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Tyr MK 1 Power Armor

The Tyr MK 1 Power Armor is an advanced combat suit created by the Mining Guild specifically for their Night Guard Security force. This power armor was developed in the year YE 46.


In the year YE 46, the Tyr MK1 Power Armor emerged as a significant development when the Mishhuvurthyar, an infamous hostile species, made their return to the Kikyo Sector of space. Their presence threatened the various nations in the region, and Vilkas Kurosaki, the supreme commander of the Night Guard, anticipated that the Mining Guild’s mining sites and settlements would soon become targets. Vilkas, the elder brother of Astrid and Aeta Kurosaki who co-ran the Mining Guild as CEO and COO, respectively, was particularly concerned for his sisters' safety.

To address this imminent threat, Vilkas, with Astrid’s permission, utilized the Mining Guild’s funding and enlisted the help of the Engineering Corps to develop a combat-centric power armor. Drawing from the technologies used in the Mining Guild's non-military ANT Power Armor, they began the construction of the Tyr MK1 Power Armor. A pivotal advancement in this project was the discovery of Ultrite, a new material composed of titanium, steel, tungsten, chromium, and iridium, which significantly enhanced the durability of the armor.

The project also garnered the attention of Lady Nyx Pine, the Gynoid daughter of the late Archduke Jack Pine, who served as a Royal Representative. She decided to contribute to the development of the armor by creating a new AI system to assist the Night Guard officers wearing it. Nyx not only developed this advanced AI but also sought out former, now sentient, power armor AIs to see if they would be willing to share their programming and experiences. These contributions were integrated into the new AI of the Tyr MK1 Power Armor, further enhancing its capabilities and ensuring that it was well-equipped to face the threat posed by the Mishhuvurthyar.

About the Armor

The Night Guard's previous armor, the Ares Combat Suit, was designed primarily to deter criminals who lacked the backing of a national entity. While effective against lesser threats, the Ares Combat Suit was ill-equipped to handle more formidable adversaries with higher technical capabilities. The rise of piracy attacks from the Kuvexian Remnants of the former Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia, combined with the return of the hostile Mishhuvurthyar, posed a significant challenge to the Night Guard. Vilkas Kurosaki, recognizing these threats, understood that his organization needed a substantial upgrade in their defensive capabilities.

The development of the Tyr MK 1 Power Armor was initiated to address these pressing concerns. This new armor was designed with the understanding that it would have to contend with technologically advanced enemies and large-scale threats. Drawing on insights from other power armors, the Tyr MK 1 incorporated the best features of its predecessors while introducing unique advancements that distinguished it from existing military-grade suits.

Unlike the Ares Combat Suit, which was effective for low to mid-level threats, the Tyr MK 1 was engineered to offer superior protection and combat capabilities. It was the Mining Guild's first foray into military-grade power armor, marking a significant evolution in their approach to defense. The incorporation of the newly discovered material, Ultrite, provided unmatched durability, while advanced AI systems, developed with the help of Lady Nyx Pine, offered enhanced operational support to the wearer. These innovations ensured that the Tyr MK 1 Power Armor could withstand the advanced tactics and technologies employed by the Kuvexian pirates and the Mishhuvurthyar, thereby safeguarding the Mining Guild’s interests and personnel more effectively than ever before.

Statistics & Performance

General notes about armor stats and performance

General Statistics for the Tyr MK1 Power Armor
Year Introduced YE 46
Class/Nomenclature MG-M2A-41
Designers Vilkas Kurosaki, Mining Guild
Manufacturer Mining Guild, Engineering Corps
Fielded By Night Guard
Range Designed to last a month
Maintenance Cycle Checked every 24 hours, and worked on then if need be
Lifespan Lifelong, provided maintenance is done.
Pricing 250.000 KS1)


The Tyr MK1 Power Armor features a humanoid design that adapts to the height of its specific wearer. While most suits fit human proportions, some versions are designed for robots, standing up to 9 feet tall. This armor boasts a robust and distinctive design with reinforced plating and an exoskeleton-like structure.

A unique feature of the Tyr MK1 is its additional pair of articulated arms. These heavy limbs are designed for both strength and dexterity and come extensively armed with weapons, such as energy cannons. The wearer's original arms are housed beneath these, and if the wearer is a robot, it also includes plasma claws for extra combat capability.

