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When players are making their characters, a frequent question is β€œwhere could my character have been born?” There's a huge number of places in the Star Army setting but many of them were not settled, discovered, or inhabited until relatively recently.

To help answer this question we've started adding notes to each place in the setting about when they were opened to people living there. This data is arranged below in order by year so you can look at the years and figure out what the earliest possible birth date there is.

As always, if you're not sure about something, just ask and we're happy to help you. There's a Questions forum specifically for these types of questions and also help channels on the Discord server.

Faction Filters

Click the faction name in the tag cloud to filter the list of places by faction. There's some limitations to this as the pages only list the current faction and some places have changed hands. Keep that in mind.

List of Places

OOC Notes

Wes created this article on 2021/03/02 07:43.

guide/birthplaces.txt Β· Last modified: 2024/03/23 13:25 by wes