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Asuka-class Scout

The Asuka-class Scout is a Motoyoshi Fleet Yards-built vessel for the United Outer Colonies. Designed with a strong hull and a special upgrade system based on the original Sakura Enhancement Module from the Sakura-class Light Gunship, though structurally and electrically incompatible.

About the Ship

The United Outer Colonies, when ceding from the Yamatai Star Empire in YE 30, found themselves without ships, and rushed to design more vessels. This vessel was designed to be the workhorse of the fleet, versatile and sound more than aesthetic.

Key Features

The ship utilizes sliding panels of armor to be able to seal off openings in the hull such as weapons systems, and also is compatible with the Versatility Enhancement Module, which allows custom ship systems to be devised and attached depending on the type of mission.

Mission Specialization

This ship is useful in a wide array of applications due to its modular nature and heavy armor. Often it is used to seek survivors from battlefields and deliver light to medium humanitarian aid to dangerous areas. It is also used as a scout to determine if the areas in question are clear for other ships, or to patrol the borders of the United Outer Colonies. Its capabilities will likely increase, as more Versatility Enhancement Modules are developed.

History and Background

When the United Outer Colonies ceded from the Yamatai Star Empire, the Star Army of Yamatai ordered the return of all Star Army properties, including vessels. The United Outer Colonies were suffering from a lack of vessels, but as has been common in the history of the UOC, the need almost immediately sparked advancement and rapid development.

While specialized vessels such as the Ionoche class Light Carrier were acclaimed for their designs, Kage Yaichiro noted the lack of a general workhorse in the fleet. Taking his extensive experience in working on Yamataian vessels such as the Sakura-class Light Gunship and the Nozomi-class Scout from his days in the Empire’s Starship Improvement Project, Yaichiro began to design a vessel from scratch to fill that role. The result was the Asuka-class Scout, named for his first command, the Nozomi-class YSS Asuka.

Statistics and Performance


Class: My-D2 Type: Modular Scout Ship Designers: Kage Yaichiro Manufacturer: Motoyoshi Fleet Yards, United Outer Colonies Production: Mass Production Fielded by: United Outer Colonies


Crew: 25 operators are recommended, but only one is required. Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 400 people. About 750 people can fit aboard in an emergency, but the ship would be extremely cramped.


Length: 150 meters, (492 feet) Width: 133 meters, (436 feet) Height: 43 meters, (141 feet) Decks: 8 (4 meters each, plus a 12 meter high cargo deck running the length of the ship)

Propulsion and Range

Cat Starship Type Class Sublight Engines Distortion Field Hyperspace Drive
2 MFY Scout Asuka 0.30c 16,500c (1.88 ly/h) 315,576c (0.6 ly/m)
  • (Aerial): Mach 7 with shields, 400 kph without (ablative armor is not Aerodynamic)
  • (Water): 200 kph underwater with shields, 100 kph without (ablative armor is not Aerodynamic)
  • Range (Distance): Limited only by the lifespan of the vessel and the condition of the OS. Utilizes constantly renewable energy sources.
  • Range (Support): Varies, depending on refugee population. With crew only, up to three years.
  • Lifespan: The vessel is estimated to operate for at least 30 years of constant use.
  • Refit Cycle: Once every three years is recommended.

Inside the Ship

Deck Layout

Compartment Layouts


Located on Deck 8 between the Power Armor/Shuttle Bay and the Crew Cabins, the Armory contains any number of weapons and tactical gear, usually MFY-made. While located in an area easy for crew members to access, a thick Yamataium shutter and two Custodians at each entrance prevent unauthorized entry. It contains assorted weapons, including 100 e1_sidearms.


The Bridge is located in the very center of the ship, and is surrounded by thick Yamataium walls. It is a MFY Type 30 Chikara Bridge Module modified to lack KFY components. It also has armor surrounding the room in the walls.


The brig is close to the sensor dome, and sealed off from the rest of the ship, save the Hot Zone. It contains heavy metal and forcefield shielding, sound proofing, monitoring systems, and gas or electric-based suppression systems.

Captain's/VIP Suite

A MFY Type 30 Standard Officer's Cabin for the CO is located behind the bridge, and forward of the computer core. It also has armor surrounding the room in the walls. There is also a pair to the front of the ship for VIPs.

Cargo Storage Areas

The bottom of the ship is a massive cargo bay three decks tall, which can store food, water, clothing, emergency supplies, spare parts, etc. Temperature control is exact, and cranes move on tracks in the walls and ceiling for movement of cargo. Simple anti-grav lifts can also be found here. It also has armor surrounding the room in the walls.

