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NDC Armed Forces "Duskerian Legion"

NDC Armed Forces “Duskerian Legion” is the main ground force of New Dusk Conclave (NDC) military. It is comprised of infantry, light armor units (LAUs), light air support (LAS), and a support division. All of these groups that make up the Legion work in tandem whether for operations in the field or defensive operations. Security forces for base security and public protection are also another part of the main force. Soldiers carrying out this duty use light and non-lethal loadouts but carry lethal options in case of it absolutely being needed.

All units enlisted and serving in the main force are ranked by the military category of the NDC's ranking system for military and fleet personnel. Troops are given a choice of a primary, sidearm, and melee back-up weapons as their loadout and one of NDC's number of available Armor systems for their kit. Additional NDC Equipment, such as Ordinance, is distributed as needed.

OOC Notes

jack_pine created this article on 2018/10/14 22:44; approved it (using the checklist) on 2018/11/11 20:09.

faction/ndc/military/ndc_armed_forces_duskerian_legion.1587606125.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:51 (external edit)