The armor is equipped with thrusters on the back and legs, providing lift and levitation abilities to enhance mobility. The primary color scheme is matte black, similar to the Ares Combat Suit, but it features yellow markings instead of blue. This combination of advanced features and striking design makes the Tyr MK1 Power Armor a formidable asset in combat.


Advantages of the Tyr MK1 Power Armor include

  • Enhanced Strength: The integrated gauntlets with enhanced musculature double the wearer’s strength, allowing them to carry heavier weapons and perform demanding physical tasks more efficiently.

Advanced Weapon Systems

  • Primary Weapons: Integrated double-barrel energy firearms utilizing a Plasma-Ion hybrid energy source provide powerful and precise firepower.
  • Secondary Weapons: Shoulder-mounted missile launchers with guided missiles offer versatile and long-range attack options.

Superior Protection

  • Ultrite Armor: Composed of a unique blend of titanium, steel, tungsten, chromium, and iridium, the armor is exceptionally resistant to heat, corrosion, and physical impacts.
  • Knight's Shield: An advanced shield system that provides an additional layer of defense, similar to the Paladin barrier shields.
  • Comprehensive Sensor Suite: The helmet includes sophisticated optic sensors for normal vision, high-powered zoom, UV, IR, and night vision, as well as a HUD and radar systems for enhanced situational awareness.

Advanced Life Support

  • Waste Disposal: Efficient systems manage waste for various species, including humans, near-humans, aliens, anthros, and Bioroids.
  • Nutrient Delivery: An intravenous system supplies essential nutrients, allowing the officer to remain focused on the mission.
  • Enhanced Mobility: Thrusters on the back and legs enable lift, levitation, and increased agility, allowing for rapid movement and maneuverability in various environments.

Sophisticated AI Integration

  • Aegis AI: A powerful AI named Aegis assists with tactical decisions, system management, and real-time data processing, combining programming and experiences from previous sentient Power Armor AIs.
  • Versatile Control Systems: Control via the Geist connector jack-in or the Mining Guild's Corelink Neural Interface provides seamless operation for a wide range of users.
  • Emergency Communication: A cobalt-doped graphene molecular circuit-powered emergency beacon ensures reliable communication over vast distances.


Disadvantages of the Tyr MK1 Power Armor include

  • High Energy Consumption: The advanced systems and powerful weapons require significant energy, which can strain the armor's power reserves during extended missions.
  • Complex Maintenance: The sophisticated technology and materials used in the armor necessitate regular and specialized maintenance, which can be resource-intensive.
  • Weight and Bulk: The extensive armor plating and integrated weaponry add to the weight and bulk of the suit, potentially limiting the wearer’s agility and speed compared to lighter armors.
  • Cost and Accessibility: The use of Ultrite and advanced technologies makes the armor expensive to produce, limiting its availability to only the most critical and well-funded operations.
  • Cybersecurity Risks: The reliance on sophisticated AI and electronic systems makes the armor susceptible to hacking and cyber-attacks, which could compromise its functionality.
  • Limited Mobility in Confined Spaces: The size and complexity of the armor may hinder movement in tight or confined spaces, reducing its effectiveness in certain urban or subterranean combat scenarios.
  • Extreme Kinetic Forces: Although Ultrite provides significant resistance to physical impacts, extremely high kinetic forces, such as those from heavy artillery, high-caliber rounds, or sustained heavy impacts, may still cause damage or deformation.
  • Directed Energy Weapons: While the armor has good heat resistance, prolonged exposure to high-intensity directed energy weapons, such as high-powered lasers or plasma weapons, could potentially overwhelm its heat dissipation capabilities, leading to structural weakening.
  • Electromagnetic Pulses (EMPs): Despite its electrical conductivity, a powerful electromagnetic pulse (EMP) could disrupt or damage the armor's sophisticated electronic systems, including sensors, communications, and the AI interface. Proper shielding can mitigate this, but complete immunity is challenging to achieve.
  • Corrosive Chemicals: While the armor is highly corrosion-resistant, exposure to highly specialized or extreme corrosive agents that can penetrate or break down the protective chromium layer could lead to degradation of the underlying materials.
  • Hacking and Cyber Attacks: The reliance on advanced electronics and AI makes the armor susceptible to hacking and cyber-attacks. If an adversary can breach the armor's cyber defenses, they could potentially disable systems, mislead sensors, or disrupt communications.
  • Environmental Extremes: While Ultrite is resistant to many environmental factors, extreme conditions such as intense pressure found deep underwater or in high-gravity environments could potentially compromise the armor's structural integrity over time.
  • Resource Constraints: Continuous operation in demanding environments may deplete the armor's energy reserves, particularly if the power systems are damaged or if the armor's energy consumption exceeds its generation and storage capabilities.

