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Takavonai (Language)

Poku Afirmu (Clan Crest) Takavonai or “speech of the people” is the language of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. It is pronounced as tă-kă-vōnăē. The language dates back to the time before the Norka (The Exodus). The language of the Clan also includes Physical Displays.

Language Forms

There are three forms of the language used by the Poku'vonai. But communications is not just about the words, but gestures and mannerisms can alter the meaning of some phrases.


These are some of the more common gestures or mannerisms used in conversation.

  • baring of teeth - sincerity
  • flaring of nostrils - disapproval
  • holding an open hand up - peaceful
  • holding a clenched hand up - aggression
  • tail moving excessively - excitement
  • tail still against back - threatened
  • tail wrapped around waist - guarded

Common Tongue

This is the colloquial way of speaking, for all normal day to day communications.

Formal Tongue

Formal Tongue is a more archaic form of their language. It would be the difference between modern English, and Old English. It is only used during rituals.

Battle Tongue

Is a shortened way of phrasing things for concise battle commands. It is not for normal conversation use. Example:

Ten-hut is an American military term that means, “Come to attention!” Wikipedia


Phrase Meaning
I stand with teeth bared and arms wide. I speak without deception.
Tē ōvū'te tăv-ē-gōē ōdnej'jō fōkăr pănăē nō. pronunciation
Ti ovute tavigoi odnje'jo fokar panai no. written
May the Eye of God Watch over you. Common blessing.
esăī ēdă Sēămăkă fūāmīmū rē pronunciation
Esay Ida Siamaka fuâmymu ri written
The enemy of my enemy is worthy to fight with. Proverb
Be well blooded, boast not beyond your deeds lest you shame your house and family. Warning against unrestrained pride.

Additional Information

Common Words

This second contains quick reference for common words

Body parts

Word Pronunciation Definition
âtoma ātōmă heart
bapa bă-pă foot
duin dūēn chest
gita gētă claw
gonâ gōnā tail
hapu hă-pū hand
hodi hō-dē leg
ida ědă eye
jodau jōdăū brain
lynuâ līnūā body
tonau tōnăū head
nay năī nose
nias nēăs ear
niud nēūd back
pâda pādă breast
pana pănă arm
onet ōnět neck
oso ōsō mouth
tavi tăv-ē tooth
tavii tăv-ēē teeth
tavigo tăv-ē-gō fang
tavigoi tăv-ē-gōē fangs
âtoma ātōmă heart
janoy jănōī face
jâony jānōī muscle
hapu upo hăp ūpō finger, hand digit
bapa upo băpă ūpō toe, foot digit
uanot ūănōt ass, bottom
uan ūăn butt
sosy sōsī fur


Word Pronunciation Definition
ama ămă Blue
qam khăm Gray
volu vōlū Purple
pona pōnă Yellow
iko ēkō Red
weo wēō Orange
ymy īmī White
dou dōū Black
una ūnă Brown


Word Pronunciation Definition
apa ăpă sibling
apai ăpăē siblings
apaloa ăpă-lōă brother
apaloi ăpă-lōē sister
imat ē-măt married (spouse)
imatloi ē-măt-lōē wife
imatloa ē-măt-lōă husband
pia pēă elder
pialoa pēă-lōă elder male (father)
pialoaka pēă-lōă-kă significant elder male (grandfather)
pialoi pēă-lōē elder female (mother)
pialoika pēă-lōē-kă significant elder female (grandmother)


Word Pronunciation Definition
ymy vitdâmu white fruit (grape)
iko vitdâmu red fruit (apple)
pona vitdâmu orange fruit (orange)
volu vitdâmu purple fruit (plum)
una vitdâmu brown fruit (nuts)
ama vitdâmu blue fruit (berry)


The Qaktoro numeric system is based on eight, not ten like humans.

Word Pronunciation Definition
ona ōnă zero
a ă one
â ā two
da three
oa ōă five
ōā six
oda ōdă seven
odâ ōdā eight

Ousnor (Time)

Word Pronunciation Definition
ous'sa second
tui'sa minute
tui tūē hour
saenor săē-nōr star passage (day)
odasaenor ō-dă-săē-nōr 8 day (week)
lua lūă month
mâi māī year


Just like English Qaktoro use suffices to create new words from a root.

This table provides examples of how they form some common words from the root umat (wrap).

