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The Star Army setting has an enormous number of products in the setting! This list automatically includes any product marked with a price. Note that some products may have their availability limited to certain purchasers (e.g. the military) or factions.

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List of Products

Please note that only products with prices (in their struct data) will appear on this list. See Products Database.

#Product ImagePagePrice (KS)DescriptionManufacturerProduct Categories
651KFY "Froggy" Teleport System 🐸500β€―,000β€―,000.00 KSTeleportation system (think transporter) for starships with optional portable receiver pads for Mindy armorsKetsurui Fleet Yardssubsystems
652Sharie-class Battleship550β€―,000β€―,000.00 KSThe Star Army's main battleship/battlecarrierKetsurui Fleet Yardsstarships
653Tengumo-Class Space Station850β€―,000β€―,000.00 KShe Tengumo-Class Space Station is a mobile space station developed by the Yugumo Corporation in late YE 45.Yugumo Fleetworksspace stations
654Ge-H1-7A - Kōdaina Minato-Class Orbital Installation925β€―,000β€―,000.00 KSA massive space station.Geshrinari Shipyardsspace stations
655Ke-P8-R4600 Teleportation Pad1β€―,000β€―,000β€―,000.00 KSKetsurui Fleet Yardsmiscellaneous
656Kodoku-Class Mining and Processing Facility1β€―,350β€―,000β€―,000.00 KSA Mining and Processing StarbaseYugumo Corporation, Yugumo Fleetworksspace stations
657Polaris-Class Ultra Carrier "Pioneer"200β€―,000β€―,000β€―,000.00 KSThe mining Guild's first starship carrierMining Guildstarships
658Sentinel Class Control Frigate5β€―,000β€―,000β€―,000β€―,000.00 KSSentinel-class Control Frigate is the Mining Guild's first Frigate starship, and it is used as a means of improving Miner safety and efficiency.Mining Guild

items/products.txt Β· Last modified: 2024/07/15 10:53 by wes