By weighing these advantages and disadvantages, the deployment and use of the Tyr MK1 Power Armor can be optimized for maximum effectiveness in various combat and operational situations.


The Tyr MK1 Power Armor is engineered to be a highly weaponized warrior, suited for both urban and battlefield environments. It offers enhanced speed and agility, surpassing that of regular infantry units or standard security organizations.

Ground Speed (Running)

It is capable of running at high speeds, significantly faster than an unassisted Nepleslian. Set to be 70 mph (113 km/h). In addition, it can go from 0 to 60 mph (0 to 97 km/h) in about 3 seconds.


In addition to its ground capabilities, the armor is equipped with advanced thrusters that allow for hovering and flight. In hovering mode, the armor can achieve a maximum speed of 50 mph (80 km/h). Within an atmosphere, it can fly at speeds of up to 300 mph (483 km/h). When operating in space, the Tyr MK1 Power Armor can reach a maximum sublight speed suitable for maneuvering alongside starships and space stations, reaching up to 0.1c (10% of the speed of light).

Armor Size

Height 2)can be 2 Meters 6 feet 3)
Width Dependant on the wearer4)
Length The armor adds approximately 18 inches to the pilot's anterior-posterior thoracic length.
Weight 670lb standalone weight

Damage Capacity Stats

Body: Medium power armor, Heavily Armored (DRv3 tier 5) Shield System: Conformal shields rated for medium power armor (DRv3 rated tier 5)

Getting In and Out

In a significant departure from previous power armors, the Tyr MK1 Power Armor introduces an innovative method for the Night Guard Officer to enter and operate the suit. When approaching the armor, the Officer finds it in a seated position with its chest cavity, greaves, and boots open. This configuration allows for a more ergonomic and efficient entry process.

The Operative sits down in the open chest cavity, ensuring their legs slide into the greaves and boots seamlessly. They then insert their arms into the lower set of articulated arms, designed to accommodate the user's limbs snugly. As soon as the system detects the presence of authorized personnel, it initiates the closure sequence.

The lower arms, equipped with advanced sensors and automated mechanisms, gently close over the Officer’s arms, securing them in place. Simultaneously, the chest cavity and other sections of the armor close around the Operative's body, enveloping them in the protective exoskeleton. This automated process ensures a secure and comfortable fit, readying the Night Guard Officer for immediate deployment.

This innovative entry system not only enhances the speed and ease with which the armor can be donned but also significantly improves the overall user experience, making the Tyr MK1 Power Armor a remarkable advancement in the realm of combat and security suits.

Controlling the Armor

The Tyr MK1 Power Armor is typically controlled via the Geist connector jack-in. However, for non-New Dusk Conclave citizens or individuals whose culture or religion prohibits the use of the Geist, the Mining Guild has developed an alternative control method. This alternative is the Corelink Neural Interface, a new technology that allows for seamless control of the armor without requiring the Geist implant.


The systems used in the Tyr MK 1 Power Armor are extensive and advanced, far surpassing those of the previously utilized ANT Power Armor by the Mining Guild.


The computer system of the Tyr MK1 Power Armor is equipped with advanced hardware and software, making it a critical component of the suit's functionality. This sophisticated system controls the armor's sensors, which provide real-time situational awareness and environmental data to the wearer. Additionally, it manages the communications systems, ensuring secure and reliable channels for coordination with other units and command centers.

Moreover, the computer houses the Power Armor AI, an intelligent system designed to assist the wearer in various tasks. This AI enhances operational efficiency by providing tactical suggestions, managing internal diagnostics, and automating certain combat functions. The integration of such an advanced computer system ensures that the Tyr MK1 Power Armor operates at peak performance, offering a significant advantage in both urban and combat environments.

AI System

Central to this system is the AI named Aegis, a unique and powerful artificial intelligence developed specifically for the Tyr MK1. Aegis represents a groundbreaking fusion of programming and the experiential knowledge of sentient Power Armor AIs. This integration process involved compiling the experiences and tactical insights of previous AI systems, creating a highly adaptive and intelligent assistant.