Suffix Meaning Example Definition
go large umatgo A large wrap or Robe
li a (noun) umatli A wrap or Kilt
pa to (verb) umatpa To wrap something
qe narrow lapurnium soft belt or Sash
sa small umatsa A small wrap or Headband

Other Suffixes

Suffix Meaning Example Definition
i multiple Qaktoroi Plural of Qaktoro
hu tall (height) ruohu tall house (building)
ji short (height)
jo tense past
ka major or significant ruoka House
mu over jendomu Over cover, tunic
no wide
se under niomse an under cloth or Loin cloth
'a one who Ta'a ('a) One who speaks (Ta)
'te active (ing) hatakur'te hunting
'u of Ruoka'u of House
'bu not Ruoka'bu not of House uncommon
me state


In some cases the opposite of a word is formed by reversing the letters. This rule applies only to the reversing the root. Examples:

  • sumanâ - create, make
  • ânamus - destroy, break
  • uos - life
  • sou - death


The Poku'vonai language uses Phonogram, however for simplification English letters are used rather than creating a unique series for use on the web. There are 24 Phonemes in the language. See pronunciation table for proper sounds. The following letters are not used: c, x, z.

This is a partial dictionary of the Poku'vonai, more will be added as needed. Beneath this are tables that group common items.


Word Pronunciation Definition
aboka ăbōkă many
abokatinka ăbō-kătēnkă fleet
abuka ăbūkă bath
adoi ădōē their
afirmu ăfērmū crest
afirmugaly ăfērmūgălī Heraldry
alio ălēō paste
aloup ălōūp found
akko ăk-kō coil
akkolamin ăk-kō-lămēn coil animal (snake)
ama ămă blue
ame ămě first
amydi ămīdē love
amydia ămīdēă lover
amydiaâsi ămīdēă-āsē lover that is the same, gay
ano ănō wall
anoka ănōkă shield, barrier
anoka'ano ănōkă'ănō armor
anomu ănōmū plate
aorq'ka ăōrkh-kă greater tool, technology
aorq ăōrkh tool
apa ăpă sibling
apai ăpăē siblings
apaloa ăpă-lōă brother
apaloi ăpă-lōē sister
apote ăpōtě hello, greetings
aset ăsět dangerous
avuoten ăvōūtěn thunder
ayjo ăījō to correct, discipline
a'ohad ă-ōhăd one who fears to fight, coward


Word Pronunciation Definition
âbi ābē dark
âbime ābē-mě shadow
âbterya ābtěrīă evil spirit, may or may not be a ghost
âdaho ā-dăhō two fight (Duel)
âdor ādōr sky
âdornor ādōrnōr flight (n)
âdornorpa ādōrnōr-pă fly (v)
âdornorpa'a ādōrnōr-pă-ă pilot
âdornor'te ādōrnōr'tě to make fly, launch
Âdortin'sa ādōrtēn-să flitter, small air ship, (shuttle)
âeb āěb drop
âjyaka ājīă-kă organization
âlyn ālīn number
âlynte ālīntě to number or count
âmuar āmūăr dream
âmuso āmūsō hope
ânamus ānamūs break (destroy)
âor āōr sad
âotunay āōtū-năī bed
âsi āsē same
âsiâsi āsēāsē similar
âtoma ātōmă heart
âtu tātū low value, cheap
âtu'ta tātū'a hawker
âyem āīěm stop or end


Word Pronunciation Definition
bajao băjăō repair
bajao'a băjăō'a technician
bapa bă-pă foot
bapawota bă-pă-wō-tă sheath foot (Boot)
bapaumat bă-pă-ūm-ăt wrap foot (Sandal)
baq băkh young, youthful
baqli băkh-lē a youth (child)
Baqnor Băkh-nor move from youth (Rite of passage)
beâ běā lift (v)
beâgor běāgōr haul, carry (v)
bikâ bē-kā cord, string
bikâgo bē-kāgō rope
Bâna bānă name
Bâna'te bānă-tě naming
bohau bōhăū teach
bohau'a bōhăū teacher
boqat bōkhăt curse (n)
boqatpa bōkhăt-pă to curse (v)
boqat'te bōkhăp-te cursing
buvo būvō sit
buvoka būvōkă sofa, couch
buvoli būvō-lē seat, chair
byli bīlē write
byli'a bīlē-ă writer


