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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45

Great White Dreadnaught

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

The GW Dreadnought is a first attempt at an Azorean Heavy Cruiser; it was designed to project strength. First launched ship was in the year YE 35

About the Ship

The Azoreans watched the NMX War roll across the stars around their system. A council was formed to learn how to operate the Nevah, and to design a ship to protect the system, and allow the Azoreans to expand out into the stars. With the war touching even with in the home system it's self, The council decided a large heavy cruiser was needed to protect the home system and any future expansion. The GW Dread was designed to bring forth, fire power, fighter squadrons, and command ship facilities.

Key Features

The raw fire power and size makes this ship stand above the rest of the Azoreans' at this time.

Mission Specialization

  • Being primarily designed to fight Capital Ships.
  • Command and Control for Fleet operations
  • Exploration of stars and looking for expansion colony planets.


Designed to look like one of the larger predator of the seas, the Great White Dreadnaught is fat and squat, with fins. The hull of the ship is dominated by the Disruptor turrets that cover any open space. The engines and hull placing cause a muscular appearance. Disruptor cannons project form the front bow of the ship. Hangers doors seat just about the side fins.






History and Background

The Nevah council worked in top secret to produce a method to defend and expand the Azoreans out to the stars. The lead engineer of the project was Neoryi, who lead the development of the ship. After developing systems based off what the Nevah contained and building the Hammerhead, the council decided that a new ship was to be built, a Heavy Cruiser. The Great White predator was chosen for its aggressiveness and its hydrodynamic qualities. With warnings of a universe of war and conflict, Azorean government felt that it needed to try to gain a level of technology that could compete out in the Celestial Sea

Statistics and Performance


  • Class: Great White
  • Type: Heavy Cruiser
  • Nomenclature: Az-C1-1A
  • Designers: The Nevah project
  • Manufacturer: Azorean government, (many sub-contractors.) Azorea
  • Fielded by: Azorean Star Navy


Crew: 10 operators are recommended, 5 are required.

Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 100 people. About 500 people can fit aboard in an emergency, but the ship would be extremely cramped.


  • Length: 548.64 meters (1800 feet)
  • Width: 109.728 meters (360 feet) main hull/ 219.456 meters (720 feet) fins/head
  • Height: 54.864 meters (180 feet)main hull/ 109.728 meters (360 feet) dorsal fin/tail
  • Decks: 13(4 meters each)

Propulsion and Range

  • Continuum Distortion Drive: None at this time.
  • Hyperspace Fold Drive: 236,682c (0.45 ly/m)
  • Sublight Engines: .15c
  • Range: Ship can travel for 6 months with out resupply.
  • Lifespan: Unknown at this time, Estimations stand a 10 years with refits
  • Refit Cycle: Unknown at this time, Estimations stand at yearly

Damage Capacity

Inside the Ship

Deck Layout

<Subject to Adjustment when deck layout image is created>

Deck Compartments
01 Engineering, Weapon systems
02 Engineering. Crew Cabins
03 Engineering, Bridge, Wardroom, Mess Hall, Captain's Suite, Crew Cabins
04 Engineering, Power Systems Room, Medical, Crew Cabins, Armory
05 Engineering, Power Systems Room, Shuttle Bay, Fabrication Bay,
06 Engineering, Shuttle Bay, Vehicle Storage, Fabrication Bay, Laundry
07 Engineering, Shuttle Bay, Vehicle Storage, Computer Systems, Recreation Room, Pool
08 Engineering, Crew Cabins, Cargo Bay, Cold Storage, Liquid Storage
09 Engineering, Crew Cabins, Cargo Bay, Cold Storage, Liquid Storage
10 Engineering, Crew Cabins, Cargo Bay, Cold Storage, Liquid Storage
11 Engineering, Crew Cabins, Cargo Bay, Cold Storage, Liquid Storage
12 Engineering,Lower Weapons Systems
13 Landing gear and miscellaneous systems

Compartment Layouts


All hand held weapons are kept in this locked and secured room. This room contains an independently controlled environmental system, which allows for a very controlled conditions for weapons and ammunition to be stored. Aside of the Armory there are a few hard lockers spaced through out the ship, to help arm the crew in case of boarders.


The bridge is in the forward section, an airlock separates it from the rest of the ship. The bridge can be flooded in combat, to allow the crew to survive higher levels of g-forces. A window in front allows the bridge crew to see what lies before the ship, with overlay screens projecting information onto the window. The captain, pilot, and other respective bridge crew have stations here. The arrangement of these stations are pilot and gunner in front, captain sitting in the middle to issue commands, sensors to the left, and communication to right.

Captain's Suite

This is the largest cabin aboard the ship. It contains the captain's office, and sleeping pool. The office contains a desk, desk chair, two chairs for others, also a short couch for relaxing.

Cargo Storage Areas

This expansive area contains everything to sustain the ship and crew. The lowest levels are massive water holding tanks, for drinking and maintaining the many pools and bath systems. Above that are the cold storage areas; mainly food, but other items that need a low temperature are kept here. The other decks of of the cargo storage contain parts and ammunition for the weapon systems.