Aegis's capabilities include providing tactical suggestions, automating combat functions, and managing internal diagnostics. Its advanced computing power allows it to process vast amounts of data from the armor's sensors, offering real-time strategic advice and threat analysis. This makes Aegis an invaluable partner to the wearer, enhancing both situational awareness and combat effectiveness.

The creation of Aegis involved meticulous programming, combining cutting-edge algorithms with the rich, experiential data from other sentient Power Armor AIs. This blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience ensures that Aegis operates with a high degree of autonomy and intelligence, setting the Tyr MK1 Power Armor apart in military technology. In addition it provides a significant strategic advantage in both urban and combat environments, making the Night Guard more effective and responsive than ever before.

Sensors and Communications

The Tyr MK1 Power Armor's helmet is equipped with sophisticated optic sensors capable of various vision modes, including normal vision, high-powered zoom, ultraviolet (UV) vision, infrared (IR), and night vision (NV). It also provides the Night Guard Officer with a heads-up display (HUD) for enhanced situational awareness.

In addition to these visual capabilities, the armor includes radar systems for superior target acquisition and situational awareness, complemented by seismic sensors located in the boots for detecting ground vibrations.

The communication systems offer direct links to the Mining Guild and Night Guard command centers via video links. The inclusion of the Mining Guild’s new Neural Interface allows for near-telepathic communication with allies. Additionally, the armor is equipped with a small emergency beacon powered by a cobalt-doped graphene molecular circuit, providing a range of approximately 30 light-minutes.

Shields System

The Tyr MK1 Power Armor is equipped with an advanced shield system known as the Knight's Shield. This system is similar to the Paladin Barrier Shields and is named in homage to the noble knights of fairy tales, as well as the primary formation in the Mining Guild Contingent's Delta Escort Fleet.


The Tyr MK1 Power Armor's armor is composed of Ultrite, a groundbreaking material that combines equal parts of titanium, steel, tungsten, chromium, and iridium. This unique composition grants the armor several exceptional properties, making it highly effective in various combat scenarios.

Ultrite's titanium and steel components provide a robust and durable foundation, ensuring the armor can withstand significant physical impacts and stress. Tungsten adds an additional layer of toughness, enhancing the armor's ability to resist deformation and penetration from high-velocity projectiles. The inclusion of chromium imparts exceptional corrosion resistance, ensuring the armor remains intact and functional even in harsh environments, such as acidic or saline conditions.

Iridium contributes to the armor's heat resistance, allowing it to endure extreme temperatures without compromising its structural integrity. This is particularly advantageous in combat situations involving energy weapons or incendiary devices, as the armor can protect the wearer from intense heat and thermal radiation.

Moreover, Ultrite's unique blend of metals makes the armor capable of electrical conductivity. This feature is crucial for integrating the advanced electronic systems and sensors within the armor, allowing seamless communication between different components. It also enables the armor to dissipate electrical energy, providing additional protection against electromagnetic attacks and ensuring the wearer's safety in environments with high electrical activity.

Life Support

The life support system of the Tyr MK 1 Power Armor follows the Ares Combat Suit’s lead in how it is designed to keep the Night Guard Operative alive. The Power Armor has an oxygen recycling system with filters that can last up to a month, ensuring that the Night Guard officer can survive even if trapped for extended periods. In case of damage or injury, nanomachines (nanites) repair the armor, and a sealant gel is applied to wounds, acting as a quick-healing salve.

The suit is temperature controlled to protect against extreme heat and cold, utilizing advanced materials and a network of thermal wiring. Additionally, for officers who are cold-blooded, the suit has a specialized system to maintain their body warmth, ensuring their comfort and functionality in all environments. For hydration needs, the Ares Combat Armor includes a specialized system that captures sweat from the wearer, whether human, near-human, or alien. This sweat is filtered multiple times to remove bacteria and other harmful substances before being stored in a dedicated tank. This system serves as a backup hydration source. The suit also has a separate main tank for drinking water, ensuring that the wearer has access to clean, safe hydration at all times.

Additional Life Support Systems

In addition to the various life support systems inherited from the Ares Combat Suit, the Tyr MK1 Power Armor incorporates advanced solutions to address the practical needs of Night Guard Officers during extended defense missions and lengthy battles. Recognizing that officers cannot afford to halt combat operations for basic needs, the armor is equipped with several specialized systems to ensure continuous functionality and comfort.