Word Pronunciation Definition
daho dăhō fight
dahome dăhōmě combat
daho'a dăhō-ă one who fights (warrior)
daho'ka dăhō-kă battle
daho'ka jyaonka dăhō-kă-jīă-ōnkă
damira dămēră environment
damui dămūē a multipurpose plant
damuisa dămūē-să soft drink
dâelt dāělt derogatory term for sex
dâmu dāmū offspring
dâmukya dāmū-kī-ă fruit water (wine)
degon děgōn hide
degonjo děgōn-jō hidden, hid
detis dě-tēs faith
devoto děv-ōtō change
devotopa děv-ōtō-pă to change (ritual)
doa dōă dig (n)
doapa dōă-pă dig, to (n)
doanor dōă-nōr a dig to pass, (tunnel)
dou dōū Black
dyet dīět wolf


Word Pronunciation Definition
eano ěănō town
eano'ka ěănō-kă city
eaqânos ěăkh-ānōs collective, cooperative
ejos ějōs pierce
ejosy ějōsī penetrate, breach
emjo ěmjō after
epyo ěpīō courage
esay ěsăī may
evomar ěvōmăr vodka


Word Pronunciation Definition
fabota făbōtă position Status
fakir făkēr arrow
fakir'sa făkēr-să spear
fakir'ka făkēr-kă lance
fau făū blood
femy fěmī string
femymaqi fěmīmăkhē metal string (wire)
fiqor fēkhōr piece
fiqorsa fēkhōr-să component
fiqorka fēkhōr-kă module
fiqsaal fēkh-să-ăl molecule
fiqsoar fēkhsōăr compound
fofi fō-fē clean, cleanse
fofijo fō-fē-jo Cleansed (Ritual)
fofipa fō-fē-pă to cleanse, ritual
fokar fōkăr wide
fuâmy fūāmī see, watch
fuâmy'ai fūāmī-ăē watchers
fuâqo fūākhō aim
fyori fīōrē color


Word Pronunciation Definition
gabo găbō box
gabosou găbōsōū coffin
galsen gălsěn submit
galy gălī law
Galysumanâ'ai gălīsūmănâ'ăē government
galyte gălītě govern, rule
galyt'a gălī-tă-ă law speaker (Lawyer)
gean gěăn electricity/lightning
gean'sa gěăn-să shock
gely gě-lī honor
gelyjo gě-lījō honored
gely'bu gě-lī-bū dishonor
giajod gēăjōd learn
giajodjo gēăjōdōj learned
giase gēăsě accept
giana gēănă food
gianaka gēănă-kă greater food (fuel)
giba gēbă teach
gibajo gēbă-jō taught
giba'a gēbă-ă one who teaches (instructor)
gitabu gētăbū no claws, coward
goa gōă walk
goa'a gōă-'ă one who walks (walker)
goa'kas gōă'kăs fast walk (Run)
gonâ gōnā tail
gulvi gūl-vē Sword
gulvigo gūl-vē-gō Sword, large (longsword)
gulvino gūl-vē-nō Sword, wide (broadsword)
gulvisa gūl-vē-să Fighter
Gulvisa'a gūlvēsă-ă Fighter Pilot
gyma gīmă cold
gymaka gīmăkă frozen


Word Pronunciation Definition
halpu hălpū hold (v)
hapâ hăpā like (emotion)
hapu hă-pū hand
hapuwota hă-pū-wō-tă sheath hand (Glove)
hatakur hătă-kūr hunt
hel hěl cut
helpoin hělpōēn surgery
hodi hō-dē leg
hodiwota hō-dē-wō-tă leg sheath, (trousers)
hulema hūlěm-ă scamp (n)
huma hūmă foam
hyroâ hīrōā entertain
hyru hī-rū body
hyrujendo hī-rū-jěn-dō body cover (Coveralls)
hyrumovi hī-rū-mō-vē cover space (Spacesuit)