Crew Cabins

Each of the Cabins contain a large bunk pool for two. The wall furthest from the hatch contains lockers for the occupants. The bunk pools have kerius_kelp to make a bed, a large cover hatches covers the pools when the ship enters combat or when the artificial gravity is off.

Crew Recreation

Located a few decks below the bridge, the recreation bays are connected to the rest of the ship by an airlock. The whole bay is flooded allowing crew members the chance to swim freely.


Containing the heart of the ship; engineering hold the fusion reactor, which takes up an aft section of the ship. Its power relays feed throughout the ship. Each conduit passes through the Power Systems room, to be regulated and adjusted for the needs of the ship.

Maintenance Tubes

Each Deck contains two Maintenance Tubes that run parallel down the length of the ship. The allow access to power relays and other vital ship systems. These tubes are construed out of a transparent material and are kept flooded. Access to them are at 50 feet. These maintain the emergency lighting so if lighting is lost the tubes will remain illuminated.

Medical Center

The medical center is built around two main rooms. The first room is filled with cabinets containing with medical equipment. The center of the room contains a surgical tables. The second room contains post op beds, and more medical storage. there is also the Medical Officer's office.


Each deck has two Passageways that run parallel along the exterior hull lines and a third that runs the center line. Cross corridors exist to allow access to opposite sides of the ship at regular intervals.

Escape Hatches

Within the middle section, behind the mid-line fins, there are two hatches on either side that allow. The crew to enter/leave the ship. It also might be possible to attach to other ships to those locations. The interior is separated from the rest of the ship to function as an airlock.

Shuttle Bays

This area allows storage and flight operations for shuttles and tactical space fighters. Separated across a few decks.


Along the outside of the room booths line the wall, allowing the center of the room to be filled with a long table for the officers. One end of the room has a buffet style serving area with a kitchen behind it.

Mess Hall

On the other side of the kitchen from the Ward room is the crew's mess hall. tables are set in rows with a buffet style serving area that mirrors the Wardroom's

Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The Hull is made out of Nerimium acquired from Nepleslia.

Life Support Systems

This ship employes special generators for water and air recycling. These same systems cause the air with in the ship to become moist, this both keeps the Azoreans hydrated and feeling at home.


Based off of technology given to the Azoreans, the GW Dread uses Plasma Thrusters to push it through space, powered by a fusion reactor.

Power Systems

Power relays run through out the ship, powering weapons, life support, computing systems, and more. the power conduits run along the same paths as the maintenance tubes.

Shield Systems

Again, based off of what was gained in the Nevah project, the Great White Dreadnaught has an efficient shielding system. It relies on a teardrop-shaped spatial distortion, to warp space around the ship, to alter the course of lasers, missiles, etc. A second system, called β€œthe spike,” only protects the front of the ship, acting as a giant cone, it protects the ship from collisions during high-speed space flight. Both of the shields can take a lot of damage but are not infallible, and fail after a few good hits.

Communication Systems

The Great White Dreadnaught uses communication technologies that were designed off of the vampire class ship involved in the Nevah project. While not as sophisticated as those on most other faction military vessels, they cover the basics (subspace and radio) and provide an acceptable amount of security. In a emergency, the communications system can act as a low resolution sensor system, by using the two receivers to pinpoint radio or subspace transmitters, much in the same way that primitive radar.

Anti-gravity system

Pulling from the Nevah project, again, the Great White Dreadnaught utilizes the Unidirectional Gravity Plating plating on the roof, which emits a pseudo-gravitational field, that is attracted to the plates on the floor pushing everything on the ship 'down'.

Hyper Space Fold Drive

The Azorean's were given hyper-fold technology as part over the protectorate status, the drive allows for FTL travel. Hyperfold drives make the distance between point A and point B seem to vanish by folding space over it's self, then tunneling through it.

Sensor Systems

The ship's sensor suit comes equipped with the entire collection of sensors. All data acquired is processed by slaved computers, and is transmitted to a holographic projector on the ship's bridge. Data is interpreted by the ship's core, the CO and the XO, as well as the helms men, and the tactical officer.

Emergency Systems

The ship can eject its fusion reactor into space in the event of a critical failure.

In the event of a hull breach, or fire the ships compartments can be sealed off by core controlled doors, with outer hatches being open to vent the flames and to prevent the ship from suffering total decompression.

The ship has 50 drop pods that sit on the dorsal and belly section of the ship. Each escape pod can hold up to ten crew members comfortably, though the number can be doubled, making the pod very cramped. It it should be noted that the ship will probably only be abandoned in the event of an accident.

Weapons Systems

  • Azorean Disruptor: 14 turrets (two Disruptors per) forward facing for Ship to ship combat, Tier 10, Light Anti-Starship each
  • Azorean Disruptor: 6 cannons bow for ship to ship combat, Tier 12, Heavy Anti-Starship each
  • Missile ports:
    • Location: 12 ports on the ship's bow upper. 12 ports on the bow lower.
    • Purpose: Anti-Escort
    • Secondary: Anti-Planet
    • Damage: 3 SDR

Vehicle Complement


12 Shuttles


4 flights of Mako Starfighter fighters, 24 fighters in total.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/01/15 20:04 by yoshi.

faction/azoreans/starship/gwdreadnaught.1561147747.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:32 (external edit)