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Kaiyo History

This is a page about the history of the yss_kaiyo plotship. The plot has utilized the plumeria_gunship YSS Kaiyō and the Fuji-class Expeditionary Gunship YSS Kaiyō II and is run by GM ametheliana.

Pre-RP History

Built in ye_38, the YSS Kaiyō is a plumeria_gunship_refit made to be within a small squadron of four Plumerias of the First Expeditionary Fleet, Sixth Squadron. It was later nearly destroyed in an alternate universe fiasco when her engineers listened to a self-proclaimed “All Seeing” entity, though it effectively got them back to their own universe at the expense of their alternate selves.

The Kaiyō II, a Fuji-class Expeditionary Gunship, was currently being built at the time of their slip into an alternate universe and once the Kaiyō crew were found, they were transferred to the second of its class, the Kaiyō II.

RP History

* Pre-Mission One: Hajime! 1) The crew gets briefed on their fight to get to Kuvexian space and take on the adversaries to star_army_of_yamatai.

The squadron of Plumeria were confronted with pirates and took out three Caravan Heavy Freighter and several Ge-L3-1A - Vampire-Class Patrol Craft. Inside the Caravan are hostiles outfitted in Docile that the away team must destroy. Two out of the three Caravan were taken out via demolitions and the Kaiyō's weapons systems. Two prisoners were taken.

The crew gets debriefed. Trust falls and teriyaki dinners ensue.

  • Mission Two: Ni 4)

An unknown craft is spotted and power armor filter out of it. While engaged in a ruthless battle with the power armor, an NMX Neko in a reaper shows up and shoots down the pilot of the craft, a shuttle that has a self-destruct button. The button is pressed by one of the enemies and the shuttle explodes with all of the enemies.

A fleet of L'Kor are engaged after Star Army Intelligence is able to give the Sixth Squadron more information about the enemy, now known as the L'Kor. They are able to read them Rights of Early Contact.

The planet Komorebi is determined to be safe and is also uninhabited. The Sixth Squadron seeks to investigate more about this planet and each of the ships deploys teams to uncover the planet's secrets. While down there, one crew member touches some oozing red liquid and starts hallucinating while another falls hundreds of feet and is impaled. Deciding to head back, most of the team prepares to leave while Amanozako and Mochi go to investigate a path that led them to a shuttle and bomber, which the sixth squadron begins to tow away.

The Kaiyō crew goes through a trust exercise again, this time playing “one truth and a lie” where the crew went around the room and told the rest of the crew one truth about themselves and one lie and the rest of the crew had to guess as to what the truth was and what the lie was.

The crew are awakened to find that NMX Forces are attacking the squadron. On board is one Ghost mishhuvurthyar, as well, which phases broodlings into the captain, Teien Eden. There are two manin areas of fighting; in the cargo bay and in the power armor bay. Mitsuko is the hero of the cargo bay, utilizing tankettes and a SLAM against an advanced while Meissa takes command of the power armor bay. While the samurai, Rei, is tasked with killing the Ghost Mishhu in the wardroom with her SARAH, Aiko the Princess takes the lead in her Kirie by killing an Advanced Type at Meissa's urging in the power armor bay. It is a pyrrhic victory for the Kaiyō.

The Kaiyō crew get some much needed shore leave in kyoto as the Kaiyō is repaired. Meissa and Mat go to her home. Rei, Aiko, and William go to Xiuluria. Mitsuko goes to the highschool she used to be vice principal of. Many members of the crew go to the beach

The squadron comes into contact with an SAoY escape pod and contacts it. In it is, surprisingly, an old friend of Eden's as well as some of her crew. They make plans to rendezvous with the escape pod as soon as possible. Using Quantum Encryption technology, the BIES of the escape pod notices monitoring attempts on their communications with the squadron and they counter it. The squadron loses contact with the escape pod soon thereafter. The Kaiyō set out to find the escape pod, but when they got to it, it was burned to a crisp. While this happened, Kikyō, Eden and Saki's daughter, was born. Soon, three cruisers and ten bombers uncloaked themselves and engaged the Kaiyō in battle. Within minutes, they hailed the ship and the enemies were identified as the Elefirn. Teien Eden ordered all power armor units to retreat, had her pilot maneuver the ships so that they were lined up, and shot the aether shock cannon at them. When that happened, though, the Kaiyo's sensors went one way and another, the view screen went blank, and there was a great amount of turbulence. When Eden picked herself up, she was looking at a view screen that showed her own ship.