Word Pronunciation Definition
iasa ēăsă liquid
iâma ēăm new
ibâ ēbā light, illuminate
ibâka ēbā-kă bright
ida ēdă eye
ifof ēfōf soil or soiled
ifân ēfān to lock, secure (v)
ifân'te ēfān-tě securing
ifânume ēfānūmě Security
iginâ ēgēnā nerve
ikâ ēkā ground
ikâtue ēkā-tūě rock
ikâsa ēkāsă dust
ikâse ēkāsě underground
ikâvitdâmu ēkă-vētdāmū ground fruit (tuber)
iko ēkō Red
imat ē-măt married (spouse)
imatloi ē-măt-lōē wife
imatloa ē-măt-lōă husband
inoa ēnōă vehicle
ismâo ēsmāō search (n)
ismâopa ēsmāō-pă seek (to search)
ismâo'a ēsmāō-ă searcher (one who seeks)
itaw ētwă bad


Word Pronunciation Definition
Jael Jă-ěl Sect
jaon jăōn genital
jaoni jăōnē genitals
jaonloa jăōn-lōă penis
jaonloi jăōn-lōē vagina
janoymu jănōī-mū mask
jendo jěn-dō cover
jendomu jěn-dō-mū over cover (tunic)
jendogo jěn-dō-gō large cover (cloak)
jodau jōdăū brain
jodau'ta jōdăū-tă think
jodau'tajo jōdăū-tăjō thought (n)
jopalelp jōpălělp business (n)
jopano jōpănō maintain (v)
jopanote jōpăn-ōtě maintenance
jujal jūjăl prey
jya jīă to put in order
jyaon jīăōn rule
jyaonka jīăōnkă codex, or law


Word Pronunciation Definition
kadamui kădămūē Coffee
kahyl kăhīl alert (n)
kamu kămū game
kamu'ka kămū-kă sport
karoywatâ kărō-īwătā celebration, event
Kasâvyjo kă-sāvījō Master
kata kătă challenge, call out
kavo kăv-ō word
kavoráy kăv-ō-rāī word that binds (oath)
kavoyár kăv-ō-īār word that releases (unoath)
kinfemy kēnfěmī network (string lore)
kitka kētkă staff
kitsa kētsă rod
kit kēt stick
kâbo kābō task
kâbo'ka kābō-kă job, occupation
kâbolelpa kābōlělpă task money (salary)
kâur kāūr path, trail, way
kâurvonai kāūr-vō-năē way of people (Culture)
koa kōă bar (object)
koai kōăē bars (object)
kujop kūjōp push
kujopniu kūjōpnēū jet
kutaq kūtăkh harmony
kutaqme kūtăkh-mě harmoninc
ky insect
kya kī-ă water
kyafofi'a kīă-fōfē'ă water cleaner
kyago kīă-gō big water (lake)
kyaka kīă-ka great water (sea)
kyaniu kīănēū rain
kyanor kīă-nōr water that passes (stream)
kyanorgo kīă-nōr-gō large water that passes (river)
kyaoila kīăōēlă liquor (hard water)
kyaâor kīăāōr tear
kyn kīn lore
kynjodau'tajo kīnjōdăū-tăjō lore thought, information
kyn'ka kīn-kă great lore (History)
kynkasâjo kīn-kăsājō science
kyponsâ kīpōnsā book
kyponsâi kīpōnsāē books
kywiqor kīwēkhōr meat bug


Word Pronunciation Definition
lajuj lăjūj predator
lamin lămēn animal
lamin-faugyma lămēn-făūgīmă (cold blood animal) Reptile
lamin-fautyo lămēn-făūtīō (hot blood animal) Mammal
lamin-âdor lămēn-ādōr (sky animal) Bird
laminwiqor'ka lămēnwēkhōr-kă large meat animal, bison
lamingoakas lămēn-gōăkăs
lapur lăp-ūr belt
lelpa lělpă currency, money
lelpa'jyaon lělpă-jīă-ōn money rules, finances
lelpafiqor lělpă-fēkhōr share (money piece)
lekao lěkăō crawl
lisoy lēsōī birth
loa lōă male
loabagli lōă-băkh-lē male child (boy)
loadâmu lōă-dāmū male offspring (son)
loi lōē female
loibaqli lōē-băkh-lē female child (girl)
loidâmu lōē-dāmū female offspring (daughter)
lumu lū-mū keep (v)
lumu'a lū-mū-'ă keeper
luqar lūkhăr hurt
lynuâ līnūā body


