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Ice Queen Mountains Test Range Complex

The Ice Queen Mountains Test Range Complex (IQM-TRC for short) was a PNUgen Corporation facility located deep in the Ice Queen Mountain Range on Yamatai (Planet).


In YE 24, during the Second Draconian War, the Ice Queen Mountains Test Range Complex was headed by Dr. Ingrid Sarasdottir, Ph.D., Psy.D., M.D. 1).

PNUgen was shut down by the government of the Yamatai Star Empire in YE 27, and the Ice Queen Mountains Test Range Complex was seized.

By YE 42, the complex had been largely forgotten and had fallen into disrepair, visited only by occasional urban explorers who tag it with graffiti.


The IQM-TRC is located North of Black Sands Test Range and West of Ketsurui no Iori (on the other side of the mountains).The location of the complex is visible on this old map image (click to enlarge):



It has an old rail network line to Central Uesureya, which is the best way to reach it.


Ice Queen Mountains Test Range Complex seems to be devoid of people.


Here's an automatic list of all characters currently in this place (based on structured data from their character pages).

Nothing found

RP Opportunities

Some opportunities for RP is this area might be:

  • Exploring the old facility
  • Looking for supplies or information that PNUgen left behind

Local Rumors

  • Someone or something lives in the abandoned facility
  • Strange genetic and biological experiments went on in this place
  • There is an intact Nekovalkyrja production facility in the IQM facility
  • Uesu Fleet forces visited here regularly after the Battle Of Glimmergold

OOC Notes

Wes created this article on 2020/02/20 15:07.

Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesmilitary facility
Risk Levelmoderate

places/ice_queen_mountains_test_range_complex.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/10/11 18:39 by andrew