One of these innovations is an advanced waste disposal system. Designed to accommodate a diverse range of beings, including humans, near-humans, aliens, anthros, and Bioroids, this system efficiently manages waste, allowing officers to remain focused on their mission without concern for personal hygiene interruptions.

Additionally, the power armor features a sophisticated nutrient delivery system. This system administers a nutrient-rich paste, packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and various fruits, directly into the officer's body intravenously. This method ensures that the officer receives necessary sustenance without the need to pause for meals, maintaining their energy and cognitive function during prolonged engagements. For convenience, when not in active combat, the officer can consume the nutrient paste orally through a straw, allowing for a quick and easy way to stay nourished.

These systems collectively ensure that Night Guard Officers can remain fully operational and effective, focusing entirely on the mission at hand without being hindered by basic physiological needs.

Power Systems

The Tyr MK1 Power Armor’s systems like the Ares Combat Suit’s systems are ingeniously powered by bio-electrical energy converted from the wearer’s movement and body heat. This conversion process ensures that as long as the wearer is active, the suit remains powered, harnessing the natural energy produced by their body. This self-sustaining energy system reduces the need for external power sources and allows for extended missions without frequent recharges.

In cases where the Night Guard Officer belongs to a species with unique physiological traits, such as those similar to electric eels that can generate electricity, the suit includes specialized systems to absorb and utilize this electrical output. These systems are designed to safely capture and store the electricity produced by the body, effectively turning the officer into a living power source and enhancing the suit’s energy efficiency.

To further ensure uninterrupted power supply, the Ares Combat Suit is equipped with redundant power systems that incorporate Plasma Power Cores. These cores are located within the back of the hard suit and serve as an additional energy reserve. The Plasma Power Cores are highly efficient and can provide substantial power to all suit systems, including life support, communications, and defensive measures, even in the absence of bio-electrical energy.

This multi-faceted power approach guarantees that the Ares Combat Suit remains operational in a wide range of conditions and scenarios. Whether relying on the wearer’s bio-electrical energy, the unique electricity-generating abilities of certain species, or the robust Plasma Power Cores, the suit ensures that Night Guard Officers have the energy they need to complete their missions effectively and safely.


The Tyr MK1 Power Armor's weapon systems are both extensive and powerful, enabling the Night Guard to effectively handle threats on a national scale.

Main Weapons

The Tyr MK1 Power Armor's main weapons are integrated firearms built into the upper pair of its additional limbs. Each limb terminates in a double-barrel configuration, drawing inspiration from the New Dusk Conclave’s renowned Cerberus Cannons. However, the Tyr MK1 introduces a significant upgrade in ammunition technology.

These integrated firearms utilize an energy beam powered by a Plasma-Ion hybrid energy source. This advanced energy system combines the high temperature and destructive capability of plasma with the speed and precision of ion technology. The result is a highly potent weapon capable of delivering devastating firepower with remarkable accuracy and efficiency.

The Plasma-Ion hybrid beams offer several advantages:

  • High Damage Output: The combination of plasma and ion energy produces beams with exceptional thermal and kinetic energy, capable of penetrating advanced armor and fortified structures.
  • Precision and Range: The ion component ensures the beams maintain a straight trajectory over long distances, making them highly effective for both close-quarters and ranged combat.
  • Versatility: The energy weapons can be adjusted for different combat scenarios, allowing for rapid-fire modes for suppressive fire or concentrated bursts for maximum impact on tougher targets.
  • Sustained Fire: The advanced energy source allows for sustained firing without the need for frequent reloads, providing continuous firepower in prolonged engagements.
  • Tier 5

These integrated weapons ensure that the Tyr MK1 Power Armor is well-equipped to handle a wide range of threats, from heavily armored vehicles and structures to agile enemy combatants. This makes the armor a formidable asset for the Night Guard, capable of addressing threats on a national scale with unmatched firepower and versatility.

Secondary Weapons

The secondary weapons of the Tyr MK1 Power Armor are shoulder-mounted missile launchers, designed to provide versatile and powerful support in a variety of combat scenarios. These missile launchers are integrated seamlessly into the armor's shoulders, ensuring that they do not interfere with the primary weapon systems or the armor's mobility.

