

The Iron Company, after narrowly avoiding destruction at the hands of the Craethel and then later gaining a few hundred thousand-possibly close to a million-tag a longs in the form of civilians, PDF, and whatever remaining government officials that happened to make it off-world when they left their home galaxy managed to, albeit barely, make the jump to the Kikyo Sector. The jump had burned out most of their FTL drives, and with Vahallan shipbuilding being what it is they were forced to make an emergency landing on a toxic, uninhabitable rock with the few spaceworthy vessels providing overwatch.

Even as Steiner dispatched scouts, ships that were deemed 'Irreparible for space travel' were either cannibalized for parts or converted into habitation for the planet's new, and admittedly unwilling colonists. Preparing for an extended stay, defenses were laid and long-term colonization plans were drawn up as communications were made difficult by conditions on the ground; frequent dust storms, combined with a combination of electromagnetic interference caused by them and radiation from the nearby white dwarf meant that any long-range communications outside of courier dispatch or using the few still functional spacecraft were rendered a virtual impossibility. They believed themselves to be alone on this rock…unfortunately, they would soon be proven very, very wrong.

An encounter with an unknown hostile in an abandoned mining facility led to the discovery of what would soon be known as the “Gribblies”; ugly, mutated monstrosities fighting alongside what seemed to be Nekovalkyrja, leading many to wonder if Yamatai had fallen in the short time after the Kuvexian War. In the last few months, the situation has escalated, from the occasional isolated encounter to frequent skirmishes-Mishhuvurthyar see them as playthings, prey yet to be devoured-they'll soon learn there's nothing more dangerous than a cornered Valhallan…


History of the Reactivated Story for the Iron Company.

Blood On the Sand - YE 44

Shortly after a brief, and violent first contact; the occasional skirmish would ensure between Company and “Gribblies”-however, they had yet to escalate to anything longer than a quick brushfire gunfight or single squad skirmish-that ended with a brief, bloody battle beginning in YE 441). Engaging with what initially seemed to be light skirmishing force consisting of infantry; Morris and his own and several other squads being pinned down in a trench line by a heavy weapons team. Yeoman Andrake and a mercenary by the name of Luna Masako managed to disrupt the attackers enough that the squads pinned in the trenches were able to advance. With the steadily turning tide of the engagement, Steiner gave the order to advance with a number of tanks. This ended up a failure half of the vehicles were damaged or lost in the engagement; though the vehicles were either damaged or destroyed by Masako and Andrake, the latter of whom nearly wound up blinding herself after detonating the powerplant on an enemy vehicle.

Needless to say, the battle was regarded as an abject failure by the Company, but it did serve to show them just how dangerous their foe truly was. This message was further hammered home by Tacho, who had been on reconnaissance duty at the time the squad had dragged back a Universal Medium Tank that had been destroyed. Steiner, initially having chastised her for so what had seemed at the time a foolish decision to drag the vehicle-but not wishing for her effort to go to waste picked it up only for the true reason for her actions:

A A strange creature, combining in hideous fashion the physiologies of the Nekovalkyrja and Mishhuvurthyar that had attempted to ambush them only to be killed by the Norian with the destruction of the tank all that saved them from the rest of the monsters lurking in ambush. It was at that moment that a decision was made; they would need to go on the offensive.


The team then embarked on a recon mission led by Tacho, aiming to investigate enemy activity and gather vital intelligence. Auli, the young fox morph, continued her efforts to earn acceptance and respect within the team. Squire Revjak, with a noble background and a reputation as a glory hound, sparked tension by making derogatory comments about Auli, leading to a confrontation. Michelle staunchly defended Auli, while Tacho emphasized the importance of unity and respect among the team members. Despite these challenges, the group remained focused on their mission objectives. Despite what had initially seemed to be a promising start-even managing to eliminate a patrol, the squad and their armor support was forced to fall back after encountering a minefield filled with spider mines under the cover of artillery fire.

GM Availability

Commissar Farzi is in the US Eastern timezone and is available: I'm usually around most evenings provided I'm not busy. Feel free to shoot me a message over Discord.

Team Members

OOC Notes

Commissar Farzi created this article on 2023/08/30 19:16.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

OOC ThreadOOC Thread
Last Checked2024/06/11
Characters WantedMercenaries

plots/reactivated.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/14 21:41 by commissar_farzi