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Victoria Morrison

Victoria Morrison is a NPC played by Demibear.

Victoria Morrison
Species & Gender: Hanyadi Nepleslian Female
Date of Birth: YE 08.03.18
Organization: Fujiko Development Corporation
Occupation: Engineer
Rank: X
Current Placement: Arzank II

Physical Description

Victoria Morrison is a tall, strong-shouldered woman with a commanding presence. Her skin is a rich chocolate-brown, smooth with a slight sheen when it catches the light in desert like environments. Her eyes are sharp, with a hazel hue that shifts between gold and green depending on the lighting, always observant and calculating, giving her a striking contrast in more muted surroundings.

Her hair is dark brown, and often kept neatly in braids or pulled back into a practical bun to avoid distractions while working in the field. She has a strong jawline, high cheekbones, and a straight, confident posture that complements her no-nonsense approach to her duties.

Her clothing choices are functional—heavy-duty engineer's attire fitted with protective equipment and utility belts for tools. When not in the field, she dons a more formal, crisp FDC uniform, though she can always be seen with some kind of engineering device or data pad close at hand.


Victoria Morrison is methodical, resolute, and unflinching in the face of adversity. As an engineer by training, she approaches problems with a practical and systematic mindset, valuing efficiency and precision. Her demeanor is often calm, even under pressure, but she has a no-nonsense attitude when it comes to meeting deadlines or tackling difficult challenges. She does not mince words and expects the same level of competence and determination from those who approach her. However, beneath her stoic exterior, Victoria deeply cares about seeing projects come to fruition and is quietly proud of the infrastructure she helps build.

Her leadership style is firm but fair, demanding accountability while being quick to offer guidance to those who show initiative and resilience. Victoria is not one to tolerate excuses or laziness; she respects those who try, fail, and try again, but she has little patience for those who give up easily.

While her work is her passion, she does have a hidden soft spot for well-timed humor and enjoys brief, rare moments of levity with close colleagues. Her loyalty is fierce once earned, and she is known to go above and beyond for the people who prove themselves to her.


Victoria Morrison was born on YE 08.03.18 on Kennewes where her family ran an independent mining operation in the less swampy regions. From a young age, she learned the value of hard work and problem-solving in harsh environments wih malfunctioning machinery, resource scarcity, and the ever-present dangers of the Nepleslian factions warring with each other, she became fascinated with engineering as a way to bring stability to chaos.

Her early life was marked by tragedy when an industrial accident claimed her father’s life, forcing her family to abandon their mining operation. Determined to honor his legacy, Victoria threw herself into engineering studies at Kennewes University until the Kennewes Offensive. After being accused of being Red sympathizers due to their home being in close-proximity to a Nepleslian Red industrial complex, she and the remainder of her family fled with the last vestiges of the Reds on Kennewes. To support her family on Fujiko, Victoria enlisted into the Star Army of Yamatai in YE 30 as a Star Army Science Officer.

During her 15 years active duty with the Star Army of Yamatai, Victoria took the time to specialize into planetolgy while also cross-training with technicians whereever she could to maintain her engineering background. She was a great annoyance to a great many technicians during the Second Mishhuvurthyar War and the Kuvexian War. At the beginning of YE 46 at the rank of Chusa, she entered the Star Army Reserve to seek new challenges.

She was hired by the Fujiko Development Corporation in mid YE 46 to lead the Arzank Initiative. She sees the potential in Arzank II not only for its precious metals but as a chance to apply her expertise in transforming a harsh, barren world into a thriving industrial hub. She has a personal stake in ensuring the success of the pioneers, believing that through hard work, Arzank II can become the future heart of mining for the Fujiko Region.

While she rarely talks about her past, those who work closely with her can sense the weight of her history driving her to succeed. In Victoria’s eyes, every successful operation on Arzank II is another step toward the future she’s always envisioned—a future where frontier worlds are tamed and made sustainable by human ingenuity and relentless effort.

Skills Learned

In addition to Star Army Common Skills, Victoria Morrison has the following notable skills:

  • Engineering (Designing and building mechanical equipment)
  • Maintenance and Repair
  • Science (Planetology)

Social Connections

Victoria Morrison is connected to:

  • Morrison Iskinder (Father)
  • Beatrice Reddy (Mother)
  • Benji Morrison (Brother)
  • Nakama Osakura (Friend)

Inventory & Finance

Victoria Morrison has FDC Standard Issue.

Victoria Morrison currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

Demibear created this article on 2024/09/08 03:34. In the case Demibear becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? YES

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

Character Data
Character NameVictoria Morrison
Character OwnerDemibear
Character StatusWork In Progress
Current LocationArzank
Character's HomeFujiko
Harm Limitinjuries only

characters/reds/victoria_morrison.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/08 06:42 by demibear