Word Pronunciation Definition
malvu mălvū scratch
malvuka mălvū-kă gouge
makoa măkōă table
matu mătū bear
mâbor mābōr sense
mâbor'a mābōr-ă sensor
mâew māěw where
mâhoa māh-ōă harbor or port
mâjo mā-jō gold
mâjosawy mājōsăwī treasure, wealth
mâqi mākhē metal
me state of, condition
meqpâ měkh-pā prowl
meqpâ'a měkh-pā-ă prowler
meyâ měīā start or begin
Mui Mū-ē Clan leader
moq mōkh wear
moqbapa mōkh-băpă footwear
movi mō-vē void, space
movidoanor mōvē-dōă-nōr space tunnel (wormhole)
mygo mīgō energy
metao mětăō prey bird


Word Pronunciation Definition
nâma nāmă gel
navu năvū store (v)
navu'te năvū-tě storing (v)
navumi năvūmē storage
nay năī nose
nias nēăs ear
niasino nēă-sēnō listen up, ears wide
niom nē-ōm cloth
niomobekâ nēōmōběkā service cloth (Uniform)
niomqe nē-ōm-khē soft cloth (silk)
niomse nē-ōm-sē under cloth (Loincloth)
niu nēū air
niufiqor něūfěkhōr gas
niujendo nēū-jěndō cloud
nium nē-ūm weak
niuos nēūōs oxygen
niuous nēū-ōūs life air (breath)
niusou nēūsōū carbon dioxide
nogusa nōgūsă badger
nor nōr to pass, or move from
norka nōrkă great move, the Exodus
norjopa nōrjōpă one who makes (device, machine)
norte nōrtě phase, or phasing
nuiqa nūē-khă wing
nuita nūē-tă music
nuita'a nūē-tă'ă musician
nutar nūtăr pause
nutarka nūtărkă the long pause
nyora nī-ōră movement
nyorste nīō-răstě fidget, wiggle
nyorate nī-ōrătě moving
nyora'a nī-ōră'ă engine


Word Pronunciation Definition
oa ōă five
ōā six
obekâ ōběk-ā serve
obekâte ōběk-ātě service
obekâ'me ōběk-ā-mě servitude
obekâ'a ōběk-ā'ă servant (one who serves)
oda ōdă seven
odâ ōdā eight
odakoa ōdă-kōă bar
odawina ōdă-wēnă coin
odnej ōdnej bare
ohâ ōhā unclaimed child
oila ōēlă hard
ojâtem ōjātěm future
ojme jōmě before
omâ ōmă self
omey ōměī wand
ona ōnă old
opasu ōpăsū slow
oq ōkh no
osân ōsān achieve (v)
osânme ōsānmě achieved (state)
oso ōsō mouth
otapa ōtăpă custom
otâ ōtā orb
otâgo ōtā-gō orb large (planet)
otâgo'iâma tg'ēăm new world
Otâgolisoy ōtāgō-lēsōī birthworld
otâmovi ōtā-mō-vē space orb (moon)
otufiq ōtū-fēkh Organ body
otunay ōtūnăī inside, within
ovu ōvū stand
ovu'te ōvūte standing
Ovuhu-te ōvūhū-tě stand tall (attention
Ovuji-te ōvūjē-tě stand short (at ease)
osyâ ōsīā valor
oyta ōītă hate


Word Pronunciation Definition
pana pănă arm, limb
pasou pă-sōū kill
pâan pāăn to kiss
pâda pādă breast
pâdasa pādăsă milk
peda pědă wave
pedavuo pědăvūō storm
pia pēă elder
pialoa pēă-lōă elder male (father)
pialoaka pēă-lōă-kă significant elder male (grandfather)
pialoi pēă-lōē elder female (mother)
pialoika pēă-lōē-kă significant elder female (grandmother)
piaty pēătī rider
pila pēlă betray (v)
pilajo pēlăōj betrayed
pilano pēlănō betrayal
poasy pōăs manage
poasyte pōăsītě management
pojuk pō-jūk pull
poku pō-kū clan
poku'ka pō-kū-kă greater clan (Empire, Nation)
poku-ta'a pō-kū-tă'ă Archaic term Clan Leader
poku'wumy pōkū-wūmī ally (clan friend)
pomy pōmī flower
pona pōnă Yellow
posy pōsī control
posyte pōsītě controlling
punla Pūn-lă family


