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Eldon Mosfet

Eldon Mosfet is a player character played by Hyralt.

Eldon Mosfet
Species & Gender Nepleslian Male
Date of Birth 17日 5月 YE 18
Organization Independent
Occupation Handyman
Current Placement Kyoto
Height 188cm (6'2“)
Weight 81kg (180lbs.)

Physical Description

Eldon has light skin that has tanned significantly from spending most of his time outdoors. He has light blue eyes, brown hair on his head that is already starting to go grey, and reddish-brown facial hair. He usually keeps the hair on his head cut short and tidy, but often leaves his beard to grow scraggly. He smells faintly of sandalwood and leather.


Eldon is easygoing and level-headed even in times of stress. He knows that things could always be worse and had lived through many such occasions. Eldon is a hard worker, though he isn't particularly skilled in any one thing he can usually get the hang of any work pretty quickly as long as it involves using his hands rather than his head. Eldon dreams of one day saving up enough money for a cargo ship and getting paid to ship cargo between planets.


Eldon Mosfet was born in YE 18 in the city of Funky City, Planet Nepleslia. He grew up on the streets and spent much of his life in Thia's unofficial orphanage. At a young age, he started doing odd jobs for anyone who had work to do, a habit that he continues to this day.

Skills Learned


Towards his late teens in the year YE 35, during a spell of particularly little work, he dabbled in con artistry. He found it surprisingly easy to tell long, elaborate lies to gain the confidence of rich-looking people in order to rob them blind the first chance he got. After each con job, he would take the money and take the first transit he could find to somewhere far enough away that he probably wouldn't be found, and he would never go back. He did this enough that he started to run out of places he could stay on Planet Nepleslia, at which point he realized that his chosen career didn't have much of a future, so he settled down in a quiet corner of Funky City.


After giving up con artistry in YE 36, he never gave up storytelling and lying. The first thing he did when he landed in this new corner of Funky City was hit up the local bar and chat people up with long-winded stories that were very rarely true. Whether people believed him or just found him entertaining, he was able to chat his way into a succession of jobs and contacts.

Maintenance and Repair

The first honest job he got after giving up con artistry was as an apprentice auto mechanic working at Joe Mortar's shop. At first, he just helped out around the shop, fetching tools, holding things in place, and the like. But he slowly worked his way up, taking care of smaller jobs like oil changes at first, and eventually working his way up to performing full inspections and overhauls. The shop mostly catered to vehicles with fusion engines, which became Eldon's speciality.


One perk of working at an auto shop was that once he started fixing cars on his own, it was up to him to take them for test drives and evaluate how well they were performing. He would often go for prolonged drives, racing around the city and pushing his driving skills harder and harder. One day in YE 37, his antics caught up with him and he utterly destroyed a client's car and managed to walk away with only minor injuries. The client, who turned out to be a gang member, decided to take it very personally and tried to kill him. Eldon managed to get away and stowed away on the next ship leaving Planet Nepleslia.


The ship on which he stowed away was a freighter destined for Yamataian space. Eldon remained undiscovered for the duration of the journey, and when they landed he simply started helping out with unloading. The freight company either legitimately thought they had hired him but had lost the paperwork, or chose to look the other way. Either way, they officially hired him as a freight loader/unloader. For the heaviest cargo, he used his vehicle skills to drive a forklift, but there were always awkward and surprisingly heavy items that needed moving by hand, which developed his body strength and physical skills.

Starship Operations

In YE 40, during a period of particularly low cash flow for his freight company, they asked him to fill in as a pilot. Though he didn't officially have any training, the company figured it would be cheaper to get him to fly now and train him later. For a year afterwards, he was by far the cheapest pilot they employed, and he even loaded and unloaded at either end. Training never came and the company went bankrupt. But this period lives so fondly in his memory, that he has had a dream of owning and operating his own freighter ever since.


Growing up as an orphan on the streets of Planet Nepleslia, Eldon was never far from guns. He got his first gun much later than most of the orphans of his same age, in YE 31. Whenever he could afford extra ammunition, he would take it down to empty lots or derelict buildings and shoot at pieces of garbage he would find lying around.

When he found himself suddenly jobless again in Ternifac in YE 41, he got to chatting with some of his similarly laid-off ex-co-workers and discovered that they were involved in Smuggling the entire time. As luck would have it, this gave him a set of contacts that sometimes needed some well-armed extra muscle who wouldn't ask questions. This paid well but was infrequent work, so he travelled around Yamataian space taking odd jobs in the meantime.

Social Connections

Met the following people at the Chrome Catgirl on Love Day, YE43:

  • Kyle Dee, whom he tried to convince alcohol and loosen up
  • Itatski Kyoko, whom he tried to convince NOT to drink poison
  • Motoyoshi-Igarashi Yue, whom he called “blueberry smoothie with a raspberry swirl” then insisted on calling her “Yue”
  • eguchi_eisei, whom he tried to ignore, which was difficult given his curiosity about the crazy creature
  • Aries Jaeger, whom he complimented by saying she had excellent taste, and vaguely insinuated that she was refined and elegant

Inventory & Finance

Eldon Mosfet has the clothes on his back, a "Judge" Variable Revolver, a 100 round box of .455 S6-SCPR, a pair of Ben Wa balls he found in the drain of a night club dishwasher, and 2650 KS.

OOC Information

Art from artbreeder:


In the case hyralt becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? NO
Character Data
Character NameEldon Mosfet
Character OwnerHyralt
Character StatusInactive Player Character
Approval Thread…

characters/independent/eldon_mosfet.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/22 01:15 by