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New Dusk Conclave Constitution

The Constitution is the foundation on which the New Dusk Conclave was formed, and what they value as a nation and people. It was fully established at the beginning of YE 40 after the arrival of the Section 6 fleet in the Sanctum system, through much hardship and adversity.

Article I: Principles

In this document are enshrined the principles that govern the New Dusk Conclave

  • I. The New Dusk Conclave is sworn to uphold the freedom and liberties of the Duskerian people as described herein this document. This includes security, equality of rights, opportunity, and access to the necessities of living and education. All forms of sapient life will be recognized as equal individuals under the law, whether organic, synthetic, or mechanical in nature. Acts of discrimination or oppression are subject to audit by the NDC Internal Security Division.
  • II. Due to the events of past third party interference, the New Dusk Conclave was founded with the desire to prevent corruption and third party interference. All persons in positions of power are under the discrimination and review of the NDC Internal Security Division, and subject to action if proof of misconduct and illegal activity is found. Those in positions of the council, if accused of wrong-doing, shall face trial and jury of the rest of the council with an Archduke or Archduchess presiding. Informants, journalists, and justice-seekers are protected under the law in their efforts to expose such acts of corruption and misuse of government power. All information and data is open access to the public, unless deemed dangerous to the public's well-being or if it endangers the national safety of its peoples and that of its allies. Members of the government will be under constant review for signs of bribery, favors done out of personal greed, or third party influence, and thus will be handled accordingly by appropriate authorities.
  • III. The New Dusk Conclave is a unitary aristocracy in form of government and will not be a nation of one sole ruler. It is a nation founded on the principles of security, science, and personal freedom, as well as acceptance.
  • IV. The New Dusk Conclave is part of a universal community and respects those nations that have been in existence longer them. They will value all allies and will seek cooperation and mutual dialogue with all at all times. The NDC is prepared for conflict with any entity, and will always ensure the security and freedom of it's people over any other reasons of conflict. All enemies will be met with due force if and when diplomatic dialogue fails, and will do everything in its power to remain sovereign, and not oppressed by another nation or party.
  • V. Every citizen of the New Dusk Conclave has the right to free healthcare and basic necessities such as housing and food. No citizen will be turned away due to race, religion, belief, or discrimination of birthplace. All medical expenses will be paid by the nation, with any ailments of unknown, or currently untreatable by current medical practices. The government will handle transfer to medical facilities and professional equipped to do so without fee. All patients are guaranteed treatment free of unnecessary pain, discomfort, or unsubscribed treatment, with full access to all treatment options and procedures.
  • VI. The people of the New Dusk Conclave will show no tolerance of the barbarous acts of slavery, piracy, or pillaging. These acts and those conducting them will be seen as rogue militants and/or organizations and shall be met with military action.

Colony rights

All citizens in the New Dusk Conclave who have elected to sign on for colonization efforts of the NDC shall be subject to all laws and rights upheld on any world, or any territory, as though they were on the capital world. No organization shall create a new entity of governance in any territory claimed by the NDC or within the NDC's bordering systems. All law enforcement will be performed at the state level, with planetary security handled by detachment of NDC Ground Forces "Duskerian Legion", or militia funded and supported by the government.

Article II: The Archdukes/Archduchesses of the New Dusk Conclave

The Archdukes/Archduchesses are the heads of the aristocracy of the NDC, hailing from the bloodline of the noble Pine and Oaklen families only. They personify the will of the nation and bare the weight of being the guardians of the people's rights and security. They must lead and work to keep the Conclave true to the ideals of the nation, and shall serve until such time he or she sees fit to resign, or is no longer able to serve. The next in line shall be the chosen successor of those who have descended from the throne, and only of their blood.

The powers and responsibilities of the Archdukes/Archduchesses of the New Dusk Conclave shall be as follows:

  • The power to approve or veto proposals created by the Council.
  • The supreme authority to interpret the law in exceptional cases.
  • The power to declare war, states of emergency, martial law1), or form alliances with other nations.
  • The power to issue emergency reforms or edicts, which shall have the immediate power of law until such time the Council may review them at its discretion.
  • The power to direct operations of the navy and the army by the respective Archdukes/Archduchesses in command.

Article III: The Council of Six

The Council of Six, is a governmental body of the New Dusk Conclave with representatives of the branches of the government. Each branch Head is given a seat at the council. The Council is the primary lawmaking body of the New Dusk Conclave, with the power to create and revise laws, budgets, and resolutions on its own, subject to the approval of the Archdukes/Archduchesses.

