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Kisaki - Military - Habitat Module

This module is intended to provide facilities specifically for use by the Star Army of Yamatai on the Kisaki Starbase.

See the Kisaki - Habitat Module for description of common features.

Statistical Data


Organizations Using Module: Star Army of Yamatai Class: Military Nomenclature: Ke-H4-M3101e Type: Kisaki-Habitat Module

Crew and Accommodations

Crew: 100

Inside the Military - Habitat Module

There are thirty decks in the module; this page only refers to those decks unique to this module.

Deck Sections
Six Power Armor Bay, Armory
Seven Power Armor Bay, Armory
Eight Fire Arms Training
Nine Fire Arms Training
Ten Mess Hall, Galley
Eleven Reserved
Twelve Reserved
Thirteen Reserved
Fourteen Reserved
Fifteen Fire Control, Command and Control, Security office, Transit stations (6)
Sixteen Fire Control, Command and Control, Security office, Transit stations (6)
Seventeen Medical, Fitness facilities
Eighteen Medical, Fitness facilities
Nineteen Magazine
Twenty Magazine
Twenty-one Reserved
Twenty-two Reserved
Twenty-three Cargo Bay
Twenty-four Cargo Bay
Twenty-five Cargo Bay


The Military Module features a Standard Star Army Armory. It is located next to the Power Armor Bay on decks six and seven.

Command and Control

The Command and Control area is used by the Star Army of Yamatai personnel to monitor mission activities in the region of space the starbase is located in. It allows them to track vessels and stellar objects.

Dining Hall and Galley

This facility is located on deck ten.

Dining Hall

This is large dining hall designed to provide meals for soldiers working in this module.


The galley is large enough to provide meals for the soldiers.

Firearms Training Area

The Military Module has a Firearm range designed to allow the soldiers to maintain proficiency with Star Army of Yamatai most common sidearms, submachine guns, and rifles. (See Star Army of Yamatai small arms). It is located on decks eight and nine.

Fire Control

This space is dedicated to operating the Module's weapon systems. Volumetric displays provide an overview of the area, and allow the weapons operators to track targets, and fire the weapons.

Fitness Area

Located on decks seventeen and eighteen of the module is the fitness area. This large area is designed to help keep Star Army of Yamatai personnel physically fit. The fitness area contains an assortment of exercise machines: weights, treadmills, etc. Part of the space is configurable, for various activities; such as group calisthenics, practicing katas, martial art matches, other competitive sports.

Power armor bay

The Military Module has a Standard Star Army Power Armor Bay capable of handling 25 suits of power armor. It located next to the Armory on decks six and seven.


The Military Module has a magazine to store its arsenal of Ke-Z1 Series Anti-Starship Torpedoes. The standard magazine is inside a Zesuaium-armored, cooled, static-free vault that spans decks nineteen and twenty. The magazine is a restricted area, and can only be accessed by those with permission from the ship’s captain. The magazine contains robotic arms that store the torpedoes into their racks, and loads then into the autoloader system. The magazine can store twenty-four torpedoes.


The autoloader is used to transfer the torpedoes from the Magazine, torpedo launchers. The autoloader system has two tracks for each tube to transfer torpedoes. One is used for delivering a torpedo and other is a return path for use when changing the torpedo. The autoloader system performs a visual clearance check to ensure that the tracks are unobstructed before moving torpedoes.

Medical Center

This module features a medical trauma center featuring both trained staff facilities and Autonomous Medical Treatment Center units. It is located on decks seventeen and eighteen.


These sections are for mission specific customization.

Security Office

This is where Star Army of Yamatai security personnel responsible for the overall station support operate out of. It has the following items:

  • offices for the security personnel
  • Arms locker
  • Interrogation rooms
  • Brig


The Military Module is the only Habitat Module that is armed. The Heavy Turrets are mounted on the top and bottom of the module located at the cardinal points. The Anti-Mecha Cannons are located between them.

Weapons Damage Ratings

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

stararmy/starships/kisaki/habitat_modules/military.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/02 04:02 by ametheliana