Eden was hailed by the look-alike ship and found herself staring back at herself. She called for Saki onto the bridge of the other ship came her wife, but this one was captain and was far more aggressive than the Saki she knew. They identified themselves as the IYS Kaiyo and said they were from Yamatai. The crews ended up exchanging personnel and all of them were confronted with look-alike of themselves. The doppelgänger to Hanna Madsen revealed that they were under the leadership of eve. Soon thereafter, the crews went back to their respective ships after Teien Eden was given a white flowered plant. Shortly after getting back to their own ship, the YSS Kaiyō found they were being towed by the much larger ship.

The ship's crew were having a less than exciting time cooped up aboard the ship while it was towed by the IYS Kaiyō up until the point at which Eden noticed bolts of light through the window of the wardroom. Her sensors operator reported a large energy signature at Eden's position and a moment later, there was a balding man in a friar's frock standing in front of the Shosa. He explained his ability to be omnipotent… Or at least, nearly. In the universe he was in, he was able to know all, but he could not delve into the universe YSS Kaiyō came from.

He revealed that the IYS Kaiyō's Yamatai would have tortured and interrogated Eden's crew, according to him. He quickly got them out of the clutches of the graviton beam and Eden made it to the bridge, disallowing him entry. Once she was in it, though, he appeared and she posed to him the question of why they fought this alternate version of Yamatai and he revealed their developing technology stopped them. Eden was hailed by the IYS Kaiyō. The Kaiyō jetted away and Eden asked for a channel to the IYS version of themselves. They spoke briefly, it did not go well. A number of power armors then uncloaked in the shuttle bay and the Kaiyō infantry were asked to expunge the boarders from the ship. After a quick talk with the entity, Eden soon realized what she needed to do. She ordered to turn around, asked the engineers to work with All as he was now known, and to wait for an away team to get supplies back to the ship. Meanwhile, the boarders were dealt with in swift, careful motions in the power armor bay. Eden opened up a channel with the IYS Kaiyō once more and said she would work with them to expel their enemies from their universe. The power armor infiltrators on the Kaiyō were then asked by the IYS ship to stand down and did so. It was at that time that Eden entered the power armor bay in her own armor, taken from the cargo bay where it had sat, lifeless, for too long.

She ordered the boarders to have their armor stripped from them and once they were back to the IYS ships' location, the YSS crew boarded the IYS ship. Cutting down enemies left and right while Meissa set up explosive traps, they made it to engineering of the IYS ship and Eden took a Transuniversal Teleportation Drive from the IYS ship. She exited the room with some of the infantry going ahead and Meissa behind her. It was then that the alternate version of Misaki showed herself and, unable to kill her, Meissa had to cut down the alternate version of her adoptive mother. They ran towards the exit of the ship, but the alternate version of Eden showed herself. They had been trapped by the duo! The other Eden had a Shoulder-Fired Launcher, Anti-Armor Missile, Type 30 and shot it out just before Eden passed the TTD to Meissa and used her Ke-M2-E3000 Leader Support Pack to make Meissa teleport to safety.

The alternate Eden ended up hitting the explosives with the SLEX of the SLAM and incinerating Teien Eden completely. Moments later, Meissa was back on the YSS Kaiyō and handed off the TTD to engineering, which had been working feverishly. They gave the signal and Misaki on the bridge shot out the death blows to the IYS ship and in a pink-hued explosion, they were back in their universe. With little power, the YSS Kaiyō sent all of its energy into sending Eden's death to a hemosynth tube on Yamatai and she was made there. She was able to place where the Kaiyō would be and the ship was found listless hours later.

