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Mining Guild

Business Information


The Mining Guild is Divided into many Divisions as a corporation.

Board of Directors

Corporate Security

Exploration Team

Resource extraction Team

Creative and Development



Expedition Team



Mining Guild Property





    • Ironskin Settlement
    • Mount Venture Settlement
    • Astral Settlement
    • Tundra plains Settlement
    • Freezy Land Settlement

Space Station

Mobile Settlements


The Mining Guild has its own Shipyard




AI and Technology


Systems Owned

Mining Guild Contingent

Shared Control



RECORM Bots are remotely controlled robotic bodies controlled by Miners, and Sentinel Class Control Frigate. For Efficiency and safety in a mining site controlled by the Mining Guild.


In the early years of YE 46, Lady Nyx Pine, and Aeta Kurosaki, the twin sister of the Mining Guild CEO, embarked on a collaborative venture to revolutionize mining operations within the sector. Their inspiration came from a shared concern for the safety and well-being of miners, who faced constant risks and hazards in the harsh environments of asteroid fields and deep-space mines.

Recognizing the limitations of traditional mining techniques and the inherent dangers of manual labor, Lady Nyx and Aeta Kurosaki envisioned a new approach that would leverage advanced robotics and automation to enhance safety, efficiency, and productivity in the industry.

Their vision caught the attention of Astrid, a prominent advocate for miner safety within the Mining Guild. Astrid recognized the potential of Lady Nyx and Aeta's proposal as a transformative solution to address the pressing safety concerns facing the guild's workforce.

However, mindful of the challenges associated with introducing unfamiliar technology to a workforce accustomed to the reliability of ANT Power Armor, Astrid advocated for a gradual and inclusive transition process. She proposed the development of the RECORM Bots as a complementary measure, offering miners the option to adopt robotic avatars while preserving the familiarity and comfort of their existing equipment.

The introduction of RECORM Bots sparked a wave of innovation and debate within the mining community. While some miners embraced the new technology as a welcome opportunity to enhance their safety and efficiency, others expressed reservations, citing concerns about job displacement, loss of autonomy, and cultural taboos surrounding the use of robotic bodies.

In response to these concerns, the Mining Guild implemented a policy of voluntary adoption, allowing miners to choose whether to utilize RECORM Bots or continue using traditional equipment based on their individual preferences and circumstances. Additionally, accommodations were made for miners belonging to religious orders that forbade the use of robotic bodies, respecting their beliefs and ensuring their continued participation in mining operations through alternative means.

Over time, as the benefits of RECORM Bots became increasingly apparent and acceptance grew within the mining community, their usage expanded across the sector.


General Statistics for the NAME OF YOUR STARSHIP CLASS
Designer: Nyx Pine, Aeta Kurosaki
Manufacturer: Mining Guild Engineering Corps
Nomenclature: MG-O3-1a
Year Introduced YE 46
Fielded by: Miners, Sentinel-class Control Frigate AI
Damage Rating (Version 3) Armor: 15 SP (Armor scale)
Production Level Mass Production
Pricing 250.00ks
Maintenance Cycle After every work cycle.
Range 24 hours


The RECORM Bot is a rugged and robust robotic body designed for remote operation by miners of the Mining Guild. Its exterior is crafted from reinforced alloy plating, providing exceptional durability against impacts, abrasions, and environmental hazards commonly encountered in mining operations. The alloy plating is treated with a specialized coating to resist corrosion from exposure to moisture and harsh chemicals found in mining environments.

Standing at approximately 5 feet tall, the RECORM Bot possesses a humanoid form factor with articulated limbs, allowing for versatile movement and manipulation of tools and equipment. Its joints are equipped with heavy-duty servomotors and sealed bearings to withstand the rigors of repetitive motion and heavy loads.

The torso of the RECORM Bot houses a compact but powerful fusion reactor, providing a stable and long-lasting power source for extended operational periods without the need for frequent recharging. Surrounding the reactor are redundant cooling systems to dissipate excess heat generated during operation, ensuring optimal performance even in high-temperature environments.

