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Star Army Bases & Facilities
TypeFleet Depot
LocationCentral Uesureya
DescriptionManufacturing & Logistics
OrganizationStar Army Logistics
Contact PageNakeysha Smalls
Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesmilitary facility

Asura III

A tropical, habitable, Yamatai-like planet in the Asura system, β€œAsura” was the only remaining United Outer Colonies colony aside from Miyamae System, and is the largest population center in the Yugumo region of space. It is part of the Suzerainty of Asteria.

Asura is patrolled by the Shield of Asteria. Asura is locally governed by a council of countries, special interest groups, and megacorporations that co-exist only reluctantly with each other beneath the Mikado of Asteria. The result is a planet almost as diverse as it is sprawling; with 3,735,423,976 humanoid beings on the surface, and sitting as it is on the very verge of civilized space, it could hardly help that.


The framework for the Asura Prime government was only loosely dictated by the United Outer Colonies, now defunct, as a democracy with the highest of ideals - the liberty of the common person, and the freedom of the soldiers of the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet who defected from the Yamatai Star Empire. A people's house of commons, with seventeen representatives from the four major planetary districts, was set up around a Prime Minister presiding over the House. They have a standing constitution which grants considerable power to the district and local governments to maintain contracts, property rights, and provide for an interdistrict justice and penal system.

In current practice it is a corporatocracy that does little to maintain any of these rights except for the ones that can pay for them.

When the United Outer Colonies fell to the NMX, the government remained - but finding itself without support from the colonial fleet, which had either surrendered to Yamatai or joined the Lorath Matriarchy, it turned to the corporations entrenched on its surface for funding and borrowed large amounts of money to provide for a standing militia and to maintain the economy and welfare of its populace. When the Lorath began to patrol the astral territory of the Asura system, the colonial government found a temporary reprieve for two full years, until YE 34, when Task Force Lantern officially took over patrol of its astral territories. Expressing no real interest in changing the way things operated on the surface, the then-Taisho Morioka Naoko simply allowed the planet to govern itself.

The debts came due - the government, effectively bought out, was generally agreed by the populace to be a simple puppet of the most powerful corporations on the planet's surface.

This state of affairs continued until YE 39, when that Taisho returned to the planet with the mandate of a monarch. bhelith_blackspear, a beknighted representative of Xiuluria, was granted control of Asura III along with several other former Lorath Matriarchy planets as the result of a sincere proposal from the senators of Xiuluria. Following an old tradition, she raised her own banner as an independent state (with the patronage and permission of Yamatai) and made Asura III her capital.

This gained a mixed reception, with the current democratic government viewing the obnoxiously wealthy Morioka Clan as its appointed, and much-wished-for savior. One of the Mikado's first acts was to pay many of their debts, and to immediately integrate them into her new government with titles, maintaining their official holdings and giving them a great deal more power over their provinces than they had previously enjoyed. By contrast, the wealthy private interests of Asteria, the former debtors who had been loaning the Asuran government money, immediately began to sew discontent within the populace with some notable success.

Asura III is still very much a planet of many interests, with its people as varied as the causes they champion.

Yamataian Special Control Zone

Created during the end of ye_37 and given to the required Yamataian government representatives appointed by the Tenth Fleet's leadership, it represents the only land area directly controlled by Yamataian rule and law and order. Yamatai began construction of Fort Asura in ye_37. It was completed in YE 38. In YE 39, by treaty with asteria, this special control zone is maintained as a sovereign Yamataian holding upon the planet's surface.

Its current commander is Shosho fujiwara_miu.

Places of Note

Soran Nast (Capital City)

Art by Bradly Kyle Medina

The Capital of Asteria wasn't so much built in a day as it was raised around a grounded, damaged Lorathi carrier, the first of the Eagle class of Battle Carriers that had been given as a gift to the Mikado along with Sen’yhty "Fate" Fyunnen. At the time, the ship had been badly damaged in the fighting. As a result, the ship was landed at a small strip in a neutral territory of Asteria for repairs.

As those repairs became more expensive and time consuming, a tent city, and then several more long term structures were erected. By the time the ship had been fully repaired, Soran Nast - Eagle's Nest, in Elvish - had become a permanent fixture with roads connecting the ship to its surrounding provinces and contributing cities. Though the Carrier had originally been taken as a mobile capital, it now serves as the central fixture of the burgeoning city, the bay doors usually open, the ship's interior partially converted to government offices.

Soran Nast acts as its own independent province, and is governed, policed, and controlled by the morioka_clan.


Civilian cargo shipping is primarily provided by trinary_star_shipping, which has storefronts in all of the planet's major cities.



This page was originally created by Arieg on 2014/05/21.
This page was updated by gallant on 2017/09/20.

planet/asura_iii.1506202305.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:23 (external edit)