* Pre-Mission Eight: Pre-Mission Eight:Kaminari 12)

With the new ship came a few new faces, one of which was Taiyou Hoshi, a veteran and the new captain. This was the official meeting of the new and old crew as well as the presentation of the new experimental Second Lieutenant position on the ship. Everyone had different feelings about Misaki being placed in that position while taiyou_hoshi took over as captain of the ship.

* Mission Eight: Mission Eight:Hangeki 13)

After a one-month journey, the YSS Kaiyō II arrived in the atmosphere of Komorebi to conduct an aerial drop on the location of a cabin outpost that had been overrun by L’Kor forces. The mission was the first combat operation for the many new-faces on the ship.

Once Eden had completed her descent, she made visual contact with a group of L’Kor who were sitting outside of the cabin. Upon spotting her, the L’Kor ran inside to presumably prepare a defensive in the cabin’s interior. The L’Kor had also planted the head of Santô Hei Fukumashi Sara on a flagpole that extended from a beam of the porch. The away team proceeded to take position by the door before storming the cabin with Eden leading the way. Ume Hatoyama, Meissa Nashira, Arinori Sora, Walter Hyde, and Hanna Madsen followed close behind.

Meanwhile, Iemochi Seinosuke was tasked with finding a potential landing zone for the tankettes and their infantry escort. He quickly found a clearing that was just large enough for the Fuji-class ship to land.

Once the first floor the cabin was cleared, Eden and Meissa scouted the second floor in preparation to storm it like the first one. As they did, a rogue drone was spotted above the cabin, sending distress signals, and strafing oddly. On the bridge, Taiyou Hoshi ordered communications to be opened with it. By this time, the away team began to storm the upper floor of the cabin. The engagement on the second floor was characterized by bouts of desperate close-quarters combat involving Eden, Meissa, Ume, and Hanna.

At the landing zone, Jax Dir Teshin exited the Kaiyō and initiated his search for plant samples with Leeta Aoi on the surface of Komorebi. The tankette formation also disembarked from the ship and began to move towards the away team’s position. Around this time, William also disembarked the ship to join the away team, in defiance of Hoshi’s orders.

With the second floor cleared out, Eden ordered the away team to form a defensive perimeter around the cabin. Once the tankettes arrived and the defensive line was formed, L’Kor shuttles approached the cabin and the away team responded with a barrage of firepower. All the while, Taiyou Hoshi ordered the rogue drone to exit the war zone.

At the defensive perimeter, dozens of L’Kor power armors began to drop from the shuttles. After a few minutes, the L’Kor power armors began to emerge from the trees and proceeded to initiate an assault on the away team’s defensive position. After a short bout of combat, the away team won the first round of the engagement. Eden ordered the away team to reposition along the fence. Walter Hyde was assigned to escort the drone off of the battlefield.

After the conclusion of the first round, a prisoner was taken from among the L’Kor infantry and was escorted to the cabin. Iemochi Seinosuke was also called to lead a team to retrieve more ammunition for the away team and to escort the injured Reina Madoka from the battlefield. After the resupply team left, another wave of L’Kor power armors arrived to engage the defensive line. The weaponry of the Kaiyō, operated by Arbitrated Iemochi continued to rain down devastation on the L’Kor power armors. When the resupply team returned to the ship, Taiyou Hoshi identified a problem in engineering and dispatched one of the engineers to fix it. Later on, the Second Officer, Teien Misaki took care of the problem in engineering herself.

Once they restocked their ammunition and escorted Reina Madoka back to the ship, the resupply team returned to the picket line and re-engaged the enemy armors. The Kaiyō also took on some damage to the gun turrets. Once they arrived at the front, Iemochi Seinosuke Iemochi led a team into the forest to search for more L’Kor hostiles.

Back on the bridge, Hoshi spotted a hostile gunship approaching on their sensors. In response, she ordered Kyōi Kiseki to fly the ship away from the surface. Meanwhile, Iemochi Seinosuke and his team came across a crashed L’Kor shuttle with a few survivors still at the crash site. Janna Madsen and Seinosuke quickly dispatched two of the most-able survivors.