Word Pronunciation Definition
Qaktoro khăk-tō-rō A member of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo
Qaktoroi khăk-tō-rō-ē Plural of Qaktoro
qabogymaka găbōg-īmăkă freeze
gabogyma găbōg-īmă refrigerator
gaboty găbō-tī Oven
qam khăm Gray
qantsu khăn-tsū thank(s)
qo khō yes
qotim khōtēm ablat
qourl khōūrl enemy
qyatu khīătū transfer
qyli khīlē nice
qylitei khīlē-těē niceties
qyparo khīpărō transplant
quao khūăō fluff, fill up


Word Pronunciation Definition
ra'alu ră-ălū prisoner
rây rāī bind
rây'a rāī-ă binder
rela rělă taste
ri you
ria rēă your
rialumu rēăl-ūmū possession
risi rēsē drink
roâ rōā happy
roâsy rōā-sī please (v) (to please)
rofi rō-fē filter
roty rōtī gun
rotyhapu rōtī-hăpū gun, hand
rotyka rōtī-kă major gun, cannon
rotygo rōtī-gō big gun, rifle
rotyusapo rōtī-ūsāpō machine pistol
roty'a rōtī-ă gunner
royt rōīt gift
roywati rōīw-ătē party
ruo rūō home
Ruoka rūō-kă House
ruomâqi rūōmākhē station
ruohu Rūōhū tall house (building)
ruonor rūōnōr bay, vehicle
ruo'sa Rūō-să room
rya rīă spirit, soul
ryasou'te rīă-sōū-tě ghost (dead spirit)


Word Pronunciation Definition
saal săăl tiny
sae săě star
saeruo săě-rūō home star, (Sun)
sar săr common honorific (Sir, Ma'am)
Sasâvyjo sa-sāvījō Journeyman
saâdor săādōr glide
Sâbu sābū Rank
sâjo sājō use
sâjo'a sājō-ă user
sâko sākō shake
Sâmi sāmē Title, Honorific
Sâvy sāvī Skill
Sâvyjo sāvījō Apprentice
siama sēămă holy or divine
siama'a sēă-mă-ă make divine, blessed
Siamaka sēă-mă-kă Great divine, Creator, God
sotâka sōtākă world
sotâkeano sōtākěănō settlement, colony
sou sōū death
souâbi sōūābē dark death, bad death
soujo sōū-jō dead
souibâ sōūēbā bright death, good death
soupa sōū-pă to die
sourya sōūrīă bad omen (death spirit)
souumat sōū-ūmăt death wrap (shroud)
stako stăkō bonerod skel (frame)
sta stă bone
sumanâ sūmănā make (create)
sumanâ-a sūmănā-ă to make one, fuse
syat sīăt judge


Word Pronunciation Definition
ta speak
tabak tă-băk preserve
taka tă-kă big speak (speech)
takavonai tă-kă-vōnăē speech of the people (language)
Tanoi tănōē council
tao tăō egg
tasba song
tasbaniu tăsbă-nēū flute
tasba'a singer
tasba'te to sing
tavi tăv-ē tooth
tavii tăv-ēē teeth
taviibu tăvē-ēbū toothless
tavigo tăv-ē-gō fang
tavigoi tăv-ē-gōē fangs
ta'a tă-ă one who speaks (speaker)
tâjya tājīă Memory
tâvygoa tāvī-gōă weapon
tesa těsă safe
tesame usonor těsămě ūsōnōr Peace (Time of safety)
tesâo těsāō crisis
tesâo usonor těsāō ūsōnōr War (Time of crisis)
ti I
tia tēă my
tin tēn vessel, ship
tinvyma tēn-vīmă ship move, (drive)
tinsae tēn-săě starship (ftl craft)
tinmovi tēn-mō-vē space ship (non-ftl craft)
tio tēō unit, node
tioas tēōăs unite
tioasme tēōăs-mě unity
tived tēv-ěd arm, ready a weapon
tomin tōmēn clear, transparent
tonau tōnăū head
toqny tōkh-nī fight group, squadron
toqnyka tōkh-nīkă attack group
to'â tō-ā second, assistant
tua tūă light (weight)
tyo tīō hot
tyo'te tīō-tě fire
tyokame tīō-kămě plasma
Tula Tūlă Subordinate race
t'husasa t-hūsăsă mischief