Crew Quarters

Numerous MFY Type 30 Standard Enlisted Bunkrooms are located on Decks 3, 4, 6, and 8 on the ship. Decks 3 and 4 are for refugees, though two of these bunk areas make up a single room. Decks 6 and 8 have them for the use of the crew, though normal save for soundproofed walls of double thickness.

Crew Recreation

The recreation area contains a pool, a multi-purpose sports court for volleyball or tennis, a sparring area, and weight equipment. The nodal system in this room can replicate wind and the feeling of the outdoors, while the walls and ceiling can emulate scenery and sky. Simply due to the rooms surrounding it, the walls have Yamataium Armor.

Computer Room

The Computer Room stores the MIKO Core, Ejection Systems, and shielding mechanisms. It also has armor surrounding the room in the walls.

The MFY Type 30 Auxilary Control is located inside the computer Core area, as well.


The top two decks consist of a normal MFY Type 30 Warship Engineering section, while the bottom deck has additional Link Siphon and Quantum Foam systems to meet the needs of the additional people, as well as give emergency power to the Versatility Enhancement Modules if needed.

Faux Bridge/Sensor Dome

Designed to look like a true bridge this is actually just a sensor dome which is also the 'lure' for boarders. While it looks like the bridge which would be the quickest way to take the ship, it actually is a trap which leads the enemy into a room full of Forcefield-nested doors, projectile and energy weaponry, extreme thermal fluctuation, and controlled decompression.

Hot Zone

As the faux bridge is the most likely place on the ship to be attacked; the area connecting it, the Brig, and the rest of the ship is designed to repel boarders and escaping prisoners with gas, vacuum, thermal, acid, electrical, and even light energy and projectile weaponry. There are also a massive number of Forcefield-nested doors along this corridor, to seal off or trap enemies. The hatch between here and the rest of the ship is well hidden, with a fake hatch used as a trap between two of the heaviest Forcefield-nested doors.

Maintenance Conduits

Reminiscent of KFY vessels, this ship has a maze of Maintenance Conduits, through which technicians, engineers, conduit, and pipes move. Unlike in the KFY ones, however, these do not escape the eye of the ship’s sensors.

Medical Center and Laboratory

The Medical area contains tools, medications, and treatment devices needed to accelerate the healing of, and even perform surgery on, most known forms of sentient life.

The brig has been removed from the medical area, however, and this area has thick armored walls of Yamataium.


Passageways lack gravity and consist of a tough fiber covering on Yamataium armor. Every 10 meters, there is a power grid tap, a medical kit, and two space suits stored in a compartment.


The MFY Type 30 Standard Enlisted Bath House and MFY Type 30 Standard Laundry Facility are situated so closely, they are considered one area. This integration is because the ship has two such areas—one for the crew, and one for the refugees or VIPs aboard. One can enter either without walking through the other, and there are convenient laundry chutes in the restroom which send clothes to the laundry facility.

Shuttle/Power Armor Bay

A Shuttle/Power Armor Bay is located next to Engineering, and has easy access to the Armory and the Medical area. It is surrounded by Yamataium Armor in the walls, and has two doors at each end, making it run all the way through the ship’s width. As such, it can store a large number of Shuttles and Power Armor. Three decks high, it is in excess of ten meters by ten meters by seventy meters. It also has a nook where six Power Armor Training Pods are located.

Wardroom/Dining Hall/Galley

The MFY Type 30 Standard Enlisted Dining Hall and the MFY Type 30 Standard Wardroom are situated so closely, they are considered one area. A galley is located here too. This integration is because the ship has two such areas—one for the crew, and one for the refugees or VIPs aboard.

Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

In addition to the DR 8+1 (Yamataium plus the puzzle-like crystalline ablative structures found in many types of Shouri Multi-layer Hull & Frame Constructs), this ship also uses Forcefield Reinforced Yamataium in its frame. Overall, the ship has a DR 9 rating.

The hull has sliding puzzle-like plates which are used to cover openings in the hull for weapons and hatches, should full coverage be needed. While these do not alter the overall DR rating, they make it more difficult for the vessel to be boarded or for entry points to be located by an enemy.

Hull Areas:

  • Sensor dome (very top, black)
  • Top Hull Shell (purple)
  • Bottom Hull Shell (black)
  • Internal Hull Shell (yellow)
  • Rear Hull Extension (top)
  • Rear hull extension (bottom)
  • Cargo Bay Door

Computers and Electronics

The Asuka is designed to utilize the MIKO Electronics Suite, specifically the Diplomatic and Patrol Modules. She has one core, and comes with SQUID standard.