Back at the picket line, one of the tankettes had been disabled by a missile barrage. Anastasia Barlow made an attempt to fix it, however the vehicle had been heavily damaged. In the forest, the AI Chlorate’s drone was disabled by an electronic magnetic pulse. Walter Hyde also made an attempt to fix the drone, but most of it’s electronics had been rendered useless by the blast.

Once the second wave of the engaged had concluded, Eden sent out a few of the infantry to scout the surrounding area and to report back on their findings.

After encountering resistance from Hanna Madsen, Walter Hyde compromised and downloaded Chlorate to a FARS Drone instead of to the tankette.

Once the problems were fixed in engineering, Arbitrated Iemochi unleashed the full firepower of the Kaiyō on the pursuing starship. Once the enemy ship was destroyed, the Kaiyō landed to extract the away team from Komorebi, thus concluding the mission.

* Mission Nine: Mission Nine:Mamemameshi 14)

Using information collected from a L'kor POW that had been captured during the counter-attack at Komorebi, the Kaiyo II and her crew were to assault and destroy a Kuvexian built and owned space station. This mission was the first official operation for the newly-created SOFT 501, who were tasked with infiltrating the station while the majority of the Kaiyo II's infantry were to defend the Yamataian starship.

As the ship was piloted closer to the station, the crew which were to be doing the fighting were preparing themselves in the ship's Power Armor bay. When given the order and clearance to do so, the SOFT team teleported onto the station's exterior to begin their infiltration; meanwhile, yoshida_kokoro was assigned as the field commander for the infantry during the mission.

In the beginning of the combat, the L'kor had sent a single gunship and a lone soldier in power armor towards the Kaiyo II, in an attempt to probe the defenses of the starship and her infantry compliment. Unfortunately for the Kuvexian forces, the armor was shot down, and a coordinated attack against the starship forced it to stall; it was destroyed moments later by the Fuji-class. By this time, the SOFT team was infiltrating the station from a small hatch on its exterior surface.

The battle around the Kaiyo II and the station started to escalate rapidly, as several more gunships launched from the station to combat the Fuji-class; there was a lapse in the chain of command as several members of the infantry team began to fly towards the station in order to assault it directly. Within moments the entire infantry team had begun to charge towards the station, leaving the Kaiyo II to defend itself against the incoming enemy ships. As the infantry team landed in several hangars on board the station, they began to wreak havoc upon it; not only did this allow the soldiers to engage the L'kor directly, it also created an optimal distraction for the still-hidden SOFT.

Despite entering the station in separate areas, the infantry team suffered little in terms of damage for the beginning stages of their assault; in five separate areas the team assaulted the station, clearing away a large amount of the enemy crew within. A coordinated attack between walter_hyde and Miles Belmont Emiko managed to cripple and neutralize an enemy gunship before it could even take off. As kyoi_kiseki and arbitrated_shan worked together at the controls of the starship, the battle started to rapidly approach its climax.

The SOFT made their way through the station with little resistance due to the successful distraction of the larger infantry force. Within several minutes they had found the main reactors of the station. It was at this time that teien_eden repositioned herself away from the Special Operations team and joined the main infantry assault further upwards on the station. Under Misaki's command the infantry reorganized into two distinct teams, clearing their way through the station in order to recover an enemy VIP that Eden had received information about.

It was around this time that the Nepleslian boy William had become critically injured by an unusually skilled enemy soldier; it took a short time for a shuttle to be dispatched on account of the various enemy starships still around; it took a little bit more time for the bridge crew of the Fuji to clear them away enough for the small craft to launch safely. As the shuttle approached the station, its aether generator started to fail again - an incident which had been reported previously during the initial exploration of Komorebi.

As the shuttle began to fail, the Weapons Operator worked with the MEGAMI to bypass many of the safety systems of the weapons; this maneuver was able to destroy almost all the enemy starships at the cost of significantly damaging the Kaiyo II's weapons. With the space mostly clear of threats, a medic was able to transport William onto the Raccoon shuttle quickly to administer medical attention. At the same time, a civilian human who called themselves “Mark” was found within the station, conscious but with amnesia.

