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Creating a member of the Scientific Studies Service

SSS Logo

This guide is intended to assist players in creating a member of the Scientific Studies Service (SSS).

For the purpose of roleplay there are three kinds of characters in the SSS found away from the campus.

Character form

Cut and past this form into a new page to start your character.


These characters are for the journeymen plot. For background see Journeymen. They must be citizens of the Yamatai Star Empire.


Permitted races are:

Characters can be new SSS members, trainees, or they can be veterans (existing characters) who have signed up.

Occupation Select an occupation for your character from the Journeymen Occupations.

For new Journeymen Characters, add the Standard SSS Skills.

If your character is an existing one who is joining the Journeymen, add the Journeymen Training.

Add the Journeymen standard issue.

Purchase any personal property.


Gustav, Josea

This section covers the creation of a SSS Liaison member. These characters are advisers who serve on star_army_of_yamatai vessels. You should contact the GM of the plot prior to creating one.


Permitted races are:

Characters can be new SSS members, trainees, or they can be veterans (existing characters) who have signed up.

Occupation is Liaison

Add the Standard SSS Skills.

Add the SSS standard issue.

Purchase any personal property.

SSS Members

These are either Tansaku (starship personnel), or Hara (field personnel).


Permitted races are:

Characters can be new SSS members, trainees, or they can be veterans (existing characters) who have signed up.

See the SSS Occupations to choose which occupation your character will have.

Add the Standard SSS Skills.

Add the SSS standard issue.

Purchase any personal property.

Anonymous Art


Anon Male

guide/sss.1535812588.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 15:53 (external edit)