Mounted on the back of the RECORM Bot is a modular payload system, capable of accommodating various specialized equipment attachments tailored to specific mining tasks. These attachments include drill heads, excavation tools, and material transport modules, allowing the RECORM Bot to adapt to different mining scenarios with ease.

At the front of the robot's chassis, a reinforced viewport provides a clear line of sight for the operator, equipped with augmented reality overlays to enhance situational awareness and facilitate precise control of the RECORM Bot's movements and actions. Integrated sensors, including cameras, LIDAR, and proximity detectors, further augment the operator's perception, enabling the robot to navigate complex terrain and avoid obstacles autonomously when necessary.


  • Width: 0.9 meters (3 feet)
  • Height: 1.8 meters (6 feet)


The adoption of remotely controlled robot systems in mining operations offers a multitude of benefits, including increased safety, efficiency, productivity, cost savings, environmental protection, adaptability, flexibility, and data-driven decision-making. These benefits collectively contribute to the advancement and sustainability of the mining industry while ensuring the well-being of workers and the preservation of natural resources and ecosystems.

Enhanced Safety

Minimizes the exposure of human operators to hazardous environments, reducing the risk of accidents, injuries, and fatalities associated with mining activities. Enables remote operation of robots in dangerous or inaccessible areas, such as unstable rock formations, confined spaces, or areas with high concentrations of toxic gases or pollutants.

Improved Efficiency and Productivity

Increases operational efficiency by enabling round-the-clock mining operations without the need for shift changes or breaks. Optimizes resource extraction rates through continuous monitoring, data analysis, and adaptive decision-making, maximizing yield and profitability. Reduces downtime associated with equipment maintenance, repair, and human fatigue, leading to higher overall productivity and output.

Cost Savings

Reduces labor costs by eliminating the need for large teams of human miners and support personnel in the field. Minimizes expenses related to worker compensation, insurance premiums, and medical treatment for injuries and illnesses. Improves equipment lifespan and reliability through proactive maintenance scheduling and condition monitoring, reducing repair and replacement costs over time.

Environmental Protection

Minimizes environmental impact by implementing precise and controlled mining techniques that reduce disturbances to ecosystems and habitats. Mitigates the release of pollutants, greenhouse gases, and particulate matter into the atmosphere, contributing to cleaner air and reduced environmental degradation.

Facilitates the implementation of sustainable mining practices, such as selective extraction, reclamation, and habitat restoration, to mitigate long-term environmental impacts and promote responsible resource utilization.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Enables rapid response to changing operational conditions, market demands, and regulatory requirements through dynamic reconfiguration and optimization of mining processes. Facilitates exploration and development of new mining sites and resource deposits, including remote or challenging locations previously deemed inaccessible or uneconomical for traditional mining methods.

Data-driven Decision Making

Provides real-time access to actionable data, analytics, and insights generated from sensor data, machine learning algorithms, and predictive modeling, empowering operators to make informed decisions and optimize mining operations. Facilitates remote monitoring and control of multiple robotic assets from centralized command centers, enabling coordination, collaboration, and resource allocation across diverse mining sites and regions.

Armored Chassis and Chassis Integrated Systems

The RECORM Bot's armored chassis and integrated systems are critical components that ensure durability, functionality, and adaptability in harsh mining environments.

Armored Chassis

The armored chassis of the RECORM Bot is constructed from a combination of advanced alloys and composite materials, engineered to withstand the rigors of mining operations.

The exterior surface of the chassis is fortified with thick layers of reinforced Titanium Matrix alloy plating, providing exceptional resistance against impacts, abrasions, and punctures. with advanced reinforcing material GrapheneandCeramic Composite blended which provides high strength-to-weight ratios, and excellent heat resistance, as well as aids in enhanced durability, and to prevent falling rocks, or boulders from crushing the user 1).

