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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45

Rüstung Multi-Purpose Powered Frame

The Rüstung powered frame is a joint project between Kaiserlich F&E affiliate companies and Origin Industries in order to produce a low cost civilian alternative to power armor for labor and self defense.

About the Rüstung

The Rüstung was designed with the purpose of providing a reliable and versatile platform for civilian markets. The basic unit was designed so that it could be used on even a heavy gravity world, and has a expansion system that allows it to be fitted with specialized equipment load outs.



The Rüstung is larger and more durable than a typical power armor, and provides better protection for the pilots. Because of it being piloted rather than worn, it does not require one to be in as good physical shape to operate, and has less size restrictions on the operator. The larger size also allows for larger weapons and more supplies to be carried. Its systems can also be adjusted to operate in gravity up to 5Gs


It does not have the same accessibility as a small power armor and gives a larger sensor signal of a power armor using the same type of systems. Because its piloted the controls are less intuitive and it takes longer to teach someone how to pilot it.


The Rüstung multi purpose frame relies on conventional locomotion as its primary source of mobility. There are extensions that can be added to increase mobility however. In order to allow it to traverse construction sites and be used in space it is also equipped with a pair of plasma thrusters nick named 'jump jets' that can be used for short burst or aerial movement.

  • Bipedal locomotion: 60km/h
  • Jump Jets
    • Duration: 5 second burst, 15 second cool down1)2)
    • Max Speed: 100km/h

Armor Size

Height 4.88m
Width 3.66m
Length 3m
Weight 5 metric tons

Damage Capacity Stats

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for a guide to damage ratings to include.

Getting In and Out

On the top of the Rüstung is a hatch covered by a portion of the head of the unit. When a concealed switch is hit from the outside, or the proper controls used on the inside, the head moves forward and the hatch unlocks so that it can be opened by hand. The pilot is free to climb out or in.


The cockpit has several forward facing monitors for looking at peripheral views of the machine, as well as a main screen that follows the vision of the 'head' of the machine. Operation is done primarily through control sticks for operation of the arms and pedals used to control locomotion. Along with the main controls there are consoles for OS operation as well as ones that automatically program their keys to operate any expansion modules installed.


Kaiserlich F&E and its affiliates saw the growing civilian presence in open space and realized there was a need for more versatile and rugged equipment for them to use to protect themselves. The first ideas were power armors, however with the difference in male and female anatomy being so huge, making a civilian line of power armors would be rather costly, especially when sizing was considered as well. They were having trouble with ideas but after some discussion with Origin Industries representatives, the idea to create a larger and more rugged frame that was piloted instead of worn would be just what they needed. So using the OI-M8-1A Light Enhanced Armored Frame as inspiration work began in YE 37

It was not until YE 39 however that work was completed on the project and the first fully functional models were produced. Kaiserlich F&E wanted to conduct the project with minimal assistance, in order to further train and develop the technology of then Abwehran Star Empire and not just let Origin do it for them.


All Rüstung frames come with these features standard.

Armor and Chassis

The Rüstung's skeleton is constructed out of Nerimium alloy to maximize strength and allow it to operate at higher gravity without putting much strain on it. Nerimium is also used in the framing of the cockpit to resist deformation. The armor plating is constructed primarily out of Durandium Alloy, and composties where appropriate.

Life Support

The cockpit of the Rüstung is air tight and uses an air recycling system to provide breathable air for up to 2 weeks without purging the system and refilling it with breathable air. The cockpit also has temperature regulation and standard features for vacuum ready craft to protect the pilot form temperature and radiation and other such dangers.

Power Systems

In order to maintain a rugged system the Rüstung uses two Nuclear Batteries as its power source. This allows for it to maintain power without having to worry about conditions being right for a reactor or generator, and does not take up much space. For extended operation the armor has solar panels and radiation panels that can be used to recharge the batteries.

Sensors and Communications

The Rüstung operates using a Pawn AI system for managing its computer functions. Originally VIMs were the discussed solution, but the system came in so many individual parts to operate the entire electronics suite, that it was decided to use Origin's system until their own more up to date system could be developed.


The Rüstung does not come standard with any weapon systems. However there are hardpoints which can allow attachment of anything from weapons like auto-cannons to missiles. However they're not limited to weapons, things like drills or flight gear can be attached as well.


The frame comes with a few locations to attach modular hardware and equip it appropriately for all kinds of work. There are connection points on the forearms, leg and a special high load port on the back for attaching full modular units.

Location Number of ports
Forearms 1 Each
Legs 2 Each6)
Back 1 7)


  • Main Unit: 36,000C

OOC Notes

syaoran created this article on 2017/02/24 08:04.

3 seconds for every 1 second used
cool down doubles on planets between 2.5 and 5G
3) , 4) , 5)
Tier 7
thigh and lower leg
Designed for complicated modules not weapons

faction/abwehran_star_empire/technology/mecha/rustung.1679441417.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:37 (external edit)