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Legal Clerk

Legal Clerk is a civilian administrative position within the Government of the Yamatai Star Empire. They fall under the purview of the Yamatai Department of Justice.


The civilian position of Legal Clerk was created in YE 45 to fulfill several law related administrative purposes within the government. Although they serve within the Yamatai Department of Justice they help many branches of government and citizens in need.


  • Must be a civilian and citizen of Yamatai Star Empire.
  • Must be in good standing with no crimes on record.
  • Must be over twenty-one years of age or the adulthood equivalent.
    • Exceptions may be made for those who obtain recommendations from their respective Senators.


  • No civilian rank structure has been established.
  • All legal clerks fall under the authority of the Imperial Premier.


The civilian legal clerk position helps take some worry off the shoulders of the Yamatai Department of Justice by assisting with administrative matters concerning the law. They are expected to update the system with laws passed by the Senate of Yamatai. In addition they may aid the Municipal Police Force, Yamatai National Police, and the Yamatai Security Agency in legal administrative matters or when questions of law are involved. As always they are available to assist the Imperial Premier and Star Army of Yamatai with matters as they relate to civilian law.

People in the legal clerk occupation can be found in many places, not just the Department of Justice! NPCs and PCs may start out here there are endless opportunities for where characters with this job may go. While they are typically NPCs, a GM may add PC clerks to their plots if they so desire.


Duties and responsibilities typically expected for a Legal Clerk to perform as follows.

  • Update the system with laws passed by the Senate of Yamatai.
  • Assist with legal aspects of investigations.
    • This typically refers to civilian investigations only. However, dependent on which law or laws are broken a Legal Clerk may be involved if requested from the Yamatai Department of Justice through the applicable chain of command of the Star Army of Yamatai.
  • Review laws to ensure relevancy and suggest that a law be put up for review if an update is found to be necessary.


All Legal Clerks have the following skills:

Legal Clerks may also have:

  • Leadership: A legal clerk may be proficient in public speaking as it relates to addressing various audiences on matters of the law. They may also be able to lead diplomatic type discussions if the subject is law related.

Player Expectations

  • Update the wiki with laws passed by the Senate of Yamatai.
  • NPCs: GMs may use Legal Clerks as NPCs in their plots as necessary. People other than GMs may use Legal Clerks as NPCs as long as they adhere to the responsibilities listed and abide by the wishes of the perspective GM if they are in a plot.
  • PCs: Legal Clerks may be used as PCs as long as they adhere to the responsibilities listed.
  • Legal Clerks are most likely to be NPCs unless there is an ongoing investigation, potential investigation, or a plot where a PC Legal Clerk is requested.

OOC Notes

a deleted user created this article on 2023/01/13 04:57.

  • Main Art made by a deleted user with Midjourney Bot.

This article was approved by Andrew on 2023/09/041).

faction/yamatai_star_empire/occupations/legal_clerk.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/05/12 18:44 by wes