The powers and responsibilities of the Council of Six shall be as follows:

  • The Council may draft laws and, with majority vote, pass them. The Archdukes/Archduchesses may advise on approval and drafting of proposals. The Archdukes/Archduchesses can veto a proposal if it is believed to be in violation of the law or constitution.
  • The Council may override vetos from the Archdukes/Archduchesses, provided a 5 of 6 majority vote is accounted in favor of overriding the veto.
  • The Council must draft a budget once per year, balancing the budget and, with majority vote, enacting it accordingly. Likewise, a census of resources must also be done once per year and any action decided if a deficit is found.2)

Branch Heads

Branch Heads are the ones in charge of the various Departments of the NDC's government, they hold the power to make decisions for their Departments, and may make only choices that affect said Departments. The Departments are

Article IV: The Rights of the People

All beings with the capability to demonstrably think, reason, and feel emotions are recognized as sentient under the law and fully entitled to the full benefits of humanitarian rights within the NDC. This includes all forms of life, whether they be synthetic, organic, or even mechanical in nature.

  • All sentient life shall have the right to apply to become a citizen of the New Dusk Conclave.
  • Every citizen shall have the right to shelter, security, necessities for living, and freedom under the protection of the nation.
  • Every citizen shall have the right to the privacy of their thoughts, mind, and life. This is in addition to control over their personal data, as well as any and all ST back ups and stored data.
  • No citizen shall be forced into indentured servitude, labor, or conscripted military service.
  • No citizen shall be treated inhumanely, or unfair treatment under matters of law enforcement, or military action.
  • Every citizen shall have equal rights under the law.
  • Every citizen shall have a fair jury under the law.
  • Every citizen shall have the right to express their beliefs, opinions, and political stances, as long as it does not impede on the rights of others or actively pose a threat to the security of Conclave and its people.
  • Any sentient shall have the right to political asylum in the New Dusk Conclave to escape political persecution, genocides, slavery, or other threats not arising from legitimate criminal charges.
  • Any sentient life shall have the right to change their nationality and religion.
  • Any form of marriage, familial bonding, or partnership contracts are fully supported, so long as all parties are consensual.
  • Every citizen shall have the right to own property.
  • Every citizen shall have the right to establish their own peaceful organizations under legal and consensual means and can not force members into joining.
  • Every citizen shall have the right to appropriate employment suited for them and their physical parameters, and guaranteed fair wage and rest when needed.
  • Every citizen shall have the opportunity benefit from free education, and extracurricular organizations, and while not mandatory is highly encouraged for optimal job application.
  • Every citizen shall benefit from free healthcare and services, and not limited priority in treatment by any means.

Amendment I: Cadre Council

In response to the establishment of cadres and clans within the NDC, it was decided that a forum by which clans could exercise political power in an organized manner, and by which ordinary citizens could have some measure of representation. The text of the amendment can be found following.

The government shall assemble a council composed of representatives from each cadre and their component clans. Each clan shall be allowed one representative regardless of size3) and each cadre shall be allowed one representative, elected by the representatives of the clans within that cadre.

The powers and responsibilities of the Cadre Council shall be as follows:

  • The Council may draft bills and, with a majority vote in favor, pass them on to the Council of Six for approval that they may be made into laws.
  • The Council may draft budget proposals, requests for funding, and proposals for amendments to the current budget and, with a majority vote in favor, pass them on to the Council of Six for approval that they may be enacted.
  • The Council may serve as a grounds to resolve inter-cadre and inter-clan disputes through resolutions. The Council may, at its discretion, conduct trials, hearings, and with a 2/3 majority vote, pass resolutions and handle settlements regarding and between clans and cadres, subject to scrutiny by the Council of Six.

Additionally, the government shall establish a new right for the citizenry:

  • Every citizen shall have the right to take part in the the selection of their clan representative.

OOC Notes

charaa created this article on 2020/06/28 15:06. jack_pine and alex_hart rewrote it with some corrections. Approved on Jan 8 2021.

If supported by a council majority vote in agreement.
Albeit rare, the Archdukes/Archduchesses may veto if they have reason to believe that it may be compromised in any way or if information gathered has been illegally altered.
Usually the grandmaster of the clan

faction/ndc/government/law/ndc_constitution.1675817906.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:44 (external edit)