This armor protects vital internal components from damage caused by falling debris, collisions with mining equipment, and other hazards encountered in the field.

Strategically placed Composite Armor Inserts further enhance the chassis's resilience, offering additional protection to vulnerable areas such as joints, sensors, and critical systems. These inserts are designed to absorb and dissipate energy from high-velocity impacts, minimizing the risk of structural compromise and ensuring the robot's continued operation in hostile environments.

It is capable of retaining the shape of the structure under stresses up to the amount of 20kg/cm2).

The material also allows for a reinforced exoskeleton which further provides resistance against piercing hazards and extreme temperatures. The exoskeleton's hydraulic systems provide additional support, reducing physical exertion and increasing endurance, enabling workers to accomplish tasks more efficiently.

Chassis Integrated Systems

Integrated within the RECORM Bot's chassis are a suite of advanced systems and components that enable seamless operation, enhanced situational awareness, and efficient task execution.

Augmented Strength

Powered by a miniaturized fusion reactor, The Power armor augments the wearer’s strength allowing them to lift heavy loads and perform strenuous tasks with ease. This ability enhances productivity and reduces physical strain on the wearer.

  • Strength: 2,000 Lbs due to heavy duty servos

Computers and Electronics

The RECORM Bot incorporates cutting-edge computer and electronic systems to facilitate its operation, control, and interaction with its environment.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The RECORM Bot is equipped with a powerful CPU capable of handling complex calculations, sensor data processing, and decision-making tasks in real-time. This CPU serves as the brain of the robot, orchestrating its movements, executing commands from the operator, and managing various subsystems. When under control of a miner, it becomes a AI assistant

Control Interfaces

The mind-transfer technology employed in the RECORM Bot revolutionizes the way miners interact with their robotic avatars, enabling a seamless fusion of human consciousness with machine interfaces. In essence, the mind-transfer technology empowers miners to transcend the limitations of their organic bodies and operate RECORM Bots with unprecedented precision, agility, and immersion. By seamlessly integrating human consciousness with machine interfaces, this innovative technology heralds a new era of human-machine collaboration in the field of mining and beyond.

  • Neural Interface IntegrationWithin the control pod, sophisticated neural interface devices are employed to establish a direct connection between the miner's consciousness and the robotic body they control. These interfaces utilize advanced neurotechnology to interface with the miner's brain, allowing for bidirectional communication and data exchange.
  • Consciousness Transfer Protocol When a miner initiates the mind-transfer process, a specialized consciousness transfer protocol is activated, temporarily suspending the miner's awareness within their organic body and transferring it to the neural interface of the robotic avatar. This transfer is facilitated by a combination of neural stimulation, biofeedback mechanisms, and digital signal processing algorithms.
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI) A graphical user interface (GUI) is presented to the miner within the control pod, displaying live video feeds captured by cameras mounted on the RECORM Bot, as well as real-time sensor data from its onboard sensors. This immersive interface provides the miner with a comprehensive view of the robot's surroundings, allowing them to perceive the environment as if they were physically present.

Sensor Fusion and Augmented Reality The GUI integrates sensor fusion techniques to overlay contextual information onto the live video feed, enhancing the miner's situational awareness and facilitating intuitive control of the robotic avatar. Augmented reality elements, such as heads-up displays and spatial annotations, are superimposed onto the visual feed to provide additional feedback and guidance.

Seamless Control Mechanisms With their consciousness transferred to the robotic avatar's neural interface, the miner can seamlessly control its movements and actions using familiar motor commands and thought patterns. Neural signals corresponding to intended movements are interpreted by the interface and translated into corresponding robotic actions, allowing the miner to navigate, manipulate tools, and interact with the environment effortlessly.

Real-Time Feedback and Monitoring Throughout the mind-transfer process, real-time feedback is provided to the miner via the GUI, ensuring continuous awareness of the robot's status, performance, and surroundings. Vital signs, telemetry data, and system diagnostics are displayed alongside the visual feed, enabling the miner to make informed decisions and adjustments as needed.