Key Features of the Shoulder-Mounted Missile Launchers

The missile launchers are equipped with advanced guidance systems that allow the missiles to accurately track and engage targets. This precision ensures effective strikes against both stationary and moving targets, significantly enhancing the armor's combat capabilities.

The missile launchers can fire a range of missile types, each designed for specific combat situations. These include high-explosive warheads for maximum blast damage, armor-piercing missiles for penetrating fortified Power Armor or starships, and fragmentation warheads for anti-personnel operations. This versatility allows the Night Guard officer to adapt to different threats on the battlefield.

Integrated with the armor's advanced sensor suite, the missile launchers can lock onto multiple targets simultaneously. The smart targeting system uses real-time data from the armor's sensors to select the most critical targets and adjust the missile's flight path for optimal impact.

The launchers are designed for quick and efficient deployment. The firing mechanism is fast and responsive, allowing the operator to engage multiple targets in rapid succession without significant delay.

When not in use, the missile launchers can retract into the shoulders, maintaining a sleek and unobtrusive profile. This design ensures that the armor remains agile and maneuverable, even in confined spaces or during high-speed maneuvers.

The launchers are equipped with safety mechanisms to prevent accidental firing. These systems ensure that missiles are only deployed when explicitly commanded by the operator or the armor's AI, minimizing the risk of friendly fire or unintended detonations.

Operational Advantages

The addition of shoulder-mounted missile launchers significantly increases the firepower available to the Night Guard Operative, enabling them to engage and neutralize a wider range of threats more effectively. With the ability to carry different types of missiles, the officer can quickly switch between various payloads to address evolving combat situations, from destroying enemy fortifications to eliminating aerial threats. The missile launchers provide the ability to engage targets at greater distances than the primary energy weapons, extending the armor's effective combat range and allowing for pre-emptive strikes on high-value targets.

Tertiary Weapons

The Night Guard Operative's own arms are encased in specially designed gauntlets integrated with enhanced musculature systems. These advanced gauntlets are engineered to significantly amplify the officer's physical strength, effectively doubling their natural strength. This enhancement provides several key advantages on the battlefield.

With their strength doubled, Night Guard Operative can carry larger and heavier weapons that would typically be impractical or impossible to wield. This allows them to bring more firepower directly into combat situations, enhancing their offensive capabilities. In addition the enhanced muscles within the gauntlets provide superior stability and control when handling large weapons. This ensures that the officer can aim and fire these weapons accurately, even under strenuous conditions or during intense combat maneuvers. One of the significant benefits of the enhanced musculature is the reduction of pushback or recoil from firing heavy weapons. The gauntlets absorb and counteract the recoil forces, allowing the officer to maintain their firing position and accuracy without being pushed back or destabilized. This stability is crucial for maintaining sustained fire during prolonged engagements.

Tactical Advantages

The increased strength provided by the gauntlets not only enhances the officer's capability with ranged weapons but also significantly boosts their effectiveness in close-quarters combat. The enhanced strength allows for more powerful strikes, giving the officer a decisive edge in hand-to-hand combat situations.

With the ability to handle heavier and more diverse weaponry, Night Guard Operatives can adapt to various combat scenarios more efficiently. They can switch between different types of weapons depending on the situation, from long-range sniper rifles to heavy machine guns or even specialized equipment like grenade launchers. Beyond combat, the enhanced strength allows officers to perform a range of physical tasks more effectively. This includes breaching fortified doors, lifting heavy debris to clear paths or rescue comrades, and other physically demanding activities that may arise during missions.

  • Tier 4

Quaternary Weapons

For synthetic Night Guard Officers (Robots, Androids, and Gynoids), the Tyr MK1 Power Armor includes specialized weaponry tailored to their capabilities. These Security Guards have access to concealed assault turrets built into the hips, providing additional firepower. Additionally, they are equipped with concealed melee plasma-based claws that can be deployed from their own limbs, enhancing their close-quarters combat abilities.

OOC Notes

Charaa created this article on 2024/06/24 21:23.

  • Approved by Wes here
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriespower armor
Product NameTyr MK1 Power Armor
ManufacturerMining Guild
Year ReleasedYE 46
Price (KS)250 ,000.00 KS
Not for Sale
dependant on the wearer
biggest 3 meters 9 feet
The armor adds about two feet to the width of the pilot

corp/mining_guild/power_armors/tyr_power_armor.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/28 11:29 by charaa