As the Special Operations Firing Team began to breach into the primary engineering area of the station, the bulk of the Kaiyo II's infantry forces entered an upper-level hangar which was occupied by both L'kor and Kuvexians. Though both forces began to fight intensely, the imminent destruction of the station forced the YSS Kaiyo II's team to teleport and retreat; before she escaped, Teien Eden identified an enemy VIP, though there was no time to interact or attack them. The SOFT force had been surprised by a suicidal L'kor who wore an explosive vest, and were forced to retreat after accomplishing their primary objective of arranging for the station to self-destruct. In the initial explosion, the teleporters of both hanna_madsen and anastasia_barlow were damaged. arinori_sora attempted to carry Hanna out of the station, as her teleporter was inoperable, but was forcibly teleported by the command of Teien Eden, causing the spaghettification of the infantry neko. Anastasia's teleporter had, rather than being inoperable, been set to teleport her to an unsafe, unknown location inside of the station. As the station was destroyed, the Elysian woman was deemed Missing In Action, presumed dead. (…almost everyone that had participated for the Komorebi mission had been ranked up once. Arbitrated Iemochi had received a double promotion but the rest of the Jôtô Hei had stayed their current ranks. The XO and Captain, though, had retained their ranks of Shosa and Chusa…)

The Kaiyo crew went to kyopelinvuori for some down time in between the taxing mission and the next! It was a small adventure for some such as Sacre and Mark, who both got Symbiotics Overview or Somatic Tuning. Hoshi and Muyomi accompanied them in the separate encounters with the Iromakuanhe technology.

The team was to work on Yamatai and trained at ralt for a week before being brought to what appeared to be only a crevice in the ice where the Temple of the Stars is said to be, though it was covered by a thick sheet of ice. The foundation of the temple was seventy feet below the top of the ice where they had arrived and they soon went down to beneath it, into a briefing room where they suited up in prototypical shibui_powered_suit. Then they made their way to the center of the temple, cut a hole in the ice and foundation, and ascended…

Many hijinks later and they had found an Avatar, named Ame of the Stars.

The mission ended just before ye_40 and those that were with the YSS Kaiyō II as personnel or civilians got the year_end_gifts for their efforts on past missions and Project Star Princess.

At the beginning of ye_40, the YSS Kaiyō II were brought into another universe, Ayenee. This mission began with a short briefing (Every enlisted member of Kaiyo that had been brought to Ayenee had received two ranks up by Hoshi and Command) and turned out to be a simple scouting mission, but it initially held the guise of being a search and retrieval of a pomegranate. Some were sucked into a tarry swamp monster, another group found themselves becoming increasingly out of control in a stupor created somehow in the area they were in. A few had a run in with a demon that ended poorly and in the med bay. Another group headed to the city nearby and ended a fight between ogre and warlock, then inevitably found a row of pomegranate trees. It was a marred victory.

Briefings were terse and nobody besides XO and Captain knew much. The Transuniversal Teleportation Drive was being used… But for what?

(All enlisted personnel that had been on the mission to the blue sky universe had received a promotion.)


OOC Notes

ametheliana created this article on 2017/10/27 02:55.

Meaning “Begin!”
Meaning “One”
Meaning “Stop!”
Meaning “Two”
Meaning “Three: Continuous improvement”
Meaning “Four: The interplay between light and leaves as sunlight filters through them”
Meaning “Truth”
Meaning “Five: What should I do?”
Meaning “Acceptance of transience and imperfection”
Meaning “Six: Escaping Reality”
Meaning “Seven: Deep awareness of the universe”
Meaning “Thunder”
Meaning “Counter-Attack”
Meaning “Diligent”
Meaning “Water”
Meaning “Treasure”
Meaning “Re-start”
Meaning: “Why is the Sky Blue?”

plot/yss_kaiyo/history.1527323178.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:01 (external edit)