Sensor Suite

A comprehensive sensor suite enhances the RECORM Bot's perception and situational awareness, enabling it to navigate its surroundings, detect obstacles, and identify targets with precision.

This suite may include

  • Cameras for visual perception.
  • LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensors for 3D mapping and object detection.
  • Infrared sensors for detecting heat signatures and temperature variations.
  • Proximity sensors for detecting obstacles and maintaining safe distances from objects.
  • Gas and chemical sensors for detecting hazardous substances in the environment.

Autonomous Navigation Systems

Autonomous navigation systems empower the RECORM Bot to navigate and maneuver through its environment with minimal human intervention, utilizing sensor data and onboard algorithms to plan and execute safe and efficient routes.

These systems may incorporate

  • Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms for real-time mapping and localization.
  • Path planning algorithms for obstacle avoidance and dynamic re-routing.
  • Machine learning algorithms for adaptive behavior and environment modeling.


Communications and Data Processing: High-speed communication networks and advanced data processing capabilities are integrated into the chassis, facilitating real-time data exchange between the RECORM Bot and external control stations. These systems enable seamless teleoperation, remote monitoring, and data logging, empowering operators to supervise and manage multiple robots simultaneously from a centralized command center. These systems may utilize

  • Wireless communication protocols such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or radio frequency (RF).
  • Secure data encryption and authentication mechanisms to ensure data integrity and confidentiality.
  • Redundant communication channels to mitigate signal interference and maintain connectivity in challenging environments.

Coordination with Frigate

The coordination between the Sentinel-class Control Frigate, miners, and RECORM Bots during mining operations involves a combination of centralized control, real-time communication, and distributed decision-making. It is characterized by seamless communication, adaptive decision-making, and collaborative teamwork, ensuring the success of mining operations in even the most challenging environments.

  • Centralized Command and Control The Sentinel-class Control Frigate serves as the central command hub for coordinating mining operations. Equipped with advanced communication systems, data processing capabilities, and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, the frigate acts as the primary interface between miners and RECORM Bots deployed in the field.
  • Mission Planning and Deployment Prior to the commencement of mining operations, mission objectives, resource targets, and operational parameters are defined and transmitted from the frigate to the miners and RECORM Bots. This includes specifying target mining sites, allocating robotic assets, and establishing safety protocols.
  • Real-Time Communication Throughout the operation, real-time communication channels are maintained between the frigate, miners, and RECORM Bots to facilitate coordination, information exchange, and status updates. High-speed data links, encrypted communication protocols, and redundant communication channels ensure reliable connectivity even in remote mining locations.
  • Task Allocation and Monitoring Based on the mission objectives and operational requirements, the frigate allocates specific tasks to individual miners and RECORM Bots, taking into account factors such as resource availability, equipment capabilities, and environmental conditions. Task assignments are dynamically adjusted in response to changing priorities and operational constraints.
  • Sensor Data Fusion and Analysis Sensor data collected by RECORM Bots during mining operations, including geological surveys, environmental measurements, and resource analysis, is transmitted back to the frigate for centralized processing and analysis. AI algorithms onboard the frigate analyze this data to identify optimal mining targets, predict resource distributions, and optimize operational efficiency.
  • Emergency Response and Contingency Planning In the event of unforeseen incidents, equipment malfunctions, or safety hazards, the frigate coordinates emergency response efforts by deploying rescue drones, issuing evacuation protocols, and providing real-time guidance to miners and RECORM Bots. Contingency plans are devised and executed to minimize downtime and mitigate risks to personnel and assets.
  • Mission Debriefing and Performance Evaluation Following the completion of mining operations, the frigate conducts a comprehensive debriefing session with miners and RECORM Bot operators to review mission outcomes, assess performance metrics, and identify areas for improvement. Lessons learned are incorporated into future mission planning and operational procedures to enhance overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Emergency Systems

The RECORM Bots are equipped with robust emergency systems designed to ensure the safety and well-being of both the robot and nearby personnel in the event of unforeseen incidents or hazardous conditions. By incorporating these emergency systems and protocols, RECORM Bots are equipped to respond effectively to a wide range of emergency scenarios, safeguarding personnel, assets, and the surrounding environment during mining operations.

