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Dynatt System

The Dynatt star system is located to the galactic northwest of UX-5, and to the west of Bufarks. It contains at least one habitable planet, also called Dynatt.


The Dynatt system's early history is not known. At some point after the beginning of the Kuvexian War, remnants of the invading forces of the former Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia established a hastily-assembled base from pre-fabricated materials on the Planet Dynatt within this system.

In late YE 45, there was a riot and numerous escapes from a mining labor camp run by the Kuvexian remnants.1)


The cosmological arrangement of the Dynatt system is not yet known, but a few of its stellar bodies are described below.

Star Data

The sun of the Dynatt system is hotter than a typical red dwarf star.

Planet Dynatt

The Dynatt System has at least one planet, which is also called Dynatt. Dynatt is largely a dry, arid world. The sands of its deserts are bleached-bone white, its skies are a lead-gray due to compounds in the atmosphere.

Flora, Fauna

Planet Dynatt's ecosystem only supports a few hardy plants. One such plant is a small red shrub.

Major Terrain Features

  • The Enfron Plateau is a sandy, dune-covered expanse. A slave labor camp was established here during the time that Kuvexian remnants lived on Dynatt.
  • 'Yellow-ish rocks' were a material valuable to the colony of Kuvexian remnants, and slaves were employed to mine these rocks.


The Dynatt System can be reached by the normal means of interstellar travel.


Some time after the beginning of the Kuvexian War, Kuvexians established a small city on planet Dynatt using prefabricated structures. On the Enfron Plateau, they built at least one slave labor camp. Some of these slaves included members of the Silanbar species.

Prefabricated City

The Kuvexian city on Planet Dynatt was built from prefabricated parts for quick and functional deployment. Most structures were of a vague egg-shape, silver in color, and dust-covered despite the near-constant efforts of drones and robots to keep the area clean. By YE 45, the city was in a state of disarray and disrepair. The floating drones and rolling robots that patrolled and maintained the city were in various states of disrepair, funding having been drastically cut to their maintenance programs. The concrete that covered every possible inch of soil veritable baked in the sun, with fractures running throughout it. A vast stockyard of the city was littered with broken-down vessels and discarded parts, as well as repossessed personal vehicles seized by city authorities for failed loan payments.

The city had a small spaceport; several of its airstrip's running lights were nonfunctional by YE 45, a further sign of the city's troubles.

Enfron Plateau Slave Labor Camp

This camp was guarded largely by privately-employed guards, not by trained members of the Kuvexian Military. It was likely formed after the prefab city was established. Slaves captured by the Kuvexians were employed here to mine 'yellowish rocks', whose nature the slaves did not know. The camp made use of cheap Kuvexian security technologies. It had garages with vehicles, as well as small landing spaces intended for appropriately-sized shuttles. This labor camp suffered riots and a break-out in late YE 45.


Here's an automatic list of all characters currently in this place (based on structured data from their character pages).

Nothing found

RP Opportunities

This planet can serve as one of the last desperate and hidden holdouts of the remnants of the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia in the southwestern Kikyo Sector. Mercenary companies and pirates formerly aligned with the Kingdom may use this location as a base. The denizens of the planet may also be leaving it in droves for safer places as well, so it may end up a Ghost_town.

Local Rumors

  • Analyses of flight paths of Kuvexian remnants-turned-pirates indicates they may have a space station or base somewhere to the northwest of UX-5.
  • A recently-captured Kuvexian ship had this system on its flight logs several times. That makes it worth investigating.
  • A trove of Kuvexian records bought on the black market indicate the Kuvexians captured a very wanted Alien, and have employed them as slave labor. This Alien's crime deserves a far worse punishment…
  • The Kuvexians on this planet, desperate to survive, offer up their captured slaves in exchange for clemency!


This planet's infrastructure is run-down, but it may have some semi-useful Kuvexian tech hidden here and there. Bear in mind that anything not nailed down has probably been stolen or sold on the black market by now.

OOC Notes

  • This article is based on content created in a Joint-Post written by Primitive Polygon and Hollander.
  • At this time (April 2024), we have plans for this system. If you would like to use this system, please let us know!
  • This article was approved by Wes on 2024/05/04.2)
Map Locations
Map to UseKikyo Sector
Map Display NameDynatt
Map Coordinates932, 879
Map ImportanceMinor RP Location
Show label?yes
Marker AnchorBottom Left
Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesstar system

places/dynatt.txt Β· Last modified: 2024/05/29 23:30 by andrew