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Âmuarpoku (Clan Dream)

This is the first system in the Kikyo Sector that the Poku Saeruo Degonjo colonized in 754 CY (YE 35). It lies beyond the Siama Rya Nebula, but within the borders of the Clan's Lumujo Saei (Territory).



The system was named Aetherus Haven by the NMX, and was one of their capital systems until the Mishhuvurthyar were destroyed by Star Army forces in YE 34 as part of Operation Payback1).

After the war, in YE 35, the Hidden Sun Clan renamed the system in honor of the dream the people of the clan shared to one day settle a world once more; this name also coincided with the name of the Ark which was chosen to help colonize the planet.

System Data


The clan named the star in the system Ryaâmuar. It means dream spirit, as it is the heart of the system.

  • Type: M9 V Red Dwarf
    • Radius: 2.72 x 105 km (0.39 x sol)
    • Mass: 5.55 x 1029 kg (0.28 x sol)
    • Temperature: 2,100 K
    • Luminosity: 1.29 x 1025 W (0.03 x sol)

Kyaâori Saeruo

The first stellar object in the system is an asteroid field. The field is not named, but is referred to as Kyaâori Saeruo, which means Tears of the Star.

  • Type: Asteroid Belt
    • Orbital Radius: 1.46 x 107 km (0.10 AU)
    • Period: 5.03 x 102 hours (0.06 earth years)
    • Composition: Mostly composed of nickel iron objects, and a number of ice object.
    • Note: There are also a number of derelict ships left over from the war.


Âmuar is the only habitable planet in the system. Its name means dream in Takavonai (Language). The planet has a Sky Harbor on its surface.


  • Type: Terrestrial World / Otâgo'iâma
    • Orbital Radius: 2.75 x 107 km (0.18 AU)
    • Period: 1.30 x 103 hours (0.15 earth years)
    • Physics: Large ocean
    • Gravity: 10.51 m/s2 (1.07 x earth)
    • Hydrosphere: 34 % water, 34 % ice
    • Atmosphere: Standard breathable
    • Biosphere: Microbes, algae, plants, animals
    • Civilization: Colony
    • Special: Surrounded by remnants of shattered moon
  • The YSS Kyōryoku Starbase was deployed to orbit this planet in YE 42. It serves as a location for joint science activities, and to liaison with the Clan.


Tâjya means memory in the clan language. It is an ice world with an unbreathable atmosphere.

  • Type: Rock Planet / Sotâka soujo
    • Orbital Radius: 4.30 x 107 km (0.29 AU)
    • Period: 2.55 x 103 hours (0.29 earth years)
    • Gravity: 15.44 m/s2 (1.58 x earth)
    • Note: This planet has been reserved for development of a new research facility for the Otâmovi Wiy Jael (Silver Moon Sect)


This is a rock planet with no atmosphere. The planet was named yeklo with a 1 attached. Yeklo means stone.

  • Type: Rock Planet / Sotâka soujo
    • Orbital Radius: 6.61 x 107 km (0.44 AU)
    • Period: 4.86 x 103 hours (0.56 earth years)
    • Gravity: 15.11 m/s2 (1.55 x earth)
    • Special: Planetary rings, trace atmosphere
    • Note: This planet has been reserved for development and exploitation later in the system's growth.


This is a rock planet with no atmosphere. The planet was named yeklo with a 2 attached. Yeklo means stone.

  • Type: Rock Planet / Sotâka soujo
    • Orbital Radius: 1.13 x 108 km (0.76 AU)
    • Period: 1.09 x 104 hours (1.25 earth years)
    • Gravity: 13.88 m/s2 (1.42 x earth)
    • Special: Large moon, trace atmosphere
    • Note: This is a lifeless world that but has numerous mineral deposits. The clan plans to establish a mining presence one the main colonization effort is over.

OOC Notes

Map Locations
Map to UseKikyo Sector
Map Display NameÂmuarpoku
Map Coordinates1242,334
Map ImportanceMinor RP Location
Map Marker
Map Tooltip ContentClan Dream
Show label?yes
Marker AnchorBottom Center
Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesstar system

system/clandream.1714242978.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/27 11:36 by wes