Stored in the Computer Core area on Deck 5, the Asuka’s AI core is housed in a horizontal reinforced. The core chamber is built of solid Yamataium and can be accessed from Engineering, the Maintenance Conduit System, and from the Captain’s Suite. There are also hatch doors used to eject the core, which are usually hidden by the sliding armor panels from outside.

Only qualified technicians, upper fleet flag officers and the ships commander have access to the core chamber or operate the emergency ejection system.

Manual Ejection Procedure

To be utilized if system is compromised or severely damaged:

  • Authorized Genetic Lock Access to Emergency Ejection System Controls.
  • In the event that the vessel's power systems are available, external portable aether or battery power systems can be tied into the conduit.
  • Open Hatch Doors.
  • Eject core.
  • Remotely activate the self destruct package destroying the core.

Environmental Support Systems

Emergency Systems

Star Army Standard Starship Emergency Systems

★ 1 Star Army Escape Pod, Type 30 holds 5 personnel. Other personnel will need to use their power armors and shuttles. These pods can be accessed from Maintenance Conduits in the Cabins and other key areas of the ship.

Power Generation Systems

Quantum Foam Generator (8)

This generator is the most advanced power source NovaCorp/MFY has. It taps into the Quantum of Space-Time foam that makes up the universe, a sea of virtual particles snapping in and out of existence, and wormholes existing for fractions of a second, and takes some of the energy from this. Quantum foam is an amazingly potential source of energy, enough energy to boil all of a planets ocean every second, for every cubic centimeter. However the NovaCorp generator is not up to this level of efficiency, and can only take in a fraction of this energy. However this is offset as the generator does not tap only one centimeter cubed, but several generators each tapping five cubic meters.None of these run on full capacity, in order that if one generator or more is lost the ship can increase the capacity of the other Generators to compensate.

The Type 30 Link Siphon (Retconned)s allow power to be drawn from a star and used by the ship, which also generates Compressed Helium to fill the Compressed Helium Containers for emergency fuel. It continues an ongoingfusion reaction without electromagnetic acceleration, using equidistant pressure instead. Because of this true star-grade fusion, much higher power is delivered when compared to normal artificial nuclear fusion.

These can be found in the four corners of the room.

Compressed Helium Containers (8)

The Compressed Helium Containers allow the storage of Compressed Helium into tanks for sale, or later reuse. Often, however, they are sold to MFY for civilian use.

Training Systems

MFY Power Armor Training Pods (200)

It is still true that you have to actually pilot a Power Armor to learn how to use one. However, in areas where such exercises would attract unwanted enemy attention, this may be the best alternative available.

The Power Armor Training Pods are meant to simulate training within a Power Armor, a half-dozen lining the wall of the Power Armor/Shuttle Bay. These pods not only contain the standard fleshy insert of a Power Armor pod, but false helmets which feed data to the pilot. Also installed are heating, cooling, and force application elements to simulate the environment, various acceleration factors, the force of hits, tactile data, and the recoil of some types of weaponry. Direct interfaces and manual control are all compatible with these units.


Shield Systems

Versatility Enhancement Module (2)

This ship's wings are actually a pair of removable modules called Versatility Enhancement Modules. Usually they are 45m x 35m x 15m, and are a mission specific upgrade system used to increase the ship's versatility dramatically.

Weapons Systems

  • Subspace-Encased Anti-Neutron Turret: 1, DR 9

Known also as the “Main Gun”, this powerful weapon can ignore shields entirely. It is located at the front of the ship. The barrel of the weapon can be opened or closed, AND fired, in a fraction of a second.

Eighteen of these launchers are face forward on either side of the main gun, with ten more scattered along the hull, and can rotate in a 90 by 90 degree cone. These are meant to disable electrical systems by excessive electron release, as well as to catalyze antimatter reactions within enemy ships with Positron stores. While these are usually sealed shut, they can open/close and fire within a fraction of a second.

A full hundred of these cover the ship, and provide not only point defense, but adequate anti-PA or anti-Pod protection. These are usually hidden by the sliding armor panels, but can be revealed or hidden, and fired, within a fraction of a second.

Vehicle Complement



Power Armors

Click on the thumbnails to see larger images. Each is 800 x 600.

corp/yugumo_corporation/motoyoshi_fleet_yards/ships/asuka-class_scout.1609776692.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:32 (external edit)