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Valentina Farai

Valentina Farai is an NPC controlled by GM Wes.

Valentina Farai
Valentina Farai
Species & Gender Minkan Female
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army Infantry
Rank: Jôtô Hei
Current Placement:

Character Description

Valentina Farai has light-colored skin with pink hair and aqua-colored eyes.

Valentina is known for her carefree, happy, and lighthearted attitude, even if she's not necessarily being herself. She enjoys hanging out with people, being with her friends, learning, and learning. This tends to be reflected in her moral code and doesn't stem from some hidden trait that she's born with or decided early on.

Valentina is very welcoming to people, usually seeing as she is a Yamataian female she generally follows the general flow and behavior of other people, if she can be helped. She doesn't have a problem killing people, she likes to read, play, and cooking. She's pretty dedicated to learning new things and teaching those who have the same time. Valentina likes reading, love music, dancing, and working hard.

Valentina Farai

History & Relationships

Valentina was born in YE 20 on Yamatai (Planet) and turned 21 in YE 41.

In YE 42, Valentina enlisted in the Star Army of Yamatai at the Uesureyan Fortress. In YE 43 she got her first promotion.

In YE 44.1 she was promoted to Ittô Hei.

In YE 45.3, she was promoted to Jôtô Hei.


  • Mass Production Pistol, Type 28 (received in YE 41 giveaway)
  • Portable Repair Kit Premium Pack (NMX War, TC: 85-53, IC: 4562-43464-128)
  • SMX Frasworstch Battle Pod (NMX War, TC: 74-81, IC: 6051-4188-147)
  • NAM Universal Mass Driver shell, Green (NMX War, TC: 29-83, IC: 2464-38984-109)
  • Package of Nepleslian Music Disks/crystal (Pirating, TC: 17-99, IC: 1740-948-115)
  • 10 1-liter carton of UHT Pasteurized Milk
  • 10 Barrel of Oil, 150 lbs
  • 10 books
  • 10 Stylish Formalwear Outfit
  • 10 Fancy Outfits
  • 10 Large Cages
  • 10 Large Chests
  • 10 Large Iron Box (100 lb)
  • 10 Life Jackets
  • 10 Miner's Pick
  • 10 Noble's Outfits
  • 10 pairs of shears
  • 10 Rope Ladder, 50 foot
  • 10 Rotisserie Chickens
  • 10 sets of Manacles (2 lb)
  • 10 Spades
  • 10 Vials of Ink
  • 120 Eggs
  • 2 Cold Weather Outfits
  • 2 Telescopic rifle sight
  • 5 bottles of good wine
  • 5 Large Wooden Chest (50 lb)
  • 8 Tables, wooden
  • Amphora of Common Wine (80 lb)
  • Amphora of Vinegar (80 lb)
  • Andirons and Spit
  • Bag of Rare Spice
  • Barrel of Ale
  • Bath Towel, Cotton
  • Bed
  • Bottle of Olive Oil (4 lb)
  • Bow Saw
  • Cabinet
  • Can of Coffee beans
  • Cart, Wooden
  • Cauldron
  • Chandelier
  • Chariot
  • Common Wig
  • Computer, Laptop style
  • Computer/video game
  • Explorer's Outfit
  • Fishing net
  • 2x 20 KS Gift Card for Warm and Sweet
  • Large Bag of Plant Fertilizer
  • Large burlap bag full of peanuts
  • Large wheel of delicious cheese (20lb)
  • Loom
  • Marble Altar
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Pair of Snowshoes
  • Pairs of Oars
  • Pavilion Tent (300 lbs)
  • Pitchfork (5 lb)
  • Rake
  • Riding Saddle
  • Rope Net (10' x 10') (40 lb)
  • Round Table
  • Rug
  • Signet Ring
  • Sled
  • Small Cage
  • Small Carpet
  • Massive can of baked beans
  • Small Hunting Trap
  • Spinning Wheel
  • T-Shirt, 100% Cotton
  • Tent (20 lbs)
  • Throne
  • Vial of Exotic Ink
  • Coupon for 2 free large pizzas from Kikyo Pie Company
  • Weapon rack
  • Whiskey Flask
  • Wood Axe
  • Wooden Drum
  • Workbench
  • Yamataian-type Shrine
  • Miscellaneous TOWELS components (YE 42 Giveaway, TC: 95-70, IC: 6707-31277-154)
  • Pressurized canisters of various gaseous elements (Oxygen and such!) (YE 42 Giveaway, TC: 64-70, IC: 4537-31347-127)
  • Padded case of 18 Various Lorath Wine bottles (YE 42 Giveaway, TC: 45-9, IC: 417-4089-49)
  • Expensive designer swimsuits (female) (YE 42 Giveaway, TC: 83-96, IC: 8025-43161-170)
  • Civilian Car (YE 42 Giveaway, TC: 47-30, IC: 1420-13557-72)

OOC Notes

This NPC was created by Wes on 2019/09/07 12:15.

Art by Wes using a base by Waitress (Hensa) purchased from Cozy Cat Studios. Dress pattern is The Ghost Nebula by Tyler Young (see article for more information).

Character Data
Character NameValentina Farai
Character OwnerWes
Character StatusNPC Available for GM or FM use
Current LocationFort Victory Reserve Center
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankJôtô Hei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Infantry
SAOY AssignmentFort Victory Reserve Center
SAOY Entry YearYE 42
DOR YearYE 45
DOR Month3

characters/yamatai/valentina_farai.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/28 16:00 by wes