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Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45

Freedom Act

Proposal #93: Freedom Act was presented to the Senate of Yamatai by Senator Hamatsuki in YE 34 where it did not pass due to lack of support after about a month of being open for discussion. The main concerns regarding this proposal was the definition of β€œFreedom” being too vague and that other Yamataian Laws establish the rights that go with a sapient individual.


  1. To define Freedom legally within the Yamatai Star Empire.
  2. To establish the rights that go with being a sapient individual.


1. Define Freedom

Definition of Freedom
DEFINED: Freedom: The ability to act without external intervention or prohibition.

2. Establish Fundamental Free-Sapient Rights

Right to Life
Everyone has a fundamental right to life, by virtue of being born alive. Life is a process of self-generated and self-sustaining action. Therefore, the life of a free-sapient may not be infringed upon.
Right to Pursue Freedom
Every sapient possesses the ability to pursue more freedoms in their society. This includes economic, social, and political freedoms.
Right to Self-Preservation
Every sapient has a fundamental and consequential right to preserve their right to life; they may act in defense of their lives.


Freedom is a state for which we all strive; as an empire, as a people, and inevitably as individuals. It is important, therefore to safeguard our freedom and our pursuit of it, we must define it and our rights as free-sapients.

Thus, the author, Senator Hamatsuki, contends that his proposed definition of freedom is the most practical in application. The definition is not, however, an excuse to flout the law. However, it, and the corresponding fundamental rights of a sapient being, are a statement of the pre-existing motivation to attain freedom and life.

The Right to Life is self explanatory, and justifies the Right to Self-Preservation by its very existence. The Right to Pursue Freedom is also justified by the Right to Life, by the very definition of said right.

Direct attention to: β€œLife is a process of self-generated and self-sustaining action.” It can (and is) argued that the Right to Life and the definition of Freedom are the most important part of the bills, and these two items should be carefully weighed.

To further explain the phrase we have directed attention to: β€œI need water, therefore I obtain water.” or β€œI need a breathable atmosphere) therefore I obtain a breathable atmosphere, and continue to breathe it.” A more detailed explanation can be provided, but I believe the self-generated action (only I can know, decide, and obtain air, water, etc. and not poison etc. or not obtain at all) and self-sustaining action (I continue to breathe, etc..) are easily and readily available to observe. This process's existence is irrefutable: merely observe life.


β€œThe floor is open,” Hamatsuki said, and sat down.

OOC Notes

Kim created this article on 2018/01/30 00:24. Proposal #93: Freedom Act was written by ssharp on 3 Apr 2012 and concluded on 20 May 2012.

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