Collision Detection and Avoidance

RECORM Bots are equipped with advanced sensors, including proximity sensors and LIDAR, capable of detecting nearby obstacles and potential collision hazards. In the event of an imminent collision, the robot's control system initiates evasive maneuvers to avoid the obstacle and minimize the risk of impact.

Emergency Stop Mechanism

A dedicated emergency stop mechanism is integrated into the RECORM Bot's control system, allowing operators to immediately halt all robot movements and actions in response to emergencies or safety concerns. Activating the emergency stop mechanism disables motorized actuators, brakes propulsion systems, and engages safety locks to immobilize the robot safely.

Environmental Hazard Detection

RECORM Bots are equipped with environmental sensors capable of detecting hazardous conditions such as toxic gases, high temperatures, or low oxygen levels. When hazardous conditions are detected, the robot's control system activates alarms, notifies operators, and initiates pre-defined safety protocols to mitigate risks and ensure the well-being of personnel.

Fire Suppression Systems

To mitigate the risk of fire-related hazards, RECORM Bots may be equipped with onboard fire suppression systems, including extinguishers or suppression agents. In the event of a fire outbreak, the robot's sensors detect the presence of flames or smoke, triggering the activation of the fire suppression system to extinguish the fire and prevent its spread.

Remote Shutdown Capability

In situations where direct operator intervention is not feasible or safe, RECORM Bots feature remote shutdown capabilities, allowing control personnel to initiate a controlled shutdown sequence from a safe distance. This emergency shutdown procedure deactivates all robot systems and renders the robot inert until further inspection and intervention can be conducted.

Emergency Communication Beacon

In the event of a catastrophic failure or loss of communication with the control center, RECORM Bots are equipped with emergency communication beacons that emit distress signals or GPS coordinates. These beacons facilitate the location and retrieval of the robot in remote or hazardous environments, enabling prompt response and recovery efforts.

Life Support Systems

Life support systems for RECORM Bots are essential to sustain optimal operating conditions for both the robot itself and any organic operators working in close proximity. By incorporating these life support systems and protocols, RECORM Bots are capable of operating effectively in a wide range of environmental conditions while ensuring the health, safety, and comfort of both the robot and any organic operators involved in mining operations.

Environmental Control and Conditioning

RECORM Bots feature environmental control systems designed to regulate internal temperature, humidity, and air quality within the robot's chassis. This ensures that sensitive electronics and components operate within specified temperature ranges and that organic operators are provided with a comfortable working environment, even in extreme conditions.

Air Filtration and Circulation

To maintain a healthy breathing environment, RECORM Bots are equipped with air filtration and circulation systems. These systems filter out airborne contaminants, dust particles, and pollutants from the ambient air, ensuring that both the robot and any organic operators are supplied with clean, breathable air during extended periods of operation.

Oxygen Supply and Monitoring

RECORM Bots are equipped with onboard oxygen supply systems to ensure adequate oxygen levels within the robot's interior. Oxygen sensors continuously monitor ambient oxygen concentrations, automatically adjusting oxygen flow rates as needed to maintain optimal levels for organic operators working within the robot's vicinity.

Carbon Dioxide Scrubbing

To prevent the buildup of carbon dioxide exhaled by human operators, RECORM Bots may incorporate carbon dioxide scrubbing technology. This technology removes excess carbon dioxide from the air, preventing it from reaching harmful levels and ensuring that organic operators remain alert and capable of performing their tasks effectively.

Temperature Regulation

RECORM Bots feature thermal management systems to regulate internal temperatures and prevent overheating of critical components. These systems may include heat sinks, fans, and thermoelectric coolers to dissipate excess heat generated during operation, ensuring reliable performance and longevity of the robot's electronics. .

