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Ainu Orchards

Ainu Orchards is an estate on Jiyuu III owned by Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko. It is located outside of the northern boundary of the 88th District of Tokyo.

Oil Painting of Ainu Orchards Property, YE 42

About Ainu Orchards

The extensive rural property just outside of the Tokyo city limits was on a list of abandoned properties. The owners had been killed during the NMX invasion of YE 33 with no listed heirs or continuity for the property. During a casual outing in late YE 41, Motoyoshi-Igarashi Yuka brought the property to the attention of Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko, who then purchased it. The purchase was finalized in early YE 42.

A Working Orchard

The Ainu Orchard is operated as a working orchard, which contributes to food production in the Yamatai Star Empire.

Oil Painting of Ainu Orchards Property, YE 42

Main Operations

The orchards are operated on contract, as of YE 42, by the Juugoya Cooperative. Seasonal produce is shipped across the Yamatai Star Empire. The orchard produces:

Private Operations

Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko and the Motoyoshi Clan operate a private facility on the property that produces the following using traditional methods:

  • umeshu - Motoyoshi Private Label
  • anzushu - Motoyoshi Private Label


The Motoyoshi Private Label


umeshu produced at Ainu Orchards is below.

  • YE 42 1st Vintage: Yuuki1)-42: Motoyoshi Private Label Umeshu, Ainu Orchards Jiyuu III.


anzushu produced at Ainu Orchards is below.

  • YE 42 1st Vintage: Yuuki2)-42: Motoyoshi Private Label Anzushu, Ainu Orchards Jiyuu III.

Notable Places on The Estate

There are several buildings on the property, including two large warehouses, miscellaneous sheds and three equipment barns which are part of the setup by the Juugoya Cooperative. Workers are often housed in the bunk houses on the property or in apartments a short distance away, on the fringes of Tokyo.

Motoyoshi Residences

In early YE 42, Star Army Cabin, Type 39 were purchased and placed on the property for Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko, Motoyoshi Eri,Motoyoshi-Yamada Ayano, Motoyoshi Kazue, Motoyoshi Kaoru, Kage Yaichiro and Motoyoshi Tachiko. The property sections the cabins are placed on hug the shores of Lake Ainu, a small lake on the property.


A greenhouse built for Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko, provides housing and a breeding facility for the rare Evening Orchids from Taiie to which she is nicknamed and compared to as the Evening Orchid.

OOC Notes

andrew created this article on 2020/01/26 15:18.

The article was approved on 01/27/2020 by ametheliana. See approvals in the forum thread.

Places of the SARPiverse
Opened/Settled (YE)YE 42
Place Categoriesresidence
1) , 2)
named after yuuki who has contributed greatly to the development of the Motoyoshi Clan

places/ainu_orchards.1662813978.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:14 (external edit)