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BW-PC-1B "PowerPak"

The BW-PC-1B is a plasma based power cell developed by Department Of Engineering as the predecessor to the BW-PC-1A Plasma Core. Meant to fit the role of a easily produce-able, and high energy capacity power source. It is used in vehicles, generators, power armor, drones, and various other systems developed by Section 6.


The BW-PC-1B is a 5 inch tall oval shaped box with ends that are 1 inch wide, and 3 inches long. Rings run up and down it's height on either side, with a reinforced top and bottom that feature connectors. Power lights are present on the front and back.

More about BW-PC-1B/History

In late YE39 Section 6 began focusing development and research on civilian oriented technology projects. In the absence of the knowledge to develop Aether power cells, or systems to run on it, Section 6 decided to use the next best thing. So plasma was studied and researched as a cheap and easy to produce energy source outside of what the OSO already had. Testing and trials for the Plasma core were finished in early YE40. However, advancement of such tech did not stop there. A newer and smaller cell was created that albeit, not as efficient as it's predecessor, was actually rechargeable. Thus, the 1B model of power source was developed and put into use in early YE 41.

Statistical Information


This device is a plasma based power source for any system, or technology designed to use it as its power source. Fuel is stored within the center of the cell, and remains inactive until introduced to a static electrical charge. Once activated, a small micro turbine in the center begin to spin and build up a static charge, which is then released into the inner part of the cell and introduced to fuel from the center. This acts as a catalyst for a chemical reaction which results in the formation of plasma which is then converted to power for whatever the cell is installed into.

Unit is prevented from overheating via built in security measures in the technology they are plugged into, in addition to its internal cooling system.


The cell has has a heat absorbent gel layer around the reaction chamber, which also stores excess charge from the chemical reaction to ensure the power stored within is used as long as possible. Excess heat is absorbed by the gel and and bled through channel to the core's outer rings to be gradually radiated off, or transferred to the heat management system of whatever tech the cell is installed in. The gel is the same used in the undersuite layer of the Revenant power armor system, with the addition of conductive metallic strands, particles, and a chemical compound designed to retain the charge for longer after the cell goes active.

!Safety Warning!

This device must never be exposed to an open flame, shot, stabbed, or ever dropped from extreme height. Resulting explosion which may lead to dismemberment, blood loss, 4th degree burns, and death if in immediate range.

OOC Notes

jack_pine created this article on 2019/03/02 20:50.

Products & Items Database
Year ReleasedYE 40
Price (KS)50.00 KS

corp/bwe/power/bw-pc-1b.1676291572.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:09 (external edit)