Power Systems

Non-Nuclear Fusion Reactor Core

  • Bio-Inspired Pumping Mechanism The non-nuclear fusion reactor core is equipped with a bio-inspired pumping mechanism that operates similarly to a heart. This mechanism utilizes flexible membranes or pistons driven by hydraulic or pneumatic actuators to alternately expand and contract, creating pulsatile flows of reactant gases or plasma within the reactor chamber.
  • Pulsatile Fusion Reaction The pulsatile flows generated by the pumping mechanism facilitate efficient mixing and compression of reactant gases or plasma, promoting fusion reactions within the reactor core. The rhythmic pulsations mimic the cyclical contraction and relaxation of cardiac muscles, optimizing energy transfer and reaction kinetics.
  • Regenerative Cooling System: To dissipate excess heat generated during fusion reactions, the reactor core is equipped with a regenerative cooling system that circulates coolant fluid through embedded channels or conduits. This cooling system extracts thermal energy from the reactor core, preventing overheating and ensuring stable operation.

Redundant Systems

  • Dual Pumping Mechanisms: To enhance reliability, the reactor core incorporates redundant pumping mechanisms operating in parallel. Each pumping mechanism is independently controlled and powered by separate hydraulic or pneumatic systems, providing failover capability in the event of a pump malfunction or system failure.
  • Backup Power Supply: In addition to the primary power source, the reactor core is equipped with a backup power supply, such as a battery or capacitor bank, to ensure continuous operation in the event of a power outage or loss of primary power sources. The backup power supply is automatically activated upon detection of power fluctuations or failures.
  • Redundant Cooling Loops: The regenerative cooling system features redundant cooling loops, each equipped with its own set of pumps, heat exchangers, and coolant reservoirs. In the event of a cooling system failure or coolant leak, the redundant cooling loops can be activated to maintain thermal stability and prevent overheating of the reactor core.
  • Fault Detection and Isolation: Integrated fault detection and isolation algorithms continuously monitor the performance of critical components and subsystems within the reactor core. In the event of an anomaly or malfunction, these algorithms automatically trigger isolation protocols to contain and mitigate the impact of the fault, preventing cascading failures and ensuring the integrity of the reactor core.


  • Ground Speed (Running): 50 MPH
  • Ground Speed (Hovering):0.1c

Enhanced Movement

The ANT Power Armor features powerful actuators and hydraulics, allowing for enhanced mobility and agility in a variety of mining environments, including low-gravity asteroids and confined underground tunnels.

Tool Integrated Systems

Much like in the ANT Power Armor, The Mole Claws are located at the knuckles of each hands and they completely replace the fingers that finish those hands. The Plasma Cutter/Torch hard points are located at the forearm just behand the wrist and behind the Mole Claws. They extend out a little, to allow the use of the Plasma Cuter/Torch beam, without damage to the Power Armor Gauntlet, and the Miner inside.

At the back, just above the Backpack where the Ore is held 3) is where both the Tai-Pattern drones attach from. Tai-Pattern Rock-Splitter is on the left side, behind the left side of the head. And Tai-Pattern Rock-Sucker is on the right side.

Chest Hard Points

The Scanning part of the Mineral Scanner is imbedded within the chest cavity of the Recorm. This allows for efficient scans without the use of encumbersom changing of tools.

OOC Notes

Charaa created this article on 2024/04/22 12:13.

  • All Art was created by Charaa using copilot.
  • Approved by Wes on 2024-05-05
Products & Items Database
Product NameRecorm Bots
ManufacturerMining Guild
Year ReleasedYE 46
Price (KS)250.00 KS
Mass (kg)234 kg
It can also withstand impact up to 650kg moving at 46kph
until dumping into transport to the Magpie-class Industrial Shuttle, and from there the Dragon Class Mobile Refinery

corp/mining_guild/drones/miner.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/30 18:49 by charaa