Word Pronunciation Definition
ubuty ūbūtī guard
uâo ūăō lost
udano ūdănō gravity
umat ūm-ăt wrap
umatpa ūm-ăt-pă To wrap something
umatgo ūm-ăt-gō large wrap (Robe)
umatli ūm-ăt-lē a wrap (Kilt)
umatqe ūm-ăt-khě soft wrap (Sash)
una ūnă Brown
uos ūōs life
uospa ūōs-pă to live
upo ūpō digit (finger, toe)
usapo ūsăpō fast, rapid
utoâ ūtōā sale
utâ ūtā sell
utâ'a ūtā'a merchant
utovu tōvū shatter, demolish
utovu'te tōvū-tě demolition


Word Pronunciation Definition
Vakâme văkā-mě sleep
vakâ văkā rest
vana vănă grow
vana'a vănă-ă grower
vamâqi vă-mākhē berth
veltin věl-tēn Dagger
veltinibâ věltēnēbā light blade, LASER
veltinsa věl-tēn-să Dagger, small (dirk)
vit vēt plant
vitdâmu vēt-dāmū plant offspring (fruit)
vitkya vēt-kīă wine
vitno vēt-nō wide plant (grass)
vitji vēt-jē wide plant (bush)
vithu vēt-hū tall plant (tree)
vithui vēt-hūē trees (forest)
vithuika vēt-hūē-kă great forest (jungle)
voi vōē our
voltam vōltăm rum
volu vōlū Purple
vomaris vōmărēs whiskey
vona vō-nă person
voname vō-nămě personal
vonai vō-năē people
vonai'bu vō-năē-bū not people (alien)
vonaniom vōnă-nēōm person cloth (clothing)
vonatin vōnă-tēn crew, ship crew
vonau vōn-ăū citizen
vonaui vōn-ăūē citizens
vonaâsiâ vōnăā-sēā twin
vonaâsida vōnăā-sēdă triplet
voqma vōkhmă anger, angry
voqme vōkh-mě wild, feral
voqmetao vōkh-mě-tăō wild turkey
vyma vīmă move
vymaor vīmă-ōr travel or journey
vymasa vīmăsă thruster


Word Pronunciation Definition
wadâmo wădāmō harvest
wapoin wăpōēn heal
wapoin'a wăpōēn-ă healer, tender
wapoin'aka wăpōēn-ăkă doctor
wapoin'asa wăpōēn-ăsă nurse
wati wătē good
watâdor wătādōr weather
wâho wāhō content
wâhome wāhō-mě domesticated
weâm wěām place (n)
weo wēō Orange
wina wēnă coin
wiqor wēkhōr meat
wiy wēī silver
wota wō-tă sheath
wotamu wō-tă-mū over sheath (coat)
wotagulvi wō-tă-gūl-vē Sword sheath, (scabbard)
wotanu wōtă-nū defense
wotanupa wōtă-nūpă to defend
wumy wūmī friend
wunsya wūnsīă pack, packages
wuny wūnī contain, hold
wunya wūnīă container
wunyaka wūnīăkă reservoir, great container
wunyasa wūnīăsă tank, small container
wunyniud wūnīnēūd back container, backpack
wytani wītă-nē enforce


Word Pronunciation Definition
yanuto īănūtō outside
yâty īātī tea
yâr īār release
yârpa īār-pă release
yârme īār-mě free (adj)
yârjome īār-jōmě release
yeklo īěkōl stone
yekloka īěklōă crystal (greater stone)
yisa īēsă cluster
yleg īl-ěg avenge
ylegme īl-ěgmě revenge
ymy īmī White
yome īōmě hawk
yoqa īōgă connect
yoqajo īōgăjō connected, integrated
ytaqo ītăkhō gather
yuvas īūv-ăs system (mechanical)
ylaoqataw īlăōkh-ătăw consequence


Word Pronunciation Definition
ale/beer (wheat juice)
ruoniom rūō -nēōm tent


This second provides the pronunciation for the various phonems.

Letter Pronounced
a ă (short a) cap
â ā (long a) say
b b ball
d d dog
e ě (short e) get
f f flag
g g grip
h h hack
i ē (long e) keep
j j jab
k k kill
l l lie
m m metal
n n nurse
o ō (long o) row
p p pistol
q kh
r r rip
s s salvage
t t tell
u ū (long u) use
v v vile
y ī (long i mine
  • For a list of all known languages spoken in the SARPiverse, see Languages.

language/takavonai.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/11 11:03 (external edit)