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Liquid Ally

Also known as a “Vent Friend”, “Jelly Junker” or “Mr. Do Not Drink”, the Liquid Ally is a colony of genetically engineered organic polyp micro machines, based chiefly on traditional Freespacer skin lichens and blood plankton. The end result is a helpful non-Newtonian blob creature, that can be activated at a moments notice simply by snapping open a can.

It has a wide variety of uses such as performing starship repairs, increasing the oxygen content in the local atmosphere, and generally listening to orders from anyone who is equipped with Freespacer Mindware. Seeing as it is excellent at absorbing industrial or radioactive contaminants (particularly metalloids), it's also one of the only freespacer technologies that is extremely good at cleaning!

Intrinsic to the creature are Huron Cynobacteria, which were developed alongside it, and share a symbiotic relationship.

Physical Properties

Working not unlike an ocean-going man-o-war, the Liquid Ally is not just one micro-organism, but a colony of synthetic zooids. This means it can be completely squashed or torn apart, and yet will almost always reform back to its pre-set appearance.

When solid, it has the texture and permeability of a stress toy, squishy and deformable. Not actively being acidic despite first appearances, it is not dangerous to touch, and may even be used as a cushion by those so inclined!

Standard colour is a dark glossy teal, but orange and pink flavors are also available. It can eat both standard organic matter and simple base materials like copper, zinc, iron, and silica, simply absorbing them into itself and dividing up the material on an atomic level. Standard intelligence is roughly akin to that of a dog, and is typically friendly when approached. Makes a sort of 'wappa-wappa-wappa' sound.


  • When sleeping, it converts from 'animal' into 'plant' mode, massively increasing the activity of its symbiotic huron cynobacteria, and producing breathable oxygen at a much greater rate. It does not itself require air to breath, through prolonged heat or cold can degrade it rapidly.
  • The two compound eyes are mostly heat and radiation sensitive, but have quite good short-range microscopic vision. It can detect the presence of nanomachines and even dangerous natural bacteria, if so instructed.
  • Under heavy impacts, a concentrated lattice forms which enables the skin to suddenly become very hard. Blocking small-caliber bullets is thus possible, as well as plugging hull breaches, should the Ally be in danger of getting sucked out into space.
  • Because of the nature of its insanely small working components, it can quite easily sheer through most metals by forming molecular edges, or dissolving them in the same way as it eats.
  • It can form surprisingly solid power tools from its limbs, and can cling to almost any surface using microscopic hooks.
  • It also 'cold weld' sheets of metal together by depositing layers of stored metal directly onto the gap between two surfaces. This process resembles an acidic reaction, but is in fact the movement of tiny sculpting zooids, not unlike natural bone-constructing osteoblasts within the human body.
  • Because of the high content of Huron and fine particle radioactive material, it glows in the dark.

How to operate

Because the individual zooids do not have a great deal of processing power, controlling them is not as straight forward as with a standard junker. If the operator does not have mindware or at least Nekovalkyrja radio networking, mission data must be entered before the can is snapped open.

Settings include;

  • Timed (Complete a programmed action for a set amount of time, and then return to the can.)
  • Mission (Complete a programmed mission, and then return to the can.)
  • Continuous (Perform the same task forever, self-replicating with any available materials in order to make sure it continues to be done.)

It does not understand vocal commands, but can be given orders on the fly by radio transmission if needs be. Something resembling remote control is possible, but has the annoying feeling of the creature still controlling itself to some extent.

The specific concentration of Huron within the body is important, as a low amount can cause the entire organism to become ineffective and lethargic. Activating self-replication mode in an area with little organic mater can thus be problematic.


Developed in YE 39 on planet 188604 by Cloudy Truffleclub, themselves a mere automata who transcended to a somewhat higher degree of intelligence. After experiencing great tragedy with the loss of their mothership to Junkers with faulty programming, Cloudy decided to put their environmental science knowledge to work in making a version that did not require advanced components to self-replicate.

The prototypes attracted the attention of a small Freespacer group called Wire Guided, who both respected a being that worked outside of their set type, and enjoyed the utility of something that required no mothership to operate.

With funding improved, they were soon available throughout much of the sector, designs spreading throughout the polysentience.


A can of Liquid Ally is free to any members of Wire Guided, and can be used within the forces of the USO Star Organisation.

OOC Notes

primitive_polygon created this article on 2017/03/02 10:12.

faction/freespacers/liquidally